Wally Smith

BSc Hons, PhD Psychology (University College London)


School of Computing and Information Systems

Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology

The University of Melbourne

wsmith@unimelb.edu.au | tel: +61 3 8344 1494

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I am a researcher and teacher in the fields of human-computer interaction and science and technology studies. Currently I am leading an investigation of how emerging AI might actively deceive people, drawing on my various backgrounds in computing, psychology and magic performance. I also collaborate on projects looking at how people are using digital technologies to manage their emotions, how community histories are created and shared online, and the design of effective educational technologies including those intended for health-related behaviour change.

I am co-leader of the Human Computer Interaction Group where we explore the psychological and social dimensions of novel technologies through design-based investigations, working with a range of organisations and communities. I am currently on the executive of the Melbourne Chapter of ACM Special Interest Group for Computer-Human Interaction.