
Types of elements

arb uses an unstructured mesh composed of cell elements that are separated by face elements. Node elements are the points demarcating the face and cell elements. The dimension of each element is specified on a per-element basis, consistent with the particular computational domain that the element is within (that is, not globally).

Cell elements are classified as either boundary cells (that is, on the boundary of a domain) or domain cells (that is, contained within a domain). Domain cells have a dimension that is equal to that of the domain they are in (ie, dimension 3/2/1 if the domain is a volume/surface/line, resp.). Boundary cells have a dimension that is one less than that of the associated domain (ie, dimension 2/1/0 if the domain is a volume/surface/line, resp.).

Face elements are any elements that separate cell elements. Face elements also have a dimension that is one less than that of the domain they are within. Some face elements are specified explicitly within a file (if they are part of a physical entity such as for example), while the remainder are generated by arb when the mesh is read in. Face elements are also classified as being either domain faces or boundary faces. Each boundary face has the same geometry, and is conincident with, a boundary cell. Hence, a mesh has the same number of boundary faces as boundary cells.

Node elements are the vertices that bound both the face and cell elements. Node elements always have a dimension of point (0) and appear as geometry->points in gmsh.

File format

Meshes are read in from files, in the format of the open source gmsh program having extension .msh. Pointwise is a commercial meshing program that also exports to this format. Multiple files can be read in by arb for each simulation.

arb has been coded to be able to handle any poly-sided first order elements supported by the gmsh file format. It has been tested to date with tetrahedron, boxes and prisms in 3D, triangles and rectangles in 2D, lines in 1D and points in 0D. Tetrahedron, triangles, lines and points are the default element geometries created by gmsh.

Meshes and data are also exported by arb using the same gmsh .msh format. During every simulation all domains and all output-enabled data will be written by default to an output.msh file. Other .msh files may also be written, corresponding to any .msh files that are read in (with any associated output-enabled data).

Regions imported from files as well as regions created by arb will be exported to any written files, however note that as the physical entities handled by gmsh can only have a single dimension, elements that have a dimension that is less than any others within a region will not be associated with that region in any arb-created files. This is relevant for example when a compound region is created that contains both domain and boundary cells. When this arb-written file is displayed by gmsh it will only appear to contain the domain cells.

Data and mesh file reading

Mesh and data input and output is specified by MSH_FILE statements within the arb file, having the generic format:

MSH_FILE "msh_file_name_including_path" comma,separated,list,of,options # comments

The file name here refers to the read location of the file. If a file is to be written it will always be written to the output directory which defaults to output within the user’s working directory (see option --output that can be passed to the arb script to change this directory name). As all .msh files could be written to this same output directory, all .msh file basenames must be unique. Options for the default output.msh file should be referred to by output/output.msh if the default output directory is used (which is the read location for this file if it did exist). File paths in the MSH_FILE statement are relative to the user’s working directory (the directory from which arb is being run`).

Note that face and cell boundary elements are not written separately to each .msh file by arb, but rather as a single element. Hence both cell and face boundary data is associated with a single element in each .msh file.

The .msh files written by arb can contain data. One purpose of exporting data to a .msh file is to provide initial conditions for another (or next) simulation. In this case generally you just have to specify the output/output.msh file from the previous simulation as the mesh file to be read in for the next simulation, as in

MSH_FILE "output/output.msh" input # note that the read location of each file needs to be specified

A disadvantage of restarting in this manner however is that the old output.msh file will be overwritten. Hence an alternative is to copy the output file first and place/rename it within the user’s working directory so that it is saved for a subsequent restart, and then restart from the copied file.

Note that each arb-written file contains all the information about a mesh that was originally contained in the mesh-only gmsh-written .msh file: Hence, when starting a simulation from an arb-written .msh datafile is it not necessary (nor does it make sense) to also read in the original gmsh .msh file.

