Refereed archival journals and book chapters:
2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2003, 2002, 2001, 1998 and priorRefereed conference papers:
2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999 and prior
Refereed archival journals and book chapters
Deshpande, R., Vinuesa, R., Klewicki, J.C. & Marusic, I. (2025) Active and inactive contributions to the wall pressure and wall-shear stress in turbulent boundary layers. J. Fluid Mech., 1003, A24, DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2024.1218.
Lanham, B.S., Pomeroy, A.W.M., Swearer, S., Marusic, I., Javaherchian, J. & Morris, R.L. (2025) Substrate-mediated alterations to hydrodynamic conditions enhances shellfish larval settlement: Implications for artificial reef restoration. Ecol. Eng., 212, 107474, DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2024.107474.
Abu Rowin, W., Kevin, Bhirawa, T., Lee, W.J., Philip, J., Marusic, I. & Monty, J. (2024) High-resolution PIV measurement over wind-generated waves. Exp. Fluids, 65, 77, DOI: 10.1007/s00348-024-03815-y.
Cremades, A., Hoyas, S., Deshpande, R., Quintero, P., Lellep, M., Lee, W.J., Monty, J.P., Hutchins, N., Linkmann, M., Marusic, I. & Vinuesa, R. (2024) Identifying regions of importance in wall-bounded turbulence through explainable deep learning. Nat. Commun., 15, 3864, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-47954-6.
Deshpande, R., Kidanemariam, A.G. & Marusic, I. (2024) Pressure drag reduction via imposition of spanwise wall oscillations on a rough wall. J. Fluid Mech., 979, A21, DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2023.1062.
Lozier, M., Marusic, I. & Deshpande, R. (2024) Revisiting amplitude modulation in non-canonical wall-turbulence through high-Reynolds number experimental data. Phys. Rev. Fluids, 9, 124602. PDF
Marusic, I. (2024) Dynamic mode decomposition for analysis of time-series data. J. Fluid Mech., 1000, F7, DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2024.834.
Mondal, J., Wu, Y., Mishra, A., Akbaridoust, F., Marusic, I., Ghosh, P. & Ashokkumar, M. (2024) Bubble oscillations at low frequency ultrasound for biological applications. Ultrason. Sonochem., 104, 106816, DOI: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2024.106816.
Savill, M.A. & Marusic, I. (2024) Albert Alan Townsend. 22 January 1917 — 31 August 2010. Biogr. Mems Fell. R. Soc., DOI: 10.1098/rsbm.2024.0012.
Abidin, N.A.Z., Timofeeva, M., Szydzik, C., Akbaridoust, F., Lav, C., Marusic, I, Mitchell, A., Hamilton, R.R., Ooi, A.S.H. & Nesbitt, W.S. (2023) A microfluidic method to investigate platelet mechanotransduction under extensional strain. Research and Practice in Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 100037. DOI: 10.1016/j.rpth.2023.100037.
Chandran, D., Zampiron, A., Rouhi, A., Fu, M.K., Wine, D., Holloway, B., Smits, A.J. & Marusic, I. (2023) Turbulent drag reduction by spanwise wall forcing. Part 2. High-Reynolds-number experiments. J. Fluid Mech., 986, A7, DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2023.498.
Deshpande, R., Chandran, D., Smits, A.J. & Marusic, I. (2023) On the relationship between manipulated inter-scale phase and energy-efficient turbulent drag reduction. J. Fluid Mech., 972, A12, DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2023.715.
Deshpande, R., de Silva, C.M. & Marusic, I. (2023) Evidence that superstructures comprise self-similar coherent motions in high Reynolds number boundary layers. J. Fluid Mech., 969, A10, DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2023.566.
Deshpande, R., van den Bogaard, A., Vinuesa, R., Lindić, L. & Marusic, I. (2023) Reynolds-number effects on the outer region of adverse-pressure-gradient turbulent boundary layers. Phys. Rev. Fluids, 8, 124604. PDF
Deshpande, R., Zampiron, A., Chandran, D., Smits, A.J. & Marusic, I. (2023) Near‑wall flow statistics in high‑Reτ drag‑reduced turbulent boundary layers. Flow Turbul. Combust., 111, 3. PDF
George, A., Akbaridoust, F., Zainal Abidin, N.A., Nesbitt, W.S. & Marusic, I. (2023) Characterisation of hydrodynamic trapping in microfluidic cross-slot devices for high strain rate applications. Lab on a Chip, DOI: 10.1039/d3lc00256j.
Jelly, T.O., Nardini, M., Rosenzweig, M., Leggett, J., Marusic, I. & Sandberg, R.D. (2023) High-fidelity computational study of roughness effects on high pressure turbine performance and heat transfer. Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow, 101, 109134, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2023.109134.
Henríquez-Piskulich, P., Stuart-Fox, D., Elgar, M., Marusic, I. & Franklin, A.M. (2023) Dazzled by shine: gloss as an antipredator strategy in fast moving prey. Behavioral Ecology, arad046, DOI: 10.1093/beheco/arad046.
Rouhi, A., Fu, M.K., Chandran, D., Zampiron, A., Smits, A.J. & Marusic, I. (2023) Turbulent drag reduction by spanwise wall forcing. Part 1. Large-eddy simulations. J. Fluid Mech., 986, A6, DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2023.499.
Symon, S., Madhusudanan, A., Illingworth, S.J. & Marusic, I. (2023) Use of eddy viscosity analysis of turbulent channel flow. Phys. Rev. Fluids, 8, 064601. PDF
Hwang, Y., Hutchins, N. & Marusic, I. (2022) The logarithmic variance of streamwise velocity and k-1 conundrum in wall turbulence. J. Fluid Mech., 933, A8, PDF
Li, M., de Silva, C.M., Chung, D., Pullin, D.I., Marusic, I. & Hutchins, N. (2022) Modelling the downstream development of a turbulent boundary layer following a step change of roughness. J. Fluid Mech., 949, A7, DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2022.731.
Li, X., Hutchins, N., Zheng, X., Marusic, I. & Baars, W.J. (2022) Scale-dependent inclination angle of turbulent structures in stratified atmospheric surface layers. J. Fluid Mech., 942, A38, DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2022.403.
Madhusudanan, A., Illingworth, S.J., Marusic, I. & Chung, D. (2022) Navier-Stokes–based linear model for unstably stratified turbulent channel flows. Phys. Rev. Fluids, 7, 044601. PDF
Xia, Y., Abu Rowin, W., Jelly, T.O., Marusic, I. & Hutchins, N. (2022) Investigation of cold-wire spatial and temporal resolution issues in thermal turbulent boundary layers. Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow, 94, 108926. PDF
Zainal Abidin, N.A., Poon, E.K.W., Szydzik, C., Timofeeva, M., Akbaridoust, F., Brazilek, R.J., Tovar Lopez, F.J., Ma, X., Lav, C., Marusic, I., Thompson, P.E., Mitchell, A., Ooi, A.S.H., Hamilton, J.R. & Nesbitt, W.S. (2022) An extensional strain sensing mechanosome drives adhesion-independent platelet activation at supraphysiological hemodynamic gradients. BMC biology, 20(1), 1-22, DOI: 10.1186/s12915-022-01274-7.
Zampiron, A., Cameron, S.M., Stewart, M.T., Marusic, I. & Nikora, V.I. (2022) Flow development in rough-bed open channels: mean velocities, turbulence statistics, velocity spectra, and secondary currents. J. Hydraulic Res., 61, 133-144, DOI: 10.1080/00221686.2022.2132311.
Baidya, R., Philip, J., Hutchins, N., Monty, J.P. & Marusic, I. (2021) Spanwise velocity statistics in high-Reynolds-number turbulent boundary layers. J. Fluid Mech., 913, A35. PDF
Byers, C.P., Hultmark, M., Marusic, I. & Fu, M.K. (2021) Examining the inertial subrange with nanoscale cross-wire measurements of turbulent pipe flow at high Reynolds number near the centreline. J. Fluid Mech., 919, A21. PDF
Deshpande, R., Monty, J.P. & Marusic, I. (2021) Active and inactive components of the streamwise velocity in wall-bounded turbulence. J. Fluid Mech., 914, A5, DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2020.884.
Deshpande, R. & Marusic, I. (2021) Characterising momentum flux events in high Reynolds number turbulent boundary layers. Fluids, 6, 168. (Special Issue in Memory of William W. Willmarth), DOI: 10.3390/fluids6040168.
Deshpande, R., de Silva, C.M., Lee, M., Monty, J.P. & Marusic, I. (2021) Data-driven enhancement of coherent structure-based models for predicting instantaneous wall turbulence. Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow, 92, 108879. PDF
Grigg, S.E., Zampiron, A., Akbaridoust, F., Chandran, D., Holmes, N.E., Johnson, P.D.R., Marusic, I. & Jones, D. (2021) Are surgical masks manufactured from sterilisation wrap safe? Infection, Disease & Health, 26, 104-109, DOI: 10.1016/j.idh.2020.11.001.
Heisel, M., de Silva, C.M., Hutchins, N., Marusic, I. & Guala, M. (2021) Prograde vortices, internal shear layers and the Taylor microscale in high-Reynolds-number turbulent boundary layers. J. Fluid Mech., 920, A52, DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2021.478.
Li, M., de Silva, C.M., Chung, D., Pullin, D.I., Marusic, I. & Hutchins, N. (2021) Experimental study of a turbulent boundary layer with a rough-to-smooth change in surface conditions at high Reynolds numbers. J. Fluid Mech., 923, A18. PDF
Marusic, I. & Broomhall, S. (2021) Leonardo da Vinci and Fluid Mechanics. Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech., 53, 1-25, DOI: 10.1146/annurev-fluid-022620-122816.
Marusic, I., Chandran, D., Rouhi, A., Fu, M.K., Wine, D., Holloway, B., Chung, D. & Smits, A.J. (2021) An energy-efficient pathway to turbulent drag reduction. Nat. Commun., 12, 5805, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-26128-8.
