Coding Reference

The arb code directory

This section is now out of date as of v0.57. Now arb can be used from outside its code directory (referred to as the arb_dir), and this is the preferred method of use.

As arb is distributed as source code that is compiled for each application, arb is not installed in the traditional sense. Instead, for each new simulation a new self-contained copy of the source files is unpacked from a source tarball. Once created arb is run from a working directory which contains a specific structure of files and subdirectories. Two routines, and , are provided to automate the process of managing this required file/subdirectory structure.

Unpacking and packing the code


To create a new version of arb, a new working directory should be created or that contains the five files


Using the command


from within this directory will unpack the archive ready for use.


To pack a simulation ready to transport or backup, use the command


from within the working directory. This will create a subdirectory with a name of the form which contains all files necessary to run arb. Following the command with a name, as in

./pack a_name

will create the archive in a subdirectory named instead of the default.

The script accepts a number of options. By default only files within the or directories that are specific to this manual are included in the archive. The options , or specify that all files within either the , or both directories are contained within the archive. By default only source code within the directory that is not subject to a non-free third party licence is included in the archive. Using the options or causes all files in these directories to be archived (including the build suitesparse libraries). Using means that no third party software is included in the archive and example input files will be copied to the working directory. The option means that all files in the build directory will be included in the archive. This may be useful if you want to transport the simulation to another machine that may not have maxima installed (for example).

Use to list other options.

The working directory and file structure

Once the archive is unpacked the working directory will contain the following subdirectories and files/links:

Main fortran code structure


Maths demonstration

Maths: \(\mathbf{x}+y^2\)

Display maths: \[\ln(x)+\frac{a}{b}\]