Also note that .msh data files that contain variable values can only refer to mesh elements that are specified in the same named .msh data file (unless some fancy magic is worked in your equations). Hence, if two mesh files are read in, as in

MSH_FILE "domain1.msh" input,output # region <domain1> is contained here
MSH_FILE "domain2.msh" input,output # region <domain2> is contained here
MSH_FILE "output.msh" output # contains all regions
CELL_OUTPUT <a variable> "1.d0" ON <domain1> # data associated with <domain1> will be written to output/domain1.msh and output/output.msh, but not output/domain2.msh

then regions and their associated data will only be written to output .msh files corresponding to the filenames in which they were originally defined. The output.msh file is handled differently however and will contain all regions on output, irrespective of the regions contained in any output.msh file that is read in.

Mesh read and write options

Three types of options are available for each file:

Output options:

These options specify how and what information is to be written to output .msh files:

By default all meshes have the nooutput option specified, with the exception of the output.msh file, which has option output.

Input options:

These options specify what information is to be read from the file.

By default all meshes have the input option specified, with the exception of the default output.msh mesh, which has option noinput. Meshes and data cannot be read using the vtk or dat file formats.

Data format options:

Variables associated with cell elements can be written in the following formats:

elementnodedata and elementnodelimiteddata formats generate larger .msh files than the elementdata format as data values for each node element of each cell element have to be written to the .msh file: However, these node formats look much better for scalar cell data. There is little reason to use elementnodedata over elementnodelimiteddata. Variables associated with face or node elements will only be written in elementdata format. Variables that are none centred are written using a special data format which gmsh won’t display, however these values can be read in by subsequent arb simulations.

Default data formats for each variable are (search ref: default output in setup_module.f90):

The default formats can be overwritten on a per-variable or per-file basis. An option such as elementdata added to the MSH_FILE command will cause all applicable data to be written in this format within this file. Similarly, an option such as elementnodedata added to a variable definition statement will cause just this variable to be written in this format (if applicable). The per-file format option takes precedence over any per-variable format options.

Multiple domains: Cell and face element specification

The distinction between cell elements and face elements is not made by gmsh or contained explicitly in the file, but rather must be made by arb when a file is read in. Gmsh’s behaviour is to only write an element to a file if it is a member of a physical entity. Further, each physical entity has a single dimension. So, to decide whether an element is either a face or cell element, arb does two things when reading in each file:

  1. The maximum dimension of all physical entities with the file is found. This is stored as the dimension of the particular mesh (ie .msh file);

  2. When an element is read in that has the same dimension as that of the mesh, it is regarded as a cell element. If it has a dimension that is one less than that of the mesh, it is regarded as a face element. If it has a dimension that is two or more less than that of the mesh, then the element is ignored.

So what’s the implication of all this? Generally arb will be able to work out from each .msh file which elements within it are cell elements and which are face elements. The only time it won’t is when there are multiple domains having different dimensions contained within the one .msh file. For example, you have both a volume domain and a surface domain specified within the one .msh file, on which you want separate (but possibly linked) sets of equations solved.

If you do have multiple domains having different dimensions contained within the one .msh file then the dimension of all regions (that is, physical entities) contained within that file that belong to any domains that have a dimension that is less than that of the file need their centring explicitly specified. For example, if a file contains both a volume and a surface domain, then all regions associated with the surface domain must have their centring explicitly specified. Statements for specifying this cell/face/node centring for particular regions (gmsh physical entities) are described in section [gmsh-regions].

Alternatively, there is another way that may work for your simulation: As arb can read multiple files for each simulation, it may be easier to place domains of different dimensions in separate .msh files. The cell/face/node specification will then be handled automatically without additional statements in the arb input file. However, if you want multiple domains to share common mesh features (such as a common unstructured surface) this may be difficult to accomplish using gmsh.

Glued boundaries

Glued faces statement

The GLUE_FACES keyword is used to implement periodic or reflection boundaries by glueing two boundary face regions together. The boundary regions to be glued must have the same element structure (size and number). Individual element matching between the boundaries is accomplished by matching the closest element locations, relative to the region centroids (much like the facelink and celllink operators).

Example of a periodic boundary glueing the top and bottom boundaries of a domain:

GLUE_FACES <north> <south>

Example of a reflection (axis of symmetry) boundary along the left side of a domain:

GLUE_FACES <west> <west> reflect=1
GLUE_FACES <west> reflect=1 # equivalent shorter form

If only one region is specified after the GLUE_FACES keyword, then the region is assumed to be glued to itself, and hence, the above two reflection commands are equivalent.