Rouhi, A., Lohse, D., Marusic, I., Sun, C. & Chung, D. (2021) Coriolis effect on centrifugal buoyancy-driven convection in a thin cylindrical shell. J. Fluid Mech., 910, A32. DOI:
Symon, S., Illingworth, S.J. & Marusic, I. (2021) Energy transfer in turbulent channel flows and implications for resolvent modelling. J. Fluid Mech., 911, A3. PDF
Akbaridoust, F., de Silva, C.M., Szydzik, C., Mitchell, A., Marusic, I. & Nesbitt, W.S. (2020) Experimental fluid dynamics characterization of a novel micropump-mixer. Biomicrofluidics, 14, 044116. PDF
Baars, W.J. & Marusic, I. (2020) Data-driven decomposition of the streamwise turbulence kinetic energy in boundary layers. Part 1. Energy Spectra. J. Fluid Mech., 882, A25, 1-40. PDF
Baars, W.J. & Marusic, I. (2020) Data-driven decomposition of the streamwise turbulence kinetic energy in boundary layers. Part 2. Integrated energy and A1. J. Fluid Mech., 882, A26, 1-25. PDF
Chandran, D., Monty, J.P. & Marusic, I. (2020) Spectral-scaling-based extension to the attached eddy model of wall turbulence. Phys. Rev. Fluids, 5, 104606. PDF
Cheng, Z., Jelly, T.O., Illingworth, S.J., Marusic, I. & Ooi, A.S.H. (2020) Forcing frequency effects on turbulence dynamics in pulsatile pipe flow. Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow, 82, 108538. PDF
de Silva, C.M., Chandran, D., Baidya, R., Hutchins, N. & Marusic, I. (2020) Periodicity of large-scale coherence in turbulent boundary layers. Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow, 83, 108575. PDF
Deshpande, R., Monty, J.P. & Marusic, I. (2020) A scheme to correct the influence of calibration misalignment for cross-wire probes in turbulent shear flows. Exp. Fluids, 61, 85. PDF
Deshpande, R., Chandran, D., Monty, J.P. & Marusic, I. (2020) Two-dimensional cross-spectrum of the streamwise velocity in turbulent boundary layers. J. Fluid Mech., 890, R2. PDF
Eich, F., de Silva, C.M., Marusic, I. & Kähler, C.J. (2020) Towards an improved spatial representation of a boundary layer from the attached eddy model. Phys. Rev. Fluids, 5, 034601. PDF
Heisel, M., de Silva, C.M., Hutchins, N., Marusic, I. & Guala, M. (2020) On the mixing length eddies and logarithmic mean velocity profile in wall turbulence. J. Fluid Mech., 887, R1. PDF
Jelly, T.O., Chin, R.C., Illingworth, S.J., Monty, J.P., Marusic, I. & Ooi, A.S.H. (2020) A direct comparison of pulsatile and non-pulsatile rough-wall turbulent pipe flow. J. Fluid Mech., 895, R3. PDF
Samie, M., Baars, W.J., Rouhi, A., Schlatter, P., Örlü, R., Marusic, I. & Hutchins N. (2020) Near wall coherence in wall-bounded flows and implications for flow control. Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow, 86, 108683. PDF
Wangsawijaya, D.D., Baidya, R., Chung, D., Marusic, I. & Hutchins, N. (2020) The effect of spanwise wavelength of surface heterogeneity on turbulent secondary flows. J. Fluid Mech., 894, A7. PDF
Xu, H.H.A., Towne, A., Yang, X.I.A. & Marusic, I. (2020) Pressure power spectrum in high-Reynolds number wall-bounded flows. Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow, 84, 108620. PDF
Baidya, R., Philip, J., Hutchins, N., Monty, J.P. & Marusic, I. (2019) Sensitivity of turbulent stresses in boundary layers to cross-wire probe uncertainties in the geometry and calibration procedure. Meas. Sci. Tech., 30, 085301. PDF
Baidya, R., Baars, W.J., Zimmerman, S., Samie, M., Hearst, R.J., Dogan, E., Mascotelli, L., Zheng, X., Bellani, G., Talamelli, A., Ganapathisubramani, B., Hutchins, N., Marusic, I., Klewicki, J.C. & Monty, J.P. (2019) Simultaneous skin friction and velocity measurements in high Reynolds number pipe and boundary layer flows. J. Fluid Mech., 871, 377-400. PDF
Baidya, R., Philip, J., Hutchins, N., Monty, J.P. & Marusic, I. (2019) Spatial averaging effects on the streamwise and wall-normal velocity measurements in a wall-bounded turbulence using a cross-wire probe. Meas. Sci. Tech., 30, 085303. PDF
Cameron, S.M., Nikora, V.I. & Marusic, I. (2019) Drag forces on a bed particle in open-channel flow: effects of pressure spatial fluctuations and very-large-scale motions. J. Fluid Mech., 863, 494-512, DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2018.1003.
Deshpande, R., Monty, J.P. & Marusic, I. (2019) Streamwise inclination angle of large wall-attached structures in turbulent boundary layers. J. Fluid Mech., 877, R4. PDF
Ge, M.W., Yang, X.I.A. & Marusic, I. (2019) Velocity probability distribution scaling in wall-bounded flows at high Reynolds numbers. Phys. Rev. Fluids, 4(3), 034101. PDF
Krug, D., Baars, W.J., Hutchins, N. & Marusic, I. (2019) Vertical coherence of turbulence in the atmospheric surface layer: connecting the hypothesis of Townsend and Davenport. Boundary Layer Meteorol., 172(2), 199-214, DOI: 10.1007/s10546-019-00445-4.
Li, M., de Silva, C., Rouhi, A., Baidya, R., Chung, D., Marusic, I. & Hutchins, N. (2019) Recovery of wall-shear stress to equilibrium flow conditions after a rough-to-smooth step-change in turbulent boundary layers. J. Fluid Mech., 872, 472-491. PDF
Madhusudanan, A., Illingworth, S., Marusic, I. (2019) Coherent large-scale structures from the linearized Navier-Stokes equations, J. Fluid Mech., 873, 89-109. PDF
Marusic, I. & Monty, J.P. (2019) Attached eddy model of wall turbulence. Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech., 51, 49-74, DOI: 10.1146/annurev-fluid-010518-040427.
Nikora, V.I., Stroesser, T., Cameron, S.M., Stewart, M., Papadopoulos, K., Barba, P.O., McSherry, R., Zampiron, A., Marusic, I. & Falconer, R.A. (2019). Friction factor decomposition for rough-wall flows: theoretical background and application to open-channel flows. J. Fluid Mech., 872, 626-664, DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2019.344.
Stewart, M.T., Cameron, S.M., Nikora, V.I., Zampiron, A. & Marusic, I. (2019) Hydraulic resistance in open-channel flows over self-affine rough beds. J. Hydraulic Res., 57(2), 183-196, DOI: 10.1080/00221686.2018.1473296.
Szydzik, C., Brazilek, R.J., Akbaridoust, F., de Silva, C., Moon, M., Marusic, I., Ooi, A.S.H., Nandurkar, H., Hamilton, J., Mitchell, A. & Nesbitt, W.S. (2019). Active micropump-mixer for rapid antiplatelet drug screening in whole blood. Anal. Chem., 91(16), 10830-10839. PDF
Vadarevu, S., Symon, S., Illingworth, S. & Marusic, I. (2019) Coherent structures in the linearized response of turbulent channel flow. J. Fluid Mech., 863, 1190-1203. PDF
Zimmerman, S. Philip, J., Monty, J.P., Talamelli, A., Marusic, I., Ganapathisubramani, B., Hearst, R.J., Bellani, G., Baidya, R. Samie, M. Zheng, X. Dogan, E., Mascotelli, L. & Klewicki, J.C. (2019) A comparative study of the velocity and vorticity structure in pipes and boundary layers at friction Reynolds numbers up to 104, J. Fluid Mech., 869, 182-213. PDF
Akbaridoust, F., Philip, J., Hill, D.R.A. & Marusic, I. (2018) Simultaneous micro-PIV measurements and real-time control trapping in a cross-slot channel. Exp. Fluids, 59(12), 183. PDF
Akbaridoust, F., Philip, J. & Marusic, I. (2018) Assessment of a miniature four-roll mill and a cross-slot microchannel for high-strain-rate stagnation point flows. Meas. Sci. Technol., 29(4), 045302. PDF
Berk, T., Hutchins, N., Marusic, I. & Ganapathisubramani, B. (2018) Trajectory of a synthetic jet issuing into high-Reynolds-number turbulent boundary layers. J. Fluid Mech., 856, 531-551. PDF
Chin, R.C., Monty, J.P., Chong, M.S. & Marusic, I. (2018) Conditionally averaged flow topology about a critical point pair in the skin friction field of pipe flows using direct numerical simulations. Phys. Rev. Fluids, 3(11), 114607. PDF
de Silva, C.M., Grayson, K., Scharnowski, S., Kahler, C.J., Hutchins, N. & Marusic, I. (2018) Towards fully-resolved PIV measurements in high Reynolds number turbulent boundary layers with DSLR cameras. J. Vis, 21(3), 369-379. PDF
de Silva, C.M., Kevin, Baidya, R., Hutchins, N. & Marusic, I. (2018) Large coherence of spanwise velocity in turbulent boundary layers. J. Fluid Mech. 847, 161-185. PDF
Grayson, K., de Silva, C.M., Hutchins, N. & Marusic, I. (2018) Impact of mismatched and misaligned laser light sheet profiles on PIV performance. Exp. Fluids, 59(1), 2. PDF
Illingworth, S.J., Monty, J.P. & Marusic, I. (2018) Estimating large-scale structures in wall turbulence using linear models. J. Fluid Mech., 842, 146-162. PDF
Krug, D., Zhu, X., Chung, D., Marusic, I., Verzicco, R. & Lohse, D. (2018) Transition to ultimate Rayleigh-Bénard turbulence revealed through extended self-similarity scaling analysis of the temperature structure functions. J. Fluid Mech., 851, DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2018.561.
Samie, M., Hutchins, N. & Marusic, I. (2018) Revisiting end conduction effects in constant temperature hot-wire anemometry. Exp. Fluids, 59(9), 133. PDF
Samie, M., Marusic, I., Hutchins, N., Fu, M.K., Fan, Y., Hultmark, M. & Smits, A.J. (2018) Fully resolved measurements of turbulent boundary layer flows up to Reτ = 20 000. J. Fluid Mech., 851, 391-415. PDF
Szydzik, C., Brazilek, R.J., Khoshmanesh, K., Akbaridoust, F., Knoerzer, M., Thurgood, P., Muir, I., Marusic, I., Nandurkar, H., Mitchell, A., Nesbitt, W.S. (2018) Elastomeric microvalve geometry affects haemocompatibility. Lab on a Chip, 18(12), 1778-1792. PDF
Yang, X.I.A., Baidya, R., Lv, Y. & Marusic, I. (2018) Hierarchical random additive model for the spanwise and wall-normal velocities in wall-bounded flows at high Reynolds numbers. Phys. Rev. Fluids, 3(12), 124606. PDF
Abbassi, M.R., Baars, W.J., Hutchins, N. & Marusic, I. (2017) Skin-friction drag reduction in a high-Reynolds-number turbulent boundary layer via real-time control of large-scale structures. Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow, 67, 30-41. PDF
Baars, W.J., Hutchins, N. & Marusic, I. (2017) Self-similarity of wall-attached turbulence in boundary layers. J. Fluid Mech., 823. PDF
Baars, W.J., Hutchins, N. & Marusic, I. (2017) Reynolds number trend of hierarchies and scale interactions in turbulent boundary layers. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A, 375(2089), 20160077, DOI: 10.1098/rsta.2016.0077.
