Lead CI | AU $14,354,574 |
Co-CI | AU $40,524,571 |
Total | AU $54,879,145 |
ACCSE: Academic Centres of Cyber Security Excellence; AFISC: Australian Food Industry Science Centre; AIC: Australia Indonesia Centre; ANZ: Australia New Zealand Bank; APRA: Australian Post-Graduate Research Award; ARC: Australian Research Council; ATERB: Australian Telecommunications and Electronics Research Board; BEIP: Broadband Enabled Innovation Programme; BoM: Bureau of Meteorology; CENDS: Center for Expertise in Networked Decision and Sensor Systems; CSIRO: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation; DBI: Department of Business and Innovation; DET: Department of Education and Training; DEST: Department of education, Science and Technology; DIISR: Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research; DITAC: Department of Industries, Technology and Commerce; DP: Discovery Project; DSTO: Defence Science and Technology Organisation; ERDC: Energy Research Development Corporation; EU: European Union; ICS: Intelligent Control Systems; IMOS-GBROOS: Integrated Marine Observing System-Great Barrier Reef Ocean Observing System; IPF: Ian Potter Foundation; ISL: International Science Linkages; ISSNIP: Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Signal Processing; LIEF: Linkage Infrastructure Equipment and Facilities; LIG: Large Infrastrucure Grant; LP: Linkage Project; MSR: Microsoft Research; NAB: National Australia Bank; NCRIS: National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy; NSWF: New South Wales Fisheries Department; RES: Resmed Limited; RN: Research Network; SEMAT: Smart Environmental Monitoring Analysis Technologies; SIEF: Science and Industry Endowment Fund; SG: Small Grants; UoM: University of Melbourne; VPAC: Victorian Partnership for Advanced Computing.
2019-2021 |
M. Palaniswami, T. Alpcan, J Jin, B. Krishnamachari. "Real-time internet of thing algorithms with performance guarantees". ARC Discovery Project |
2019-2021 |
M. Palaniswami, C. Karmakar, T. Penzel. "New entropy measures of short term signals for smart wearable devices". ARC Discovery Project |
2017-2021 |
C. Leckie, B. Rubinstein, T Alpcan, U Parampalli, A. Ahmad, V Teague, M Palaniswami, R. Kotagiri, S. Karunasekera, T. McCormack. Academic Centres of Cyber Security Excellence (ACCSE) Program awarded by Department of Education and Training (DET), Australia |
2015 |
Elaine Wong, Marimuthu Palaniswami, Jayavardhana Gubbi and Aravinda Rao, "Crowdsourcing of mobility hazards to enhance the safety and independence of the vision-impaired"; Partners: Melbourne Networked Society Institute (MNSI), Vision Australia, Guide Dogs Australia |
2015 |
M. Palaniswami, Deep Learning over Graphs: Understanding Smart Cities, University of Melbourne, Melbourne Research Grants Support Scheme |
2015 |
M. Palaniswami, L. Aye, T. Ngo, J. Gubbi, Khairurijal, and A S. Prihamanto, Australia-Indonesia Joint workshop on Smart Cities, awarded by Monash University |
2014-2017 |
M. Palaniswami, European Commission, (Horizon 2020) Organicity Project, Includes 14 other members. |
2013 |
S. Marusic and M Palaniswami. Internet of things and Enterprise Environments. EU 7th Framework Programme, awarded by University of Surrey. |
2013-2016 |
M. Palaniswami, European Commission (7th Framework; FP7 SMARTCITIES-2013). SOCIOTAL Project. Includes 9 other universities. |
2012-2015 |
M. Palaniswami, P. Mendis, M. A. Taylor, E. Chung, P.N. Pathirana, R Buyya, C Leckie, M. R. Duckham, D. Nandagopal, ARC Linkage Infrastructure (Equipment and Facilities). Internet of Things Testbed for Creating a Smart City. |
2012-2015 |
M. Palaniswami and R Buyya, ARC Linkage Grants Arup Pty Ltd and City of Melbourne. Creating Smart City through Internet of Things. |
2011 |
S. Karunasekera, C. Leckie, Shyamali, M. Palaniswami, B. Moran and P. Farrell. High resolution monitoring of atmospheric pollutants to identify their impact on population health. Interdisciplinary Seed Grant, Institute for a Broadband Enabled Society (IBES), University of Melbourne |
2011-2013 |
M. Brueing, N. Day, A. Khandoker, J. Black, S. Furman, G Brown, L Sonenberg, M. Palaniswami, B Raguse, S Trowell, L Weiczorek, G Wodrow. CSIRO; Science and Industry Endowment Fund - CSIRO. Appropriate Health Diagnostic Tools for Developing Countries using Mobile phones. |
2010-2011 |