Reflection boundaries

What reflection statements to use can be confusing. There are two types of reflect=? statements: those associated with the faces (as specified in the above GLUE_FACE command), and those associated with variables (as specified in certain operators). The reflect=1 string in the above GLUE_FACES statement is the first type, and means that both the geometry (i.e., mesh) and any vector components should be reflected in a direction normal to the glued face when moving through the face.

The second type of reflect statement is affiliated with variables used within certain operators (eg, facegrad, faceave etc) as these operators need to be aware when they are operating on the component of a vector, that needs to be reflected over this reflection boundary. As an example of the second,

FACE_OUTPUT <my variable> "faceave[reflect=1](<u[l=1]>)" # reflect=1 option has been added to the faceave operator so that this operator works correctly over a yz symmetry plane

would be appropriate in conjunction with the above GLUE_FACES <west> reflect=1 command to inform faceave that when it moves through the face to the glued domain, the expression it is averaging (here <u[l=1]>) is the first component of a vector). If the operator is not acting on a vector component in a direction of a reflect boundary within the domain, then no reflect string is required. Hence, in the following reflect=1 is not required in any operator as there is no reflect=1 reflection boundary within the simulation:

GLUE_FACES <south> reflect=2 # axis of symmetry along the base of the domain
FACE_OUTPUT <ugrad_f[l=1,2]> "facegrad[l=1,reflect=2](<u[l=2]>)"
FACE_OUTPUT <ugrad_f[l=1,1]> "facegrad[l=1](<u[l=1]>)" # reflect=1 not required

Including reflect=? statements in operators incurs a small efficiency penalty when computing the values. For this reason it is worthwhile ensuring that these operator reflect options are only included when the simulation requires. Within the templates files this is achieved by string replacements of the form <<reflect=1>> which is replaced by reflect=1 in applicable operators when the domain contains a reflect=1 boundary, and the empty string otherwise. Standard setup files are available in the templates general directory for setting these reflect replacement strings for commonly used reflection scenarios. For example, cylindrical_reflect_r1z3.arb sets the necessary operator reflect strings within the templates files for an cylindrical simulation conducted in the l=1 (radial) and l=3 (axial) plane.

Potential problems

Generally glued faces work as you hope that they might, provided that the correct operator reflect option strings are given. However there are some gotchas in their use due to the fact that glued faces remain as separate faces between the same two adjacent cells. For example, when looping from a glued face through cells specified by the system region <adjacentfaceicells> (as used in faceave[adjacentcells] for example), the cellave[lastface](<blah>) operator will refer to <blah> at the original context face (in the case of glued periodic faces), rather than the particular face that is adjacent to the current cell. The faceave operator accepts a noglue option to alter the behaviour of cellave[lastface] used in its expression:

FACE_CONSTANT <demo> "faceave[adjacentcells](dot(<u[l=:]>,cellave[lastface](<facenorm[l=:]>)))" # here the facenorm will come from the context location of <demo> in the case of a periodic glued face
FACE_CONSTANT <demo2> "faceave[adjacentcells,noglue](dot(<u[l=:]>,cellave[lastface](<facenorm[l=:]>)))" # here the facenorm will come from the face that is attached (adjacent) to each cell in the case of a periodic glued face, which is probably not what is desirable here

Other things to note in this context: Some system regions change the context face to the adjacent face when interpolating to a cell, such as <adjacentfaceicellsnoglue>, <adjacentfaceupcellnoglue> and <adjacentfacedowncellnoglue>. This change in context face also occurs during faceave[advection](<blah>) averaging, meaning that any cellave[lastface] referred to in <blah> refers to the face that is always adjacent to the current cell. There is also the averaging operators cellave[lastfacenoglue] which attempts to find the adjacent face to a cell instead of (potentially) its glued counterpart, but this option may fail in the case of a single column of periodic cells (may work, not really tested, and not really recommended either).

Gmsh Regions