Baidya, R., Philip, J., Hutchins, N., Monty, J.P. & Marusic, I. (2017) Distance-from-the-wall scaling of turbulent motions in wall-bounded flows. Physics of Fluids, 29(2), 020712. PDF
Chandran, D., Baidya, R., Monty, J.P. & Marusic, I. (2017) Two-dimensional energy spectra in high-Reynolds-number turbulent boundary layers. J. Fluid Mech., 826.PDF
de Silva, C.M., Philip, J., Hutchins, N. & Marusic, I. (2017) Interfaces of uniform momentum zones in turbulent boundary layers. J. Fluid Mech., 820, 451-478. PDF
de Silva, C.M., Krug, D., Lohse, D. & Marusic, I. (2017) Universality of the energy-containing structures in wall-bounded turbulence. J. Fluid Mech., 823, 498-510. PDF
Grayson, K., de Silva, C.M., Hutchins, N. & Marusic, I. (2017) Beam stability and warm-up effects of Nd:YAG lasers used in particle image velocimetry. Meas. Sci. Technol., 28(6), 065301. PDF
Krug, D., Holzner, M., Marusic, I. & van Reeuwijk, M. (2017) Fractal scaling of the turbulence interface in gravity currents. J. Fluid Mech., 820. PDF
Krug, D., Chung, D., Philip, J. & Marusic I. (2017) Global and local aspects of entrainment in temporal plumes. J. Fluid Mech., 812, 222-250. PDF
Krug, D., Philip, J. & Marusic I. (2017) Revisiting the law of the wake in wall turbulence. J. Fluid Mech. 811, 421-435. PDF
Krug, D., Yang, X.I.A., de Silva, C.M., Ostilla-Mónico, R., Verzicco, R., Marusic, I. & Lohse, D. (2017) Statistics of turbulence in the energy-containing range of Taylor-Couette compared to canonical wall-bounded flows. J. Fluid Mech., 830, 797-819. PDF
Marusic, I. Baars, W.J., Hutchins, N. (2017) Scaling of the streamwise turbulence intensity in the context of inner-outer interactions in wall-turbulence. Phys. Rev. Fluids, 2(10), 100502. PDF
Morrill-Winter, C., Squire, D.T., Klewicki, J.C., Hutchins, N., Schultz, M.P. & Marusic, I. (2017) Reynolds number and roughness effects on turbulent stresses in sandpaper roughness boundary layers. Phys. Rev. Fluids, 2(5), 054608. PDF
Nedic, J., Tavoularis, S. & Marusic, I. (2017) Dissipation scaling in constant-pressure turbulent boundary layers. Phys. Rev. Fluids, 2, 032601. PDF
Scharnowski, S., Grayson, K., de Silva, C.M., Hutchins, N., Marusic, I. & Kähler, C.J. (2017) Generalization of the PIV loss-of-correlation formula introduced by Keane and Adrian. Exp. Fluids, 58(10), 150. PDF
Squire, D.T., Hutchins, N., Morrill-Winter, C., Schultz, M.P., Klewicki, J.C. & Marusic, I. (2017) Applicability of Taylor's hypothesis in rough- and smooth-wall boundary layers. J. Fluid Mech., 812, 398-417. PDF
Wiseman, S.M., Brear, M.J., Gordon, R.L. & Marusic, I. (2017) Measurements from flame chemiluminescence tomography of forced laminar premixed propane flames. Combustion and Flame, 183, 1-14. PDF
Yang, X.I.A., Baidya, R., Johnson, P., Marusic, I. & Meneveau, C. (2017) Structure function tensor scaling in the logarithmic region derived from the attached eddy model of wall-bounded turbulent flows. Phys. Rev. Fluids, 2(6), 064602. PDF
Baars, W.J., Hutchins, N. & Marusic, I. (2016) Spectral stochastic estimation of high-Reynolds-number wall-bounded turbulence for a refined inner-outer interaction model. Phys. Rev. Fluids, 1(5), 054406. PDF
Baars, W.J., Squire, D.T., Talluru, K.M., Abbassi, M.R., Hutchins, N. & Marusic, I. (2016) Wall-drag measurements of smooth- and rough-wall turbulent boundary layers using a floating element. Exp. Fluids, 57(5), 90. PDF
de Silva, C.M., Hutchins, N. & Marusic, I. (2016) Uniform momentum zones in turbulent boundary layers. J. Fluid Mech., 786, 309-311. PDF
de Silva, C.M., Woodcock, J.D., Hutchins, N. & Marusic, I. (2016) Influence of spatial exclusion on the statistical behavior of attached eddies. Phys. Rev. Fluids, 1(2), 022401. PDF
Elsinga, G.E. and Marusic, I. (2016) The anisotropic structure of turbulence and its energy spectrum. Physics of Fluids, 28(1), 011701. PDF
Hellström, L.H.O, Marusic, I. & Smits, A.J. (2016) Self-similarity of the large-scale motions in turbulent pipe flow. J. Fluid Mech., 792. PDF
Hultmark, M., Marusic, I., McKeon, B.J. & Morrison, J.F. (2016) Introduction to Topical Issue on Extreme Flows. Exp. Fluids, 57(3). PDF
Keylock, C.J., Ganapathasubramani, B., Monty, J.P., Hutchins, N. & Marusic, I. (2016) The coupling between inner and outer scales in a zero pressure boundary layer evaluated using a Hölder exponent framework. Fluid Dynamics Research, 48(2), 021405. PDF
Marusic, I., Chauhan, K.A., Kulandaivelu, V. & Hutchins, N. (2016) Study of the streamwise evolution of turbulent boundary layers to high Reynolds numbers. In Whither Turbulence and Big Data in the 21st Century? 47-60., Ed. A. Pollard, L. Castillo, L. Danaila, M. Glauser. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland. PDF
Meneveau, C. and Marusic, I. (2016) Turbulence in the era of big data: Recent experiences with sharing large datasets. In Whither Turbulence and Big Data in the 21st Century? 497-508., Ed. A. Pollard, L. Castillo, L. Danaila, M. Glauser. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland. PDF
Mistry D., Philip J., Dawson, J.R. & Marusic I., (2016) Entrainment at multi-scales across the turbulent/non-turbulent interface in an axisymmetric jet. J. Fluid Mech., 802, 690-725. PDF
Samie, M., Watmuff, J.H., Van Buren, T., Hutchins, N., Marusic, I., Hultmark, M. & Smits, A.J. (2016) Modelling and operation of sub-miniature constant temperature hot-wire anemometry. Meas. Sci. Tech., 27(12), 125301. PDF
Squire, D.T., Morrill-Winter, C., Hutchins N., Schultz, M.P., Klewicki, J.C. & Marusic I. (2016) Comparison of turbulent boundary layers over smooth and rough surfaces up to high Reynolds numbers. J. Fluid Mech. 795, 210-240. PDF. Erratum: J. Fluid Mech., 797, 917. PDF
Squire, D.T., Morrill-Winter, C., Hutchins, N. & Marusic I. (2016) Smooth- and rough-wall boundary layer structure from high spatial range particle image velocimetry. Phys. Rev. Fluids, 1(6), 064402. PDF
Squire, D.T., Baars,W.J., Hutchins, N. & Marusic I. (2016) Inner-outer interactions in rough-wall turbulence. Journal of Turbulence, 17(12), 1159-1178. PDF
Tsuji, Y., Marusic, I. & Johansson, A.V. (2016) Amplitude modulation of pressure in turbulent boundary layer. Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow, 61, 2-11.PDF
Yang, X.I.A., Marusic, I. & Meneveau, C. (2016) Hierarchical random additive process and logarithmic scaling of generalized high order, two-point correlations in turbulent boundary layer flow. Phys. Rev. Fluids, 1(12), 022402. PDF
Yang, X.I.A., Marusic, I. & Meneveau, C. (2016) Moment generating functions and scaling laws in the inertial layer of turbulent wall-bounded flows. J. Fluid Mech., 791. PDF
Yang, X.I A., Meneveau, C., Marusic, I. & Biferale, L. (2016) Extended self-similarity in moment-generating-functions in wall-bounded turbulence at high Reynolds number. Phys. Rev. Fluids, 1(4), 044405. PDF
Baars, W.J., Talluru, K.M., Hutchins, N. & Marusic, I. (2015) Wavelet analysis of wall turbulence to study large-scale modulation of small scales. Exp. Fluids, 56(10), 188. PDF
Chung, D., Marusic, I., Monty, J.P., Vallikivi, M. & Smits, A.J. (2015) On the universality of inertial energy in the log layer of turbulent boundary layer and pipe flows. Exp. Fluids, 56(7), 141. PDF
de Silva, C.M., Marusic, I., Woodcock, J.D. & Meneveau, C. (2015) Scaling of second- and higher-order structure functions in turbulent boundary layers. J. Fluid Mech., 769, 654-686. PDF
Madad, R., Elsnab, J., Chin, C., Klewicki, J.C & Marusic, I. (2015) An investigation of channel flow with a smooth air-water interface. Exp. Fluids, 56(6), 128. PDF
Marusic, I., Chauhan, K., Kulandaivelu, V. & Hutchins, N. (2015) Evolution of zero-pressure-gradient boundary layers from different tripping conditions. J. Fluid Mech., 783, 379-411. PDF
Marusic, I. and Woodcock, J.D. (2015) Attached eddies and high-order statistics. In Progress in Wall Turbulence 2. ERCOFTAC Series, Vol. 23. Springer, Dordrecht.
Mathis, R., Marusic, I., Cabrit, O., Jones, N.L. & Ivey, G.N. (2015) Recontruction of wall shear-stress fluctuations in a shallow tidal river. In Progress in Wall Turbulence 2. ERCOFTAC Series, Vol. 23. Springer, Dordrecht.
Morrill-Winter, C., Klewicki, J.C., Baidya, R. & Marusic, I. (2015) Temporally optimized spanwise vorticity sensor measurements in turbulent boundary layers. Exp. Fluids, 56(12), 216. PDF
Poon, E.K.W., Hayat, U., Thondapu, V., Ooi, A.S.H., Haq, M.A.U., Moore, S., Foin, N., Tu, S., Chin, C., Monty, J.P., Marusic, I. & Barlis, P. (2015) Advances in three-dimensional coronary imaging and computational fluid dynamics: is virtual fractional flow reserve more than just a pretty picture? Coron. Artery Dis., 26, e43-54. PDF
Stanislas, M., Jimenez, J. & Marusic, I. (Eds.) (2015) Progress in Wall Turbulence 2. ERCOFTAC Series, Vol. 23. Springer, Dordrecht.