Y. Law, S Marusic, J Gubbi Laxminarasimha and M. Palaniswami, Melbourne City Council; Research Contract. Noise Mapping: Designing an Urban Information Architecture to Record and Map Noise Pollution |
2010-2012 |
A. Khandoker and M. Palaniswami. Research Contract. Mobile Phone for Screening Fetal Well-being, Ian Potter Foundation. |
2010-2011 |
A. Khandoker and M. Palaniswami. Research Contract. New techniques for Screening Sleep Disordered Breathing and Sleep Quality Using Photo-Plethysmography (PPG) Signal (Stage 2), Resmed Limited. |
2010-2015 |
M. Palaniswami, A. Khandoker, Y. Kimura., ARC Linkage Grants. New techniques to detect fetal heart abnormalities. |
2010-2014 |
M Palaniswami, B. Vo, and J. Gubbi Lakshminarasimha. ARC Linkage Grants. Design of Adaptive Learning Visual Sensor Networks for Crowd Modelling in High-Density and Occluded Scenarios. |
2010-2013 |
M Palaniswami and 14 other partners, European Commission (7th Framework). Future Internet Experimental Facility and Experimentally-Driven Research; Smart Santander - awarded by Telefonica Investigacion Y Desarrollo |
2009 |
A. Khandoker and M. Palaniswami. Research Contract. New techniques for Screening Sleep Disordered Breathing and Sleep Quality, Resmed Limited. |
2010-2013 |
M. Palaniswami, C Leckie and P Havinga. ARC Discovery Projects. Trustworthy Sensor Networks: Theory and Implementation. |
2009-2013 |
M. Palaniswami, M. Zukerman, L. Andrew, Chen, ARC Discovery Projects. Efficient and Fair Traffic Control for a Multi-Service Internet |
2008 |
M. Palaniswami and 16 others, ARC Linkage Infrastructure (Equipment and Facilities). BIGNET - A distributed wireless sensor network test bed |
2008-2011 |
Ron Johnstone, Ian Atkinson, Stefan Paul Szylkarski, Bernard Pailthorpe M.Palaniswami, Cesare Alippi, Rudolpho Zich. National and International Research Alliance Grant. Smart Environmental Assessment & Monitoring Technologies (SEMAT) |
2007-2011 |
P Doherty, R Johnstone, I Atkinson, M. Kingsford, M Byrne, B Pailthorpe, M Heron, M Palaniswami, D. Harris, L. Vail. DIISR, NCRIS IMOS - Great Barrier Reef Ocean Observation System (GBROOS). |
2007-2008 |
M. Palaniswami, Ian Atkinson, Stuart Kininmonth, Slaven Marusic - Microsoft Research Grant, SensorMap for The Great Barrier Reef. |
2006 |
Egemen Tanin, L. Kulik, M. Palaniswami, R. Kotagiri, Large Infrastructure Grant- Mobile and Sensor Computing Technologies Laboratory |
2006-2009 |
Buyya (Project Manager), Kotagiri, Kowalczyk,Appelbe, M Palaniswami, International Science Linkages, Department of Education, Science & Training, Australia. The Utility Grid Project: Autonomic and Utility-oriented Global Grids for Powering Emerging E-Research Applications. |
2005-2009 |
M Palaniswami, DEST-ISL Grant, Distributed Sensor networks (Includes a group of 15 researchers from Australia, Europe and United States) |
2004 |
M. Palaniswami, Signal Processing in Sensor Networks, DEST International Science and Technology, Innovation Access Workshop Grant. |
2005-2008 |
M.Palaniswami, New Techniques for Modelling, Diagnosis and Counter Measures for Cardiac Related Sleep Disordered Breathing, ARC-Linkage Grant. |
2005-2007 |
M Palaniswami, M Zukerman, W Wang, S Low and Chen: Congestion Control for the Future Internet, ARC Discovery Grant. |
2004-2014 |
M. Palaniswami (Convenor+), Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing, Seed funding Grant for ARC Research Networks |
2003-2004 |
M. Palaniswami, Parallel Implementation of Support Vector Machines, Victorian Partnership for Advanced Computing (VPAC). |
2004-2006 |
M. Palaniswami, R.Evans and S. Challa, Dynamic Scheduling and Stochastic Control for Sensor Networks, ARC Linkage Grant |
2004-2005 |
M. Palaniswami, IAP Joint Workshop with the European Union on international workshop on signal processing for sensor networks (Joint Thematic Workshops with the European Union) awarded by Dept. of Education and Training. |
2003-2005 |
M. Good, S. Halgamughe and M.Palaniswami, Advanced Control and Estimation Strateegies for Electromechancial Brake-by Wire Systems, ARC, LP. |
M. Palaniswami, Support Vector Machines for Signal Processing Applications, U.of Melb Collaborative grant (with Indian Institute of Technology), Chennai |
2003-2005 |
M. Palaniswami and H. Watson, Control Strategies for Idle Speed of Automotive Engines, Australian Research Council D-P Grant |
2002-2005 |
R. Evans and M. Palanswami, Centre of Expertise on Networked Decision & Sensor Systems (CENDS) Set up Grant, DSTO. |
