ROS (the robot operating system) is a large topic with many plausible levels-of-detail and plausible presentation/tutorial methods. This wiki in separated into the following sub-sections that increase in complexity and level-of-detail.

  1. ROS IN WORDS: provides an introduction to the core concepts and key elements of ROS within involving any programming. This level-of-detail should be enough to design a first draft of a ROS architecture for how you bring your robotics project together using ROS.

  2. ROS CODE: STARTING FROM A CLEAN SLATE: provides step-by-step tutorials for how the core concepts and key elements of ROS materialise through code (C++ and Python) and command line tools.

  3. ROS COMMAND LINE: provides a list and brief explanation for the essential command line tools.


Section 2 here (i.e., ROS CODE: STARTING FROM A CLEAN SLATE) is by definition rather “boring” because no exciting robotics behaviour is demonstrated.

To get straight into building you robotic system software, you can skip to the section of the wiki titled (i.e., AUTONOMOUS SYSTEM BUILDING BLOCKS), which jumps straight into interfacing with the actuators and sensors on your robot. From there you are referred back to specific parts of Section 2 here with motivation for why the “boring” parts of ROS upskilling are so important.

Section 1 (i.e., ROS IN WORDS) is beneficial for those with beginner and intermediate ROS skills.

Creative Commons License
Paul N. Beuchat, 2023