Woodcock, J.D. and Marusic, I. (2015) The statistical behaviour of attached eddies. Phys. Fluids, 27(1), 015104. PDF
2014Chauhan, K., Philip, J., de Silva, C.M., Hutchins, N. & Marusic, I. (2014) The turbulent/non-turbulent interface and entrainment in a boundary layer. J. Fluid Mech., 742, 119-151. PDF
Chauhan, K., Philip, J. & Marusic, I. (2014) Scaling of the turbulent/non-turbulent interface in boundary layers. J. Fluid Mech., 751, 298-328. PDF
Chin, C., Philip, J., Klewicki, J.C., Ooi, A. & Marusic, I. (2014) Reynolds-number-dependent turbulent inertia and onset of log region in pipe flows. J. Fluid Mech., 757, 747-769. PDF
de Silva, C.M., Gnanamanickam, E.P., Atkinson, C., Buchmann, N.A., Hutchins, N., Soria, J. & Marusic, I. (2014) High spatial range velocity measurements in a high Reynolds number turbulent boundary layer. Phys. Fluids, 26(2), 025117. PDF
Klewicki, J.C., Philip, J., Marusic, I., Chauhan, K. & Morrill-Winter. (2014) Self-similarity in the inertial region of wall turbulence. Phys. Rev E, 90, 063015. PDF
Mathis, R., Marusic, I., Cabrit, O., Jones, N.L. & Ivey, G.N. (2014) Modeling bed shear-stress fluctuations in a shallow tidal channel. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 119(5), 3185-3199. PDF
Philip, J., Meneveau, C., de Silva, C.M. & Marusic, I. (2014) Multiscale analysis of fluxes at the turbulent/non-turbulent interface in high Reynolds number boundary layers. Phys. Fluids, 26(1), 015105. PDF
Talluru, K.M., Baidya, R., Hutchins, N. & Marusic, I. (2014) Amplitude modulation of all three velocity components in turbulent boundary layers. J. Fluid Mech., 746. PDF
Talluru, K.M., Kulandaivelu, V., Hutchins, N. & Marusic, I. (2014) A calibtration technique to correct sensor drift issues in hot-wire anemometry. Meas. Sci. Technol., 25(10), 105304. PDF
Bailey, S.C.C., Hultmark, M., Monty, J.P., Alfredsson, P.H., Chong, M.S., Duncan, R.D., Fransson, J.H.M., Hutchins, N., Marusic, I., McKeon, B.J., Nagib, H.M., Orlu, R., Segalini, A., Smits, A.J. & Vinuesa, R. (2013) Obtaining accurate mean velocity measurements in high Reynolds number turbulent boundary layers using Pitot tubes. J. Fluid Mech., 715, 642-670. PDF
Chauhan, K., Hutchins, N., Monty, J.P. & Marusic, I. (2013) Structure inclination angles in the convective atmospheric surface layer. Boundary Layer Meteorol., 147(1), 41-50. PDF
de Silva, C.M., Baidya, R. & Marusic, I. (2013) Enchancing Tomo-PIV recontruction quality by reducing ghost particles. Meas. Sci. Tech., 24(2), 024010. PDF
de Silva, C.M., Philip, J. & Marusic, I. (2013) Minimization of divergence error in volumetric velocity measurements and implications for turbulence statistics. Exp. Fluids, 54(7), 1557 PDF
de Silva, C.M., Philip, J., Chauhan, K., Meneveau, C. & Marusic, I. (2013) Multiscale geometry and scaling of the turbulent-non-turbulent interface in high Reynolds number boundary layers. Phys. Rev. Lett., 111(4), 044501. PDF
Harun, Z., Monty, J.P., Mathis, R. & Marusic, I. (2013) Pressure gradient effects on the large-scale structure of turbulent bounday layers. J. Fluid Mech., 715, 477-498. PDF
Inoue, M., Pullin, D.I., Harun, Z. & Marusic, I. (2013) LES of the adverse-pressure gradient turbulent boundary layer.Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow, 44, 293-300. PDF
Khashehchi, M., Ooi, A.S.H., Soria, J. & Marusic, I. (2013) Evolution of the turbulent/non-turbulent interface of an axisymmetric turbulent jet. Exp. Fluids, 54(1), 1449. PDF
Marusic, I., Monty, J.P., Hultmark, M. & Smits, A.J. (2013) On the logarithmic region in wall turbulence. J. Fluid Mech., 716. PDF
Mathis, R., Marusic, I., Chernyshenko, S.I. & Hutchins, N. (2013) Estimating wall-shear-stress fluctuations given an outer region input. J. Fluid Mech., 715, 163-180. PDF
Meneveau, C. and Marusic, I. (2013) Generalized logarithmic law for high-order moments in turbulent boundary layers. J. Fluid Mech., 719. PDF
Philip, J., Baidya, R., Hutchins, N., Monty, J.P. & Marusic, I. (2013) Spatial averaging of streamwise and spanwise velocity measurements in wall-bounded turbulence using v- and x-probes. Meas. Sci. Technol., 24(11), 115302. PDF
Philip, J., Hutchins, N., Monty, J.P. & Marusic, I. (2013) Spatial averaging of velocity measurements in wall-bounded turbulence: single hot-wires. Meas. Sci. Technol., 24(11), 115302. PDF
Smits, A.J. and Marusic, I. (2013) Wall-bounded turbulence. Phys. Today, 66(9), 25-30. PDF
Adrian, R.J. and Marusic, I. (2012) Coherent structures in flow over hydraulic engineering surfaces. J. Hydraulic Res. 50(5), 451-464. PDF
Chong, M.S., Monty, J.P., Chin, C. & Marusic, I. (2012) The topology of skin friction and surface vorticity fields in wall-bounded flows. J. Turbulence, 13, N6. PDF
de Silva, C.M., Baidya, R., Khashehchi, M. & Marusic, I. (2012) Assessment of tomographic PIV in wall-bounded turbulence using direct numerical simulation data. Exp. Fluids, 52(2), 425-440. PDF
Ganapathisubramani, B., Hutchins, N., Monty, J.P., Chung, D. & Marusic, I. (2012) Amplitude and frequency modulation in wall turbulence. J. Fluid Mech., 712, 61-91. PDF
Grant, S.B. and Marusic, I. (2012) Response to "Letter to the Editor regarding "Crossing turbulent boundaries: Interfacial flux in environmental flows". Environ Sci Tech, 36(10), 5263. PDF
Grant, S.B., Saphores, J-D., Feldman, D.L., Hamilton, A.J., Fletcher, T.D., Cook, P.L.M., Stewardson, M., Sanders, B.F., Levin, L.A., Ambrose, R.F., Deletic, A., Brown, R., Jiang, S.C., Rosso, D., Cooper, W.J. & Marusic, I. (2012) Taking the "waste" out of "wastewater" for human water security and ecosystem sustainability. Science, 337(6095), 681-686. PDF
Grant, S.B., Stewardson, M.J. & Marusic, I. (2012) Effective diffusivity and mass flux across the sediment-water interface in streams. Water Resources Res., 48(5). PDF
Hutchins, N., Chauhan, K., Marusic, I., Monty, J.P. & Klewicki, J.C. (2012) Towards reconciling the large-scale structure of turbulent boundary layers in the atmosphere and laboratory. Boundary-layer Meteorol., 145(2), 273-306. PDF
Inoue, M., Mathis, R., Marusic, I. & Pullin, D.I. (2012) Inner-layer intensities for the flat-plate turbulent boundary layer combining a predictive wall-model with large eddy simulations. Phys. Fluids, 24(7), 075102. PDF
Klewicki, J.C., Chin, C., Blackburn, H.M., Ooi, A.S.H. & Marusic, I. (2012) Emergence of the four layer dynamical regime in turbulent pipe flow. Phys. Fluids, 24(2), 045107. PDF
Marusic, I. and Adrian, R.A. (2012) Eddies and scales of wall turbulence. In Ten Chapters in Turbulence (ed. P.A. Davidson, Y. Kaneda and K.R. Sreenivasan). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Philip, J. and Marusic, I. (2012) Large-scale eddies and their role in entrainment in turbulent jets and wakes. Phys. Fluids, 24(5), 055108. PDF
Sader, J.E., Sanelli, J.A., Adamson, B.D., Monty, J.P., Wei, X., Crawford, S.A., Friend, J.R., Marusic, I., Mulvaney, P. & Bieske, E.J. (2012) Spring constant calibration of atomic force microscope cantilevers of arbitrary shape. Review of Scientific Instruments, 83(10), 103705. PDF
Saikrishnan, N., Longmire, E.K., De Angelis, E., Marusic, I., Casciola, C.M. & Piva, R. (2012) Reynolds number effects on scale energy balance in wall turbulence. Phys. Fluids, 24(1), 015101. PDF
Tsuji, Y., Imayama, S., Schlatter, P., Alfredsson, P.H., Johansson, A.V., Marusic, I., Hutchins, N. & Monty, J.P. (2012) Pressure fluctuation in high-Reynolds-number turbulent boundary layer: results from experiments and DNS, J Turbulence, 13, N50. PDF
Woodcock, J.D., Sader, J.E. & Marusic, I. (2012) Induced flow due to blowing and suction flow control: an analysis of transpiration. J. Fluid Mech., 690, 366-398. PDF
Chin, C.C., Hutchins, N., Ooi, A.S.H. & Marusic, I. (2011) Spatial resolution correction for hot-wire anemometry in wall turbulence. Exp. Fluids, 50(5), 1443-1453. PDF
Davidson, P.A., Marusic, I. & Dawson, J.R. (2011) Dedication: Timothy Bruce Nickels (1966 - 2010). Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A, 369, 706-708. PDF
Grant, S.B. and Marusic, I. (2011) Crossing turbulent boundaries: Interfacial flux in environmental flows. Environ. Sci. Technol., 45, 7107-7113. PDF
Hutchins, N., Monty, J.P., Ganapathisubramani, B., Ng, H.C.H. & Marusic, I. (2011) Three-dimensional conditional structure of a high Reynolds number turbulent boundary layer. J. Fluid Mech., 673, 255-285. PDF
Marusic, I. and Nickels, T.B. (2011) A.A. Townsend. In: A Voyage through Turbulence (Chapter 9) (ed. P.A. Davidson, Y, Kaneda, H.K. Moffatt, and K.R. Sreenivasan). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Marusic, I., Mathis, R. & Hutchins, N. (2011) Reynolds number dependence of the amplitude modulated near-wall cycle. In Progress in Wall Turbulence: Understanding and Modeling. ERCOFTAC Series, Vol. 14. Springer, 105-107.
Mathis, R., Hutchins, N. & Marusic, I. (2011) A predictive inner-outer model for streamwise turbulence statistics in wall-bounded flows. J. Fluid Mech., 681, 537-566. PDF
Mathis, R., Marusic, I., Hutchins, N. & Sreenivasan, K.R. (2011) The relationship between the velocity skewness and the amplitude modulation of the small scale by the large scale in turbulent boundary layers. Phys. Fluids, 23(12), 121702. PDF
Monty, J.P., Harun, Z. & Marusic, I. (2011) A parametric study of adverse pressure gradient turblent boundary layers. Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow. 32(3), 575-585. PDF
Ng, H.C.H., Monty, J.P., Hutchins, N., Chong, M.S. & Marusic, I. (2011) Comparison of turbulent channel and pipe flows with varying Reynolds number. Exp. Fluids, 51(51), 1261-1281. PDF
Smits, A.J., McKeon, B.J. & Marusic, I. (2011) High Reynolds number wall turbulence. Ann. Rev. Fluid Mech. 43, 353-375. PDF
Smits, A.J., Monty, J.P., Hultmark, M., Bailey, S.C.C., Hutchins, N. & Marusic, I. (2011) Spatial resolution correction for wall-bounded turbulence measurements. J. Fluid Mech. 676, 41-53. PDF
Stanislas, M., Jimenez, J. & Marusic, I. (Eds.) (2011) Progress in Wall Turbulence: Understanding and Modeling. ERCOFTAC Series, Vol. 14. Springer. PDF
Chauhan, K., Ng, H.C.H. & Marusic, I. (2010) Empirical mode decomposition and Hilbert transforms for analysis of oil-film interferograms. Meas. Sci. Tech., 21(10), 105405, 1-13. PDF
Chin, C.C., Ooi, A.S.H., Marusic, I. & Blackburn, H. (2010) The influence of pipe length on turbulence statistics computed from direct numerical simulation data. Phys. Fluids, 22(11), 115107. PDF
Elsinga, G.E. and Marusic, I. (2010) Evolution and lifetimes of flow toplogy in a turbulent boundary layer. Phys. Fluids, 22(1), 015102. PDF
Elsinga, G.E. and Marusic, I. (2010) Universal aspects of small-scale motions in turbulence. J. Fluid Mech., 662, 514-539. PDF
Marusic, I., Mathis, R. & Hutchins, N. (2010) Predictive model for wall-bounded turbulent flow. Science, 329(5988), 193-196. PDF
Marusic, I., McKeon, B.J., Monkewitz, P.A., Nagib, H.M., Smits, A.J. & Sreenivasan, K.R. (2010) Wall-bounded turbulent flows at high Reynolds numbers: Recent advances and key issues. Phys. Fluids, 22(6), 065103. PDF
Marusic, I. and Smits, A.J. (2010) Anthony Edward Perry 1937-2001. Historical Records of Australian Science. 21, 1-105. PDF
Marusic, I., Mathis, R. & Hutchins, N. (2010) High Reynolds number effects in wall turbulence. Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow, 31(3), 418-428. PDF
Stanislas, M., Jimenez, J. & Marusic, I. (2010) Proceedings of Wallturb Workshop 2009. Springer-Verlag.
Woodcock, J.D., Sader, J.E. & Marusic, I. (2010) On the maximum drag reduction due to added polymers in Poiseuille flow. J. Fluid Mech., 659, 473-483. PDF
Chin, C.C., Hutchins, N., Ooi, A.S.H. & Marusic, I. (2009) Use of direct numerical simulation (DNS) data to investigate spatial resolution issue in measurements of wall-bounded turbulence. Meas. Sci. Tech., 20(11), 115401. PDF
Hutchins, I., Nickels, T.B., Marusic, I. & Chong, M.S. (2009) Hot-wire spatial resolution issues in wall-bounded turbulence. J. Fluid Mech., 635, 103-136. PDF
Marusic, I. (2009) Unravelling turbulence near walls. J. Fluid Mech., 630, 1-4. PDF
Mathis, R., Monty, J.P., Hutchins, N. & Marusic, I. (2009) Comparison of large-scale amplitude modulation in turbulent boundary layers, pipes, and channel flows. Phys. Fluids, 21(11), 111703. PDF
Mathis, R., Hutchins, N. & Marusic, I. (2009) Large-scale amplitude modulation of the small-scale structures of turbulent boundary layers. J. Fluid Mech., 628, 311-337. PDF
Monty, J.P., Hutchins, N., Ng, H.C.H., Marusic, I. & Chong, M.S. (2009) A comparison of turbulent pipe, channel and boundary layer flows. J. Fluid Mech., 632, 431-442. PDF
Jones, M.B., Nickels, T.B. & Marusic, I. (2008) On the asymptotic similarity of the zero-pressure-gradient turbulent boundary layer. J. Fluid Mech., 616, 195-203. PDF
Marusic, I. and Hutchins, N. (2008) Study of the log-layer structure in wall turbulence over a very large range of Reynolds number. Flow Turbulence Combust., 81(1-2), 115-130. PDF
Marusic, I., Joseph, D.D. & Mahesh, K. (2008) Minimum sustainable drag for constant volume-flux pipe flows. IUTAM Symposium on Flow Control and MEMS. J.F. Morrison et al. (eds.) 229-235, Springer.