2000-2002 |
M. Palaniswami, D. Ralph and A.C. Tsoi, Incremental Learning in Support Vector Machines, Australian Research Council D |
2000-2002 |
M. Palaniswami and H. Watson, Nonlinear Modelling and Control of LPG Vehicles, Australian Research Council D |
2002 |
M. Palaniswami, Ship Recognition using Support Vector machines, DSTO |
2000-2001 |
M. Palaniswami and S. Challa, Weather Balloon Tracking, Bureau of Metereology. |
1998/1999 |
M. Palaniswami Bankruptcy prediction for Businesses, MelbIT and ANZ Bank. |
1998 |
M. Palaniswami; NSW Fisheries, Electronic monitoring of Fishways |
1997/1998 |
M. Palaniswami - System Identification and Reverse Engineering of ANN Systems (Defence Science and Technology Organisation - DSTO)) |
1996/1997 |
H. Liu and M. Palaniswami - Colour Measurement and Grading of Dried Sultanas, Australian Food Industry Science Centre |
1997 |
M. Palaniswami and H. Watson - Adaptive Control of Engine Ignition and Fuel Systems for Natural Gas Vehicles, Australian Research Council |
1996 |
Van Deventer and M. Palaniswami - Inverse problems in process models incorporating neural nets, Australian Research Council D |
1996 |
H. Liu and M. Palaniswami - Intelligent multi-modality image analysis and Visualisation: an initial study, Australian Research Council D |
1996 |
M. Palaniswami and H. Watson - Adaptive Control of Engine Ignition and Fuel, Systems for Natural Gas Vehicles, Australian Research Council D |
1996 |
M. Palaniswami, Automatic Target Recognition Using Neural Networks (Defence Science and Technology Organisation - DSTO) |
1995 |
M. Palaniswami, Solving combinatorial optimisation problems using neural Networks, Australian Research Council D |
1995 |
M. Palaniswami and H. Watson - Adaptive Control of Engine Ignition and Fuel Systems for Natural Gas Vehicles, Australian Research Council D |
1994 |
M. Palaniswami and H. Watson - Constrained Adaptive Control of Engine Ignition And Fuel Systems for Natural Gas Vehicles, ARC small grants |
1994/1995 |
M. Palaniswami -Intelligent Decision System for Image-Manufacturing Data Base Management System, DITAC/ICS |
1994 |
M. Palaniswami -Neural Networks for a Graphical Manufacturing Database System (APRA Industry Award) ARC/ICS |
1994/1995 |
D. Everitt and M. Palaniswami -Cellular Mobile Network Management using Neural Networks, ATERB |
1994 |
M. Palaniswami - Feature Extraction using Neural Networks, DSTO |
1994 |
M. Palaniswami - Parallel Implementation of Neural Networks - Bilateral Science And Technology Collaborative Program, DITAC |
1993-1996 |
M. Palaniswami and H. Watson - Adaptive Control of Automotive Engines (ERDC/Postgraduate Award) |
1993 |
M. Palaniswami - Solving Combinatorial Optimisation Problems using Neural Networks, CSIRO |
1993 |
M.Palaniswami - Rotation Invariant Target Recognition Using Neural Networks DSTO |
1993/1994 |
D. Everitt and M. Palaniswami -Cellular Mobile Network Management using Neural Networks, ATERB |
1993 |
M. Palaniswami -Neural Networks for a Graphical Manufacturing Database System (APRA Industry Award) ARC/ICS |
1992 |
M. Palaniswami -Neural Networks for Financial Applications (NAB) |
1992 |
M.Palaniswami - Radar Target Recognition Using Neural Networks, DSTO |
1992 |
M. Palaniswami, R. Evans, and T. Caelli - Automatic Identification and Scaling of Oblique Incidence Ionograms using Neural Networks, DSTO. (Achieved through open tender in competition with many Universities and Commercial organisations) |
1992 |
M. Palaniswami - Dynamic Modelling of Plants Using Recurrent Neural Networks (BHP) |
1992 |
M. Palaniswami - Robust Adaptive Filters for High Speed Data Transmission (APRA Industry Award) ARC/SPA |
1992/1993 |
D. Everitt and M. Palaniswami - Cellular Mobile Network Management using Neural Networks, ATERB |
1991 |
M. Palaniswami and C. Zhang - Intelligent Control Using Artificial Neural Networks ARC-SG |
1991 |
M. Palaniswami and K. Forward- Filter Structures for Edge Detection of Images ARC-SG |
1991 |
M. Palaniswami, M. Rogozinzki, and M. C. Good - Adaptive Control of Robotic Manipulators, CSIRO/Uni. of Melb Collab. Grant |
1990 |
M. Palaniswami and K. Forward - Filter Structures for Edge Detection of Images ARC-SG |
1990 |
C. Zhang and M. Palaniswami - Real-time Sampling Strategies for Process Control Special Initiative Grant - UoM |
1990 |
M. Palaniswami - Travel Grant, Ian Potter Foundation |