Christine Rizkallah
Senior Lecturer
School of Computing and Information Systems
The University of Melbourne
Email: first name (dot) last name (at) unimelb.edu.au
Office: Office 2307, Level 2, Melbourne Connect
Address: 700 Swanston Street,
Carlton, VIC 3053,
My research ambition is to create techniques and tools that ease the use of interactive theorem provers for verifying code from various domains by focusing on one domain at a time. In particular, I am interested in developing domain-specific languages with type-systems that enforce desired properties and with verified or certifying compilers that reduce the effort required for formally verifying software systems.
So far, most of my work focused on using interactive theorem proving to establish new results or to formalize and verify existing results from the following research areas: algorithms, programming languages, security, systems, logic, and social choice theory. As demonstrated by my wide-ranging publication record, I enjoy interdisciplinary research and I am often keen to collaborate on solving problems that arise in various areas.