Hutchins, N. and Marusic, I. (2007) Evidence of very long meandering structures in the logarithmic region of turbulent boundary layers. J. Fluid Mech., 579, 1-28. PDF
Hutchins, N. and Marusic, I. (2007) Large-scale influences in near-wall turbulence. Phil. Trans. R. Soc.Lond. A, 365(1852), 647-664. PDF
Marusic, I., Joseph, D.D. & Mahesh, K. (2007) Laminar and turbulent comparisons for channel flow and flow control. J. Fluid Mech., 570, 467-477. PDF
Marusic, I. and Eaton, J.K. (2007) Measurements considerations in non-canonical flows. In Handbook of Experimental Fluid Mechanics (Chapter 12) (ed. C. Tropea, J. Foss and A.L. Yarin). Springer-Verlag.
Marusic, I. and Heuer, W.D. (2007) Reynolds number invariance of the structure inclination angle in wall turbulence. Phys. Rev. Lett., 99(11), 114504, 1-4. PDF
Nickels, T.B, Marusic, I., Hafez, S.M., Hutchins, N. & Chong, M.S. (2007) Some predictions of the attached eddy model for a high Reynolds number boundary layer. Phil Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A, 365(1852), 807-822. PDF
Ganapathisubramani, B., Longmire, E.K. & Marusic, I. (2006) Experimental investigation of vortex properties in a turbulent boundary layer. Phys. Fluids, 18(5), 055105. PDF
Hambleton, W.T., Hutchins, N. & Marusic, I. (2006) Simultaneous orthogonal plane PIV measurements in a turbulent boundary layer. J. Fluid Mech., 560, 53-64. PDF
Kunkel, G.J. and Marusic, I. (2006) Study of the near-wall-turbulent region of the high Reynolds-number boundary layer using an atmospheric flow. J. Fluid Mech., 548, 375-402. PDF
Saikrishnan, N., Marusic, I. & Longmire, E.K. (2006) Assessment of dual plane PIV measurements in wall turbulence using DNS data. Exp. Fluids, 41(2), 265-278. PDF
Urness, T., Interrante, V., Longmire, E., Marusic, I., O’Neill, S. & Jones, T.W. (2006) Strategies for the visualization of multiple 2D vector fields. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 26(4), 74-82. PDF
Ganapathisubramani, B., Hutchins, N., Hambleton, W.T., Longmire, E.K. & Marusic, I. (2005) Investigation of large-scale coherence in a turbulent boundary layer using two point correlations. J. Fluid Mech. 524, 57-80. PDF
Ganapathisubramani, B., Longmire, E., Marusic, I. & Pothos, S. (2005) Dual-plane PIV technique to determine complete velocity gradient tensor in a turbulent boundary layer. Exp. Fluids., 39(2), 222-231. PDF
Heuer, W.D.C. and Marusic, I. (2005) Turbulence wall-shear stress sensor for the atmospheric surface layer. Meas. Sci. Tech., 16(8), 1644. PDF
Hutchins, N., Hambleton, W.T. & Marusic, I. (2005) Inclined cross-stream stereo PIV measurements in turbulent boundary layers. J. Fluid Mech. 541, 21-54. PDF
Marusic, I. and Hutchins, N. (2005) Experimental study of wall turbulence: Implications for control. In Transition and Turbulence Control (Chapter 7) (ed. M. Gad-el-Hak and H.M. Tsai). World Scientific Publishing Company.
Nickels, T.B., Marusic, I., Hafez, S. & Chong, M.S. (2005) Evidence of the k−1 law in a high Reynolds number turbulent boundary layer. Phys. Rev. Lett., 95(7), 074501. PDF
Ganapathisubramani, B., Longmire, E.K. & Marusic, I. (2003) Characteristics of vortex packets in turbulent boundary layers. J. Fluid Mech., 478, 35-46. PDF
Kunkel, G.J. and Marusic, I. (2003) An approximate amplitude attenuation correction for hot-film shear stress sensors. Exp. Fluids., 34(2), 285-290. PDF
Longmire, E.K., Ganapathisubramani, B., Marusic, I., Urness, T. & Interrante, V. (2003) Effective visualization of Stereo PIV vector fields of a turbulent boundary layer. J. Turbulence, 4(24). PDF
Marusic, I. and Kunkel, G.J. (2003) Streamwise turbulence intensity formulation for flat-plate boundary layers. Phys. Fluids, 15(8), 2461-2464. PDF
Ganapathisubramani, B., Longmire, E.K. & Marusic, I. (2002) Investigation of three dimensionality in the near field of a round air jet using Stereo-PIV. J. Turbulence, 3(16), 1-12. PDF
Perry, A.E., Marusic, I. & Jones, M.B. (2002) On the streamwise evolution of turbulent boundary layers in arbitrary pressure gradients. J. Fluid Mech., 461, 61-91. PDF
Callan, J. and Marusic, I. (2001) Effects of changing aspect ratio through a wind tunnel contraction. AIAA Journal, 39(9), 1800–1803. PDF
Jones, M.B., Marusic, I. & Perry, A.E. (2001) Evolution and structure of sink-flow turbulent boundary layers. J. Fluid Mech., 428, 1–27. PDF
Marusic, I. (2001) On the role of large scale structures in wall turbulence. Phys. Fluids, 13(3), 735–743. PDF
Marusic, I., Candler, G.V., Interrante, V., Subbareddy, P.K. & Moss, A. (2001) Real Time Feature Extraction for the Analysis of Turbulent Flows. In Data Mining for Scientific and Engineering Applications (ed. R.L. Grossman, C. Kamath, P. Kegelmeyer, V. Kumar & R.R. Namburu). Kluwer Academic Publishing. PDF
Marusic, I., Kunkel, G.J. & Porte-Agel, F. (2001) Experimental study of wall boundary conditions for Large Eddy Simulation. J. Fluid Mech., 446, 309-320. PDF
Nickels, T.B. and Marusic, I. (2001) On the different contributions of coherent structures to the spectra of a turbulent round jet and a turbulent boundary layer. J. Fluid Mech., 448, 367-385. PDF
1998 and prior
Perry, A.E., Marusic, I. & Jones, M.B. (1998) New evolution equations for turbulent boundary layers in arbitrary pressure gradients. Sadhana, 23(5-6), 443–457. PDF
Marusic, I., Uddin, A.K.M. & Perry, A.E. (1997) Similarity law for the streamwise turbulence intensity in zero-pressure-gradient turbulent boundary layers. Phys. Fluids, 9(12), 3718–3726. PDF
Uddin, A.K.M., Perry, A.E. & Marusic, I. (1997) On the validity of Taylor’s hypothesis in wall turbulence. J. Mech. Eng. Res. Dev., 19-20, 57–66. PDF
Marusic, I. and Perry, A.E. (1995) A wall-wake model for the turbulence structure of boundary layers. Part 2. Further experimental support. J. Fluid Mech., 298, 389–407. PDF
Perry, A.E. and Marusic, I. (1995) A wall-wake model for the turbulence structure of boundary layers Part 1. Extension of the attached eddy hypothesis. J. Fluid Mech., 298, 361–388. PDF
Perry, A.E., Marusic, I. & Li, J.D. (1994) Wall turbulence closure based on classical similarity laws and the attached eddy hypothesis. Phys. Fluids 6(2), 1024–1035. PDF
Perry, A. E., Li, J. D. & Marusic, I. (1991) Towards a closure scheme for turbulent boundary layers using the attached eddy hypothesis. In: Walker J.D.A. (ed), Turbulent Flow Structure Near Walls. The Royal Society. First published in Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A, 336, 67–79. PDF
Refereed conference proceedings
Marusic, I., Abu Rowin, W., Lozier, M., Lindić, L., Zarei, A. & Deshpande (2024) Turbulent/Non-turbulent Interface in High Reynolds Number Pressure Gradient Boundary Layers. Proc. IUTAM on TNTI 2024, Beijing, China. PDF
Lindić, L., Deshpande, R. & Marusic, I. (2023) Canonical inflow adverse pressure gradient turbulent boundary layers at high Reynolds number. Proc. 18th European Turbulence Conf., Valencia, Spain. PDF
Deshpande, R., Chandran, D., Smits, A.J. & Marusic, I. (2022) Towards energy-efficient turbulent drag reduction through enhancing the inter-scale coupling. Proc. European Drag Reduction Flow Control Meeting – EDRFCM 2022, Paris, France. PDF
Lindić, L., Deshpande, R. & Marusic, I. (2022) Towards establishing a canonical adverse pressure gradient turbulent boundary layer at high Reynolds numbers. Proc. 23rd Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conf., Sydney, Australia. PDF
Marusic, I., Chandran, D., Rouhi, A., Fu, M.K., Zampiron, A., Wine, D., Holloway, B. & Smits, A.J. (2021) Turbulent Drag Reduction at High Reynolds Number. Proc. 34th Symp. on Naval Hydrodynamics, Washington, USA. PDF
Deshpande, R., Monty, J.P. & Marusic, I. (2021) Spatial organization of wall-coherent and incoherent structures in turbulent boundary layers. Proc. 25th Int. Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM), Held Virtually in August 2021 (postponed from August 2020). PDF
Deshpande, R., Monty, J.P. & Marusic, I. (2020) Active and inactive motions in wall turbulence. Proc. 22nd Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., Brisbane, Australia. PDF
Deshpande, R., Monty, J.P. & Marusic, I. (2020) Large‐scale spanwise periodicity in a canonical turbulent boundary layer. Proc. 22nd Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., Brisbane, Australia. PDF
Kidanemariam, A. & Marusic, I. (2020) On the turbulence‐generated free‐surface waves in open‐channel flows. Proc. 22nd Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., Brisbane, Australia. PDF
Manovski, P., Gulotta, P., Giacobello, M., de Silva, C., Hutchins, N. & Marusic, I. (2020) High‐Speed PIV Measurements of a Turbulent Boundary Layer at 80 kHz. Proc. 22nd Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., Brisbane, Australia. PDF
Symon, S., Illingworth, S.J. & Marusic, I. (2020) Resolvent analysis predictions of energy transfer in turbulent channel flow. Proc. 22nd Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., Brisbane, Australia. PDF
Wang, S., Xia, Y., Abu Rowin, W., Marusic, I., Sandberg, R., Chung, D. & Hutchins, N. (2020) Heat Transfer Coefficient Estimation for Turbulent Boundary Layers. Proc. 22nd Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., Brisbane, Australia. PDF
Xia, Y., Abu Rowin, W., Jelly, T., Chung, D., Marusic, I. & Hutchins, N. (2020) An investigation of cold‐wire spatial resolution using a DNS database. Proc. 22nd Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., Brisbane, Australia. PDF
Deshpande, R., Monty, J.P. & Marusic, I. (2019) Correcting hotwire misalignment errors for wall-bounded turbulence measurements. Proc. 11th Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomenon, Southampton, UK. PDF
Li, M., de Silva, C.M., Baidya, R., Chung, D., Marusic, I. & Hutchins, N. (2019) Experimental study of a turbulent boundary layer with a rough-to-smooth change in surface conditions at high Reynolds numbers. Proc. 11th Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomenon, Southampton, UK. PDF
Ruan, Z., de Silva, C.M., Hutchins, N. & Marusic, I. (2019) PIV experiments to examine the manipulation of large-scale structures using cross-flow jets in a turbulent boundary layer. Proc. 13th Int. Symp. on Particle Image Velocimetry, Munich, Germany. PDF
Wangsawijaya, D.D., de Silva, C.M., Baidya, R., Chung, D., Marusic, I. & Hutchins, N. (2019) The instantaneous structure of turbulent boundary layers over surfaces with spanwise heterogeneity. Proc. 11th Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomenon, Southampton, UK. PDF
Akbaridoust, F., de Silva, C.M., Brazilek, R., Chen, X., Tovar-Lopez, F., Poon, E., Ooi, A.S.H., Mitchell, A., Nandurkar, H., Nesbitt, W. & Marusic, I. (2018) Examining flow dynamics of platelet function in micro-contractions using micro-PIV. Proc. 21st Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., Adelaide, Australia. PDF
de Silva, C.M., Chandran, D., Baidya, R., Hutchins, N. & Marusic, I. (2018) Periodicity of large-scale coherence in turbulent boundary layers. Proc. 21st Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., Adelaide, Australia. PDF
de Silva, C.M., Li, M., Baidya, R., Rouhi, A., Chung, D., Marusic I. & Hutchins, N. (2018) Estimating the wall-shear stress after a rough-to-smooth step-change in turbulent boundary layers using near-wall PIV/PTV experiments. 19th Intl. Symposium on the Application of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal. PDF
Li, M., de Silva, C.M., Baidya, R., Rouhi, A., Chung, D., Marusic, I. & Hutchins, N. (2018) Recovery of a turbulent boundary layer following a rough-to-smooth step-change in the wall condition. Proc. 21st Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., Adelaide, Australia. PDF
Li, X.B., Hutchins, N., Marusic, I. & Zheng, X. (2018) Coherent structures under different stratification stability conditions in the atmospheric surface layer. Proc. 21st Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., Adelaide, Australia. PDF
Madhusudanan, A., Illingworth, S.J. & Marusic, I. (2018) Estimation of coherent large-scale structures using the linearized Navier-Stokes equations. Proc. 21st Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., Adelaide, Australia. PDF
Jelly, T.O., Chin, R.C., Illingworth, S.J., Monty, J.P., Marusic, I. & Ooi, A.S.H. (2018) Quadruple decomposition of current-dominated pulsatile rough-wall turbulent pipe flow. Proc. 21st Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., Adelaide, Australia. PDF
Ruan, Z., Baars, W.J., Abbassi, M.R., Hutchins, N. & Marusic, I. (2018) Active control of large-scales in a high-Reynolds-number turbulent boundary layer. Proc. 21st Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., Adelaide, Australia. PDF
Rouhi, A., Chung, D., Marusic, I., Lohse, D. & Sun, C. (2018) Centrifugal buoyancy driven turbulent convection in a thin cylindrical shell. Proc. 21st Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., Adelaide, Australia. PDF
Wangsawijaya, D.D., de Silva, C.M., Baidya, R., Chung, D., Marusic, I. & Hutchins, N. (2018) Secondary flow over surfaces with spanwise heterogeneity. Proc. 21st Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., Adelaide, Australia. PDF
- Baars, W.J., Hutchins, N. & Marusic, I. (2017) Wall-coherent structure of turbulent boundary layers: an empirical spectral filter. Proc. 16th European Turbulence Conf., Stockholm, Sweden.
- Baidya, R., de Silva, C.M., Huang, Y., Castillo, L., Marusic, I. & Hutchins, N. (2017) The persistence of trip-induced spanwise periodicity in developing turbulent boundary layers. Proc. 10th Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomenon, Chicago, USA. PDF
- Baidya, R., de Silva, C.M., Marusic, I. & Hutchins, N. (2017) Quasi-steady nature of small-scale motions in three-dimensional turbulent boundary layers. Proc. 16th European Turbulence Conf., Stockholm, Sweden.
- de Silva, C.M., Kevin, Baidya, R., Hutchins, N. & Marusic, I. (2017) Large coherence of spanwise velocity in turbulent boundary layers. Proc. 10th Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomenon, Chicago, USA. PDF
- Illingworth, S., Monty, J.P. & Marusic, I. (2017) Dynamic estimation of large-scale structures in channel flow. Proc. 16th European Turbulence Conf., Stockholm, Sweden.
- Krug, D., Philip, J. & Marusic, I. (2017) A two-state model for the wake region in wall bounded flows. Proc. 16th European Turbulence Conf., Stockholm, Sweden.
- Mistry, D., Dawson, J., Philip, J. & Marusic, I. (2017) The influence of the turbulent/non-turbulent interface geometry on local entrainment. Proc. 10th Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomenon, Chicago, USA. PDF
- Monty, J.P., Chandran, D., Baidya, R. & Marusic, I. (2017) Measurements of the two-dimensional energy spectra of wall-turbulence at high Reynolds number. Proc. 10th Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomenon, Chicago, USA. PDF
- Skidmore, G., Monty, J.P., Philip, J. & Marusic, I. (2017) Free surface effects on the evolution of the wake of a circular cylinder. Proc. 16th European Turbulence Conf., Stockholm, Sweden.
- Van Buren, T., Hellstrom, L.H.O., Marusic, I. & Smits, A.J. (2017) The effects of sudden perturbations on turbulent pipe flow. Proc. 10th Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomenon, Chicago, USA.
- Van Buren, T., Marusic, I. & Smits, A.J. (2017) Turbulent pipe flow response to wall changes targeting specific azimuthal modes. Proc. 10th Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomenon, Chicago, USA. PDF
Abbassi, M.R., Baars, W.J., Hutchins, N. & Marusic, I. (2016) Drag reduction via large-scale opposition flow control in a high-Reynolds-number turbulent boundary layer. Proc. 20th Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., Perth, Australia. PDF
- Akbaridoust, F., Philip J. & Marusic, I. (2016) A miniature high strain rate device. Proc. 20th Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., Perth, Australia. PDF
Baidya, R., de Silva, C.M., Huang, Y., Castillo, L., Hutchins, N. & Marusic I. (2016) Developing turbulent boundary layers with spanwise periodic trips. Proc. 20th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conf., Perth, Australia. PDF
- Chandran, D., Baidya, R., Monty, J.P. & Marusic, I. (2016) Measurement of two-dimensional energy spectra in a turbulent boundary layer. Proc. 20th Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., Perth, Australia. PDF
- George, N. Ooi, A., Moinuddin, K. Thorpe, G., Marusic, I. & Chung, D. (2016) Direct numerical simulation of a turbulent line plume in a confined region. Proc. 20th Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., Perth, Australia. PDF
Grayson, K., de Silva, C.M., Hutchins, N. & Marusic I. (2016) Laser light sheet profile and alignment effects on PIV performance. Proc. 18th Int. Symp. on the Application of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal. PDF
Krug, D., van Reeuwijk, M., Holzner, M. & Marusic, I. (2016) Entrainment in stratified environments – an interface based approach. Proc. 8th Int. Symp. on Stratified Flows, San Diego, USA. PDF
- Reddy, G.V.R., Philip, J. & Marusic, I. (2016) The effects of laser-sheet misalignment on stereo-PIV measurements in wall-bounded turbulence. Proc. 20th Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., Perth, Australia. PDF
de Silva, C.M., Squire, D.T., Hutchins, N. & Marusic, I. (2015) Towards capturing large scale coherent structures in boundary layers using particle image velocimetry. Proc. 7th Australian Conference on Laser Diagnostics in Fluids Mechanics and Combustion, Melbourne, Australia. PDF
Grayson, K., Marusic, I. & Hutchins, N. (2015) Analysis of PIV error due to laser light sheet misalignment. Proc. 7th Australian Conf. on Laser Diagnostics in Fluids Mechanics and Combustion, Melbourne, Australia. PDF
Marusic, I., Baars, W.J. & Hutchins, N. (2015) An extended view of the inner-outer interaction model for wall-bounded turbulence using spectral linear stochastic estimation. Procedia Engineering, 126, 24-28. PDF
Mathis, R., Marusic, I., Hutchins, N., Monty, J.P. & Harun, Z. (2015) Inner-outer interaction predictive model for wall-bounded turbulence subjected to pressure gradient effects. Proc. 9th Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, Melbourne, Australia. PDF
Philip, J., Chung, D., Bermejo-Moreno, I. & Marusic, I. (2015) Characteristics of the entrainment velocity in a developing wake. Proc. 9th Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, Melbourne, Australia. PDF
Tsuji, Y., Johansson, A. & Marusic, I. (2015) Amplitude modulation of pressure in turbulent boundary layer. Proc. 9th Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, Melbourne, Australia. PDF
Baars, W.J., Talluru, K.M., Bishop, B.J, Hutchins, N. & Marusic, I. (2014) Spanwise inclination and meandering of large-scale structures in a high-Reynolds number turbulent boundary layer. Proc. 19th Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., Melbourne, Australia. PDF
- Baidya, R., Philip, J., Monty, J.P., Hutchins, N. & Marusic, I. (2014) Comparisons of turbulence stresses from experiments against the attached eddy hypothesis in boundary layers. Proc. 19th Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., Melbourne, Australia. PDF
- Chauhan, K., Baidya, R., Philip, J., Hutchins, N. & Marusic, I. (2014) Intermittency in the outer region of turbulent boundary layers. Proc. 19th Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., Melbourne, Australia. PDF
- de Silva, C.M., Marusic, I. & Hutchins, N. (2014) Regions of uniform streamwise momentum in turbulent boundary layers. Proc. 19th Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., Melbourne, Australia. PDF
- Li, S., Chin, C., Monty, J.P., Barlis, P., Marusic, I. & Ooi, A.S.H. (2014) Numerical investigation of the behaviour of wall shear stress in three-dimensional pulsatile stenotic flows. Proc. 19th Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., Melbourne, Australia. PDF
- Marusic, I., Talluru, K.M. & Hutchins, N. (2014) Controlling the large-scale motions in a turbulent boundary layer. Proc. 2nd Symp. on Fluid-Structure-Sound Interactions and Control, Hong Kong and Macau. PDF
- Philip, J., Chauhan, K. & Marusic, I. (2014) Entrainment and spreading of turbulent shear flows. Proc. 19th Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., Melbourne, Australia. PDF
- Sidebottom, W., Cabrit, O., Marusic, I., Meneveau, C., Ooi, A.S.H. & Jones, D. (2014) Modelling of wall shear-stress fluctuations for Large-Eddy Simulation. Proc. 19th Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., Melbourne, Australia. PDF
- Wiseman, S., Haghiri, A., Brear, M.J., Gordon R.L. & Marusic, I. (2014) Optical Emission Tomography of non-axisymmetric, laminar and premixed flames. Proc. 19th Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., Melbourne, Australia. PDF
- Woodcock, J.D. & Marusic, I. (2014) The attached eddy hypothesis and von Kármán's constant. Proc. 19th Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., Melbourne, Australia. PDF
- Buchmann, N.A., Atkinson, C., de Silva, C.M., Hutchins, N., Marusic, I. & Soria, J. (2013) Experimental investigation of the near and far field structure of high Reynolds number turbulent boundary layers. Proc. 14th European Turbulence Conf., Lyon, France. PDF
Cabrit, O., Mathis, R. & Marusic, I. (2013) On the fundamental fluctuating wall-shear stress. Proc. 8th Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, Poitiers, France. PDF
Chernyshenko, S., Marusic, I. & Mathis, R. (2013) Quasi-steady modulation of near-wall turbulence. Proc. 14th European Turbulence Conf., Lyon, France. PDF
de Silva, C.M., Atkinson, C., Buchmann, N.A., Gananamanickam, E.P., Hutchins, N., Soria, J. & Marusic, I. (2013) Nested multi-resolution PIV measurements of wall bounded turbulence at high Reynolds numbers. Proc. 10th Int. Symp. Particle Image Velocimetry, Delft, The Netherlands. PDF
Mathis, R., Marusic, I., Jones, N. & Ivey, G.N. (2013) Coupling a boundary layer wall shear-stress model with field experiments in a shallow tidal river. Proc. 8th Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, Poitiers, France. PDF
Baidya, R., Philip, J., Hutchins, N., Monty, J.P. & Marusic, I. (2012) Measurements of streamwise and spanwise fluctuating velocity components in a high Reynolds number turbulent boundary layer. Proc. 18th Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., Launceston, Australia. PDF
Cabrit, O., Mathis, R., Kulandaivelu, V. & Marusic, I. (2012) Towards a statistically accurate wall model for large-eddy simulation. Proc. 18th Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., Launceston, Australia. PDF
de Silva, C.M., Baidya, R. & Marusic, I. (2012) Assessment of tomographic PIV using experimental and DNS data in turbulent channel flows. Proc. 16th Int. Symp. Appl. Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal. PDF
de Silva, C.M., Chauhan, K.A., Atkinson, C.H., Buchmann, N.A., Hutchins, N., Soria, J. & Marusic, I. (2012) Implementation of large scale PIV measurements for wall bounded turbulence at high Reynolds numbers. Proc. 18th Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., Launceston, Australia. PDF
Harun, Z., Marusic, I., Monty, J.P. & Mathis, R. (2012) Effects of pressure gradient on higher order statistics in turbulent boundary layers. Proc. 7th Int. Symp. Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, Palermo, Italy. PDF
Inoue, M., Mathis, R., Marusic, I. & Pullin, D.I. (2012) Wall shear-stress statistics for the turbulent boundary layer by use of a predictive wall-model with LES. Proc. 18th Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., Launceston, Australia. PDF
Marusic, I. (2012) The logarithmic region of wall turbulence: Universality, structure and interactions. Proc. 18th Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., Launceston, Australia. PDF
Philip, J., Baidya, R., Hutchins, N., Monty, J.P. & Marusic, I. (2012) A comparative study of the spatial averaging in v and x-probes for the measuremnts of streamwise and spanwise velocities in wall turbulence. Proc. 18th Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., Launceston, Australia. PDF
Talluru, K.M., Morril-Winter, C., Ebner, R., Hutchins, N., Klewicki, J.C. & Marusic, I. (2012) Three dimensional conditional structure of large-scale structures in a high Reynolds number turbulent boundary layer. Proc. 18th Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., Launceston, Australia. PDF
Chauhan, K., Hutchins, N. & Marusic, I. (2011) Organised motions in turbulent boundary layers over a wide range of Reynolds number. Proc. 6th AIAA Theoretical Fluid Mechanics Meeting, Hawaii, USA. PDF
Chong, M.S., Monty, J.P. & Marusic, I. (2011) The topology of surface skin friction and vorticity fields in wall-bounded flows. Proc. 7th Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, Ottawa, Canada. PDF
Harun, Z., Monty, J.P. & Marusic, I. (2011) The structure of zero, favourable and adverse pressure gradient turbulent boundary layers. Proc. 7th Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, Ottawa, Canada. PDF
Mathis, R., Hutchins, N. & Marusic, I. (2011) Relationship between turbulence modulation and skewness in wall bounded flows. Proc. 7th Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, Ottawa, Canada. PDF
Marusic, I., Mathis, R. & Hutchins, N. (2011) A wall-shear stress predictive model. J. Phys. Conf. Ser., 318, 012003, Proc. 13th European Turbulence Conf, Warsaw, Poland.
Stewardson, M.J., Grant, S.B. & Marusic, I. (2011) Modelling hyphoreic exchange: From the boundary layer to the basin. Proc. Int. Congress Modelling Simulation: MOSDM 2011, Perth, Australia. PDF
Chauhan, K.A., Hutchins, N., Marusic, I. & Monty, J.P. (2010) Two-point correlation statistics in the atmospheric surface layer. Proc. 17th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conf., Auckland, New Zealand. PDF
Chin, C.C., Ooi, A.S.H., Marusic, I. & Blackburn, H. (2010) The influence of pipe length in direct numerical simulation. Proc. 17th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conf., Auckland, New Zealand. PDF
Chin, C.C., Hutchins, N., Ooi, A.S.H. & Marusic, I. (2010) Modeling of spatial resolution effects using DNS of turbulent channel flow. Proc. 8th Int. ERCOFTAC Symp. Engineering Turbulence, Modelling and Measurements, Marseille, France. PDF
Chong, M.S. and Marusic, I. (2010) The invariants of the no-slip tensor in wall-bounded flows. Proc. 17th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conf., Auckland, New Zealand. PDF
Harun, Z., Monty, J.P. & Marusic, I. (2010) Constant adverse pressure gradient turbulent boundary layers. Proc. 17th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conf., Auckland, New Zealand. PDF
Hutchins, N., Monty, J.P., Ganapathisubramani, B., Ng, H.C.H. & Marusic, I. (2010) Conditional large-scale structure of a high Reynolds number turbulent boundary layer. Proc. 17th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conf., Auckland, New Zealand. PDF
Khashehchi, M., Atkinson, C., Elsinga, G.E., Ooi, A.S.H., Marusic, I. & Soria, J. (2010) Accuracy of Tomo-PIV data for a turbulent round jet. Proc. 17th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conf., Auckland, New Zealand. PDF
Khashehchi, M., Elsinga, G.E., Ooi, A.S.H., Soria, J. & Marusic, I. (2010) Studying invariants of the velocity gradient tensor of a round turbulent jet across the turbulent/nonturbulent interface using Tomo-PIV. Proc. 15th Int. Symp. on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal. PDF
Kulandaivelu, V. and Marusic, I. (2010) Evolution of zero pressure turbulent boundary layers. Proc. 17th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conf., Auckland, New Zealand. PDF
Madad, R., Harun, Z., Chauhan, K.A., Monty, J.P. & Marusic, I. (2010) Skin-friction measurement in zero and adverse pressure gradient boundary layer using oil film interferometry. Proc. 17th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conf., Auckland, New Zealand. PDF
Marusic, I., Monty, J.P., Hutchins, N. & Smits, A.J. (2010) Spatial resolution and Reynolds number effects in wall-bounded turbulence. Proc. 8th Int. ERCOFTAC Symp. Engineering Turbulence, Modelling and Measurements, Marseille, France. PDF
Mathis, R., Hutchins, N. & Marusic, I., (2010) A model for velocity spectra in the inner layer of turbulent boundary layers. Proc. 8th Int. ERCOFTAC Symp. Engineering Turbulence, Modelling and Measurements, Marseille, France, PDF
Mathis, R., Hutchins, N. & Marusic, I., (2010) Scaling of inner and outer regions for flat plate boundary layers. Proc. 17th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conf., Auckland, New Zealand. PDF
Monty, J.P., Chong, M.S., Mathis, R., Hutchins, N., Marusic, I. & Allen, J.J. (2010) A high Reynolds number turbulent boundary layer with "Braille-Type" roughness. IUTAM Symposium on the Physics of Wall-Bounded Turbulent Flows on Rough Walls. T.B. Nickels (ed.) 69-75, Springer. PDF
Monty, J.P., Ng, H.C.H., Hutchins, N., Chong, M.S. & Marusic, I. (2010) High fidelity measurements of fully developed turbulent flow in pipes and channels. Proc. 17th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conf., Auckland, New Zealand. PDF
Ng, H.C.H., Monty, J.P., Hutchins, N., Chong, M.S. & Marusic, I. (2010) The conditional footprint of large and very-large motion in turbulent channel flows. Proc. 8th Int. ERCOFTAC Symp. Engineering Turbulence, Modelling and Measurements, Marseille, France. PDF
Krishna, T.M., Da Silva, C.M. & Marusic, I. (2010) New drag balance facility for skin friction reduction studies at high Reynolds numbers. Proc. 17th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conf., Auckland, New Zealand. PDF
Elsinga, G.E. and Marusic, I. (2009) Lifetimes of flow topology in a turbulent boundary layer. Proc. 12th EUROMECH European Turbulence Conf., Springer.
Elsinga, G.E. and Marusic, I. (2009) On the time evolution of the local flow topology in a turbulent boundary layer. Proc. 6th Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, Seoul, Korea. PDF
Ganapathisubramani, B., Hutchins, N., Monty, J.P., Ng, H. & Marusic, I. (2009) Near-wall influence of large-scale motions in high Reynolds number turbulent boundary layers. Proc. 6th Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, Seoul, Korea. PDF
Hutchins, N., Monty, J.P., Ng, H., Marusic, I. & Chong, M.S. (2009) Turbulent channels, pipes and boundary layers: Similarities and Differences in large scale motions. Proc. 6th Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, Seoul, Korea. PDF
Khashehchi, M., Elsinga, G.E., Borstein, H., Atkinson, C., Ooi, A.S.H., Soria, J. & Marusic, I. (2009) Studying the invariants of the velocity-gradient tensor of a round turbulent jet using Tomo-PIV. Proc. 8th Int. Symp. on Particle Image Velocimetry, Melbourne, Australia. PDF
Marusic, I., Hutchins, N. & Mathis, R. (2009) High Reynolds number effects in wall turbulence. Proc. 6th Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, Seoul, Korea. PDF
Marusic, I., Mathis, R. & Hutchins, N. (2009) Reynolds number dependence of the near-wall amplitude modulated cycle. Proc. WALLTURB, Lille, France. PDF
Mathis, R., Hutchins, N. & Marusic, I. (2009) Near-wall cycle amplitude modulation in turbulent boundary layers. Proc. 6th Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, Seoul, Korea. PDF
Sherry, M.J., Lo Jacono, D., Sheridan, J., Mathis, R., & Marusic, I. (2009) Flow separation characterisation of a forward facing step immersed in a turbulent boundary layer. Proc. 6th Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, Seoul, Korea. PDF
Hutchins, N., Monty, J.P., Chong, M.S. & Marusic, I. (2008) A comparison of internal and external turbulent boundary layers. Proc. 12th ICTAM Adelaide, Australia. PDF
Mathis, R., Hutchins, N. & Marusic, I. (2008) On the relationship between large- and small-scale motions in turbulent boundary layers. Proc. 12th ICTAM Adelaide, Australia. PDF
Robbins, W.P., Marusic, I., Morris, D. & Novak, T. (2008) Wind-generated electricity using flexible piezoelectric materials. Int. Symp. on Applications of Ferroelectrics (ISAF 2008), Santa Fe, NM, Feb 24-27. PDF
Chin, C.C., Monty, J.P., Ooi, A.S.H. & Marusic, I. (2007) Investigation of velocity correlations in turbulent channel flow. Proc. 16th Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf. Gold Coast, Australia. PDF
Hutchins, N., Marusic, I. & Chong, M.S. (2007) Fully mapped energy spectra in a high Reynolds number turbulent boundary layer. Proc. 11th EUROMECH European Turbulence Conf., Porto, Portugal. PDF
Hutchins, N., Nickels, T.B., Marusic, I. & Chong, M.S. (2007) The influence of spatial resolution due to hot-wire sensors on measurements in wall-bounded turbulence. Proc 16th Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., Gold Coast, Australia. PDF
Marusic, I., Monty, J., Hutchins, N. & Chong, M. (2007) Wall shear stress measurements in the atmospheric surface layer. Proc. 11th EUROMECH European Turbulence Conf., Porto, Portugal. PDF
Mathis, R., Hutchins, N. & Marusic, I. (2007) Evidence of large-scale modulation on the near-wall turbulence. Proc. 16th Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf. Gold Coast, Australia. PDF
Ng, H.C.H., Marusic, I., Monty, J.P., Hutchins, N. & Chong, M.S. (2007) Oil-film interferometry in high Reynolds number turbulent boundary layers. Proc. 16th Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., Gold Coast, Australia. PDF
Saikrishnan, N., Longmire, E.K. & Marusic, I. (2007) Analysis of scale energy budgets in wall turbulence using dual plane PIV. Proc. 16th Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., Gold Coast, Australia. PDF
Saikrishnan, N., Marusic, I. & Longmire, E.K. (2007) Effect of dual plane PIV resolution on determination of scale energy budgets in wall turbulence. Proc. 7th Int. Sym. on Particle Image Velocimetry, Rome, Italy. PDF
Saikrishnan, N., Longmire, E.K., Marusic, I., Marati, N., Casciola, C.M. & Piva, R. (2007) Use of dual plane PIV to assess scale-by-scale energy budgets in wall turbulence. Proc. 11th EUROMECH European Turbulence Conf., Porto, Portugal. PDF
Giforos, J.H., Longmire, E.K., Marusic, I., Hutchins, N. & Papanikolopoulos, N.P. (2006) Spectral clustering for identifying coherent eddy structure in turbulent boundary layers. ISYC 2006, Ayia Napa, Cyprus. PDF
Hutchins, N. and Marusic, I. (2006) Investigation of the log region structure in wall bounded turbulence. AIAA-2006-325, Reno, Nevada, USA. PDF
Marusic, I. and Hutchins, N. (2006) Study of the log. layer structure in wall turbulence over a very large range of Reynolds number. Proc. 5th Int. Symp. Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, Dubrovnik, Croatia. PDF
Monty, J.P, Chong, M.S., Hutchins, N. & Marusic, I. (2006) Surface shear stress fluctuations in the atmospheric surface layer. Proc. 11th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. PDF
Robbins, W.P., Marusic, I., Morris, D. & Novak, T.O. (2006) Wind-generated electrical energy using flexible piezoelectric materials. IMECE2006-14050, ASME Int. Mech. Eng. Congress, Chicago, IL, USA. PDF
Subbareddy, P., Peterson, D., Candler, G.V. & Marusic, I. (2006) A synthetic inflow generation method using the attached eddy hypothesis. AIAA- 2006-3672, San Francisco, USA. PDF
Hutchins, N., Ganapathisubramani, B. & Marusic, I. (2005) Spanwise periodicity and the existence of very large scale coherence in turbulent boundary layers. Proc. 4th Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, Williamsburg, USA. PDF
Saikrishnan, N., Marusic, I. & Longmire, E.K.(2005) Assessment of dual plane PIV measurements in wall turbulence using DNS data. Proc. 6th Int. Symp. Particle Image Velocimetry, Pasadena, CA, USA. PDF
Ganapathisubramani, B., Longmire, E.K., Marusic, I. & Pothos, S. (2004) Dual-plane PIV technique to resolve complete velocity gradient tensor in a turbulent boundary layer. Proc. 12th Int. Symp. Applic. Laser Tech. Fluid Mech., Lisbon, Portugal. PDF
Ganapathisubramani, B., Longmire, E.K., Marusic, I., Urness, T. & Interrante, V. (2004) Three dimensional structure characterization and visualization in a turbulent boundary layer. Proc. 10th European Turbulence Conf., Trondheim, Norway. PDF
Hafez, S.M, Chong, M.S., Marusic, I. & Jones, M.B. (2004) Observations on high Reynolds number turbulent boundary layer measurements. Proc. 15th Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., Sydney, Australia. PDF
Hutchins, N., Ganapathisubramani, B. & Marusic, I. (2004) Dominant spanwise Fourier modes, and the existence of very large scale coherence in turbulent boundary layers. Proc. 15th Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., Sydney, Australia. PDF
Hutchins, N., Hambleton, W. & Marusic, I. (2004) Inclined cross-stream stereo PIV measurements in turbulent boundary layers. Proc. 10th European Turbulence Conf., Trondheim, Norway. PDF
Jones, M.B., Nishizawa, N., Chong, M.S. & Marusic, I. (2004) Scaling of the turbulent boundary layer at high Reynolds numbers. In Reynolds Number Scaling in Turbulent Flow. A.J. Smits Editor. pp 271-277. Kluwer Academic Publishers. PDF
Marusic, I. and Kunkel, G.J. (2004) Turbulence intensity similarity laws for high Reynolds number boundary layers. In Reynolds Number Scaling in Turbulent Flow. A.J. Smits Editor. pp 17-22. Kluwer Academic Publishers. PDF
Marusic, I., Ganapathisubramani, B. & Longmire, E.K. (2004) Dual-plane PIV investigation of structural features in a turbulent boundary layer. Proc. 15th Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., Sydney, Australia. PDF
Marusic, I., Kunkel, G.J., Zhao, R. & Smits, A.J. (2004) Turbulence intensity similarity formulations for wall-bounded flows. Proc. 10th European Turbulence Conf., Trondheim, Norway. PDF
Nickels, T.B., Hafez, S.M., Marusic, I. & Chong, M.S. (2004) Evidence of the -1-law in a high Reynolds number turbulent boundary layer. Proc. 15th Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., Sydney, Australia. PDF
Urness, T., Interrante, V., Longmire, E., Marusic, I. & Ganapathisubramani, B. (2004) Techniques for visualizing multi-valued flow data. In Eurographics/ IEEE TCVG Symposium on Data Visualization, 2004. PDF
Kunkel, G.J. and Marusic, I. (2003) Similarity formulations for turbulent boundary layers at high Reynolds numbers. Proc. 4th ASME/JSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conf., FEDSM2003-45455, Hawaii. PDF
Longmire, E.K., Ganapathisubramani, B. & Marusic, I. (2003) Analysis of vortex packets and Reynolds stress in a turbulent boundary layer. Proc. 3rd Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, Sendai, Japan. PDF
Urness, T., Interrante, V., Marusic, I., Longmire, E.K. & Ganapathisubramani, B. (2003) Effectively visualizing multi-valued flow data using color and texture. Proc. IEEE Visualization 2003, pp.115-121. PDF
Subbareddy, P. and Marusic, I. (2002) Decomposition of turbulent fields using wavelets: an a priori investigation. Proc. 9th European Turbulence Conf., Southampton, UK. PDF
Ganapathisubramani, B., Loyer, A., Longmire, E.K. & Marusic, I. (2001) Three dimensionality in the near field of a round air jet. Proc. 2nd Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, Stockholm, Sweden. PDF
Kunkel G.J., Marusic, I. & Porte-Agel, F. (2001) Experimental study of near-wall models for large-eddy simulation. Proc. 14th Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., Adelaide, Australia. PDF
Longmire, E.K., Ganapathisubramani, B., Marusic, I. & Urness, T. (2001) Structure identification and analysis in turbulent boundary layers by stereo-PIV. Proc. 4th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry, Gottingen, Germany. PDF
Marusic, I., Ganapathisubramani, B., Longmire, E.K. & Uddin, A.K.H. (2001) Investigation of large-scale structures in wall turbulence. Proc. 2nd Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, Stockholm, Sweden. PDF
Sinha, K., Marusic, I. & Candler, G.V. (2001) Assessment of Reynolds stress predictions by two-equation turbulence models. AIAA-2001-2837, Anaheim, USA. PDF
Uddin, A.K.M., Marusic, I. & Subbareddy, P.K. (2001) Interpretation of space-time velocity correlations in wall turbulence. Proc. 14th Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., Adelaide, Australia. PDF
Callan, J. and Marusic, I. (2000) The effect of a changing aspect ratio through a wind tunnel contraction. AIAA-2000-2461, Denver, CO, USA. PDF
Marusic, I., Candler, G.V., Interrante, V., Martin, M.P., Subbareddy, P.K. & Moss, A. (2000) Detection and tracking of coherent features in a Mach 4 turbulent boundary layer. AIAA-2000-2414, Denver, CO, USA. PDF
1999 and prior
Perry, A.E., Marusic, I., Jones, M.B. & Hafez, S. (1999) Streamwise evolution of turbulent boundary layers in arbitrary pressure gradients. AIAA-1999-3589, Norfolk VA, USA. PDF
Smits, A.J. and Marusic, I. (1999) High Reynolds number flows: A challenge for experiment and simulation. AIAA-1999-3530, Norfolk VA, USA. PDF
Jones, M.B., Perry, A.E. & Marusic, I. (1998) Experimental study of sink flow turbulent boundary layers. Proc. 13th Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., Monash University, Australia. PDF
Marusic, I., Perry, A.E., Jones, M.B. & Chong, M.S. (1998) Evolution calculations for turbulent boundary layers approaching equilibrium sink flow. Proc. 13th Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., Monash University, Australia. PDF
Nishizawa, N., Marusic, I. & Perry, A.E. (1998) Measurement of wall shear stress in turbulent boundary layers using an optical interferometry method. Proc. 13th Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., Monash University, Australia. PDF
Marusic, I. and Perry, A.E. (1997) Application of the attached eddy hypothesis in the evolution of turbulent boundary layers. Proc. 2nd International Seminar on Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer, pp.1–8, Dhaka, Bangladesh. PDF
Perry, A.E., Marusic, I. & Jones, M.B. (1997) New evolution equations for turbulent boundary layers in arbitrary pressure gradients. Proc. 7th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, Madras, India. PDF
Uddin, A.K.M., Perry, A.E. & Marusic, I. (1997) Application of the wavelet transform in turbulence. Proc. 2nd International Seminar on Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer, pp.25–34, Dhaka, Bangladesh. PDF
Jones, M.B., Marusic, I. & Perry, A.E. (1995) The effect of aspect ratio and divergence on the turbulence structure of boundary layers. Proc. 12th Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf., pp.436-439, Sydney, Australia. PDF
Marusic, I. and Perry, A.E. (1995) A wall-wake model turbulent boundary layers with pressure gradients. Proc. 12th Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf. pp.211–214, Sydney, Australia. PDF
Perry, A.E., Uddin, A.K.M. & Marusic, I. (1995) Similarity laws and attached eddies in turbulent boundary layers. Proc. 12th Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf. pp.203–206, Sydney, Australia. PDF
Uddin, A.K.M., Perry, A.E. & Marusic, I. (1995) Similarity predictions based on the attached eddy hypothesis in turbulent boundary layers. Proc. 6th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics pp.67–71, Singapore. PDF
Marusic, I., Nickels, T.B. & Perry, A.E. (1994) A comparative study of the spectra of turbulent jets and boundary layers at high wavenumbers. Proc. 2nd International Conf. Experimental Fluid Mechanics, Torino, Italy. Edited by M. Onorato. Levrotto and Bella, pp.253–260. PDF
Perry, A.E., Marusic, I. & Li, J. (1993) Recent ideas and developments in the modelling of wall turbulence. In Near-Wall Turbulent Flows. Keynote paper, p.1029, R.M.C. So, C.G. Speziale and B.E. Launder (Editors), Elsevier Science. PDF
Marusic, I. & Perry, A.E. (1992) Cone angles and Reynolds stresses in an adverse pressure gradient boundary layer. Proc. 11th Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf. pp.829–832, Hobart, Australia. PDF
Perry, A.E., Uddin, A.K.M. & Marusic, I. (1992) An experimental and computational study on the orientation of attached eddies in turbulent boundary layers. Proc. 11th Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf. pp.247–250, Hobart, Australia. PDF
Perry, A.E., Li, J.D., Henbest, S.M. & Marusic, I. (1990) The attached eddy hypothesis in wall turbulence. In Near-wall Turbulence (ed. S.J. Kline & N.H. Afgan), 715–735. New York: Hemisphere. PDF
Marusic, I., Li, J.D. & Perry, A.E. (1989) A study of the Reynolds shear stress spectra in zero pressure gradient boundary layers. Proc. 10th Australasian Fluid Mech. Conf. pp.1.5–1.8, Melbourne, Australia. PDF
Perry, A.E., Li, J.D. & Marusic, I. (1988) Novel methods of modelling wall turbulence. AIAA-1988-0219, Reno, NV, USA. PDF