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Publications of year 1993
  1. M. Ben-Ari. Mathematical logic for computer science, Prentice-Hall International series in computer science.. Prentice-Hall International, Hempel Hempstead [England], 1993.
    Note: 92022640 M. Ben-Ari. Includes bibliographical references (p. 274-277) and index.
    Keywords: proof theory, honours reading.
    author = "M. Ben-Ari",
    title = "Mathematical logic for computer science",
    publisher = "Prentice-Hall International",
    address = "Hempel Hempstead [England]",
    series = "Prentice-Hall International series in computer science.",
    note = "92022640 M. Ben-Ari. Includes bibliographical references (p. 274-277) and index.",
    keywords = "proof theory, honours reading",
    year = "1993",

  2. Dov M. Gabbay, Christopher John Hogger, and J. A. Robinson. Handbook of logic in artificial intelligence and logic programming. Clarendon Press ; Oxford University Press, Oxford Oxford ; New York, 1993.
    Note: 92023358 //r98 edited by Dov M. Gabbay, and C.J. Hogger and J.A. Robinson. Includes bibliographical references and indexes. v. 1. Logical foundations -- v. 2. Deduction methodologies -- v. 3. Nonmonotonic reasoning and uncertain reasoning -- v. 4. Epistemic and temporal reasoning -- v. 5. Logic programming.
    Keywords: logic programming, artificial intelligence, epistemic logic, honours reading, proof theory, nonmonotonic reasoning.
    author = "Dov M. Gabbay and Christopher John Hogger and J. A. Robinson",
    title = "Handbook of logic in artificial intelligence and logic programming",
    publisher = "Clarendon Press ; Oxford University Press",
    address = "Oxford Oxford ; New York",
    note = "92023358 //r98 edited by Dov M. Gabbay, and C.J. Hogger and J.A. Robinson. Includes bibliographical references and indexes. v. 1. Logical foundations -- v. 2. Deduction methodologies -- v. 3. Nonmonotonic reasoning and uncertain reasoning -- v. 4. Epistemic and temporal reasoning -- v. 5. Logic programming.",
    keywords = "logic programming, artificial intelligence, epistemic logic, honours reading, proof theory, nonmonotonic reasoning",
    year = "1993",

Journal Articles and Chapters
  1. Saso Dzeroski and Nada Lavrac. Inductive Learning in Deductive Databases. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 5(6):939--949, 1993.
    Keywords: inductive logic programming, honours reading, databases.
    author = "Saso Dzeroski and Nada Lavrac",
    title = "Inductive Learning in Deductive Databases",
    journal = "IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering",
    volume = "5",
    number = "6",
    pages = "939--949",
    keywords = "inductive logic programming, honours reading, databases",
    year = "1993",

  2. David Eppstein. Connectivity, graph minors, and subgraph multiplicity. Journal of Graph Theory, 17:409--416, 1993.
    Keywords: graph theory, graph matching, honours reading.
    author = "David Eppstein",
    title = "Connectivity, graph minors, and subgraph multiplicity",
    journal = "Journal of Graph Theory",
    volume = "17",
    pages = "409--416",
    keywords = "graph theory, graph matching, honours reading",
    year = "1993",

  3. James G. Greeno and Joyce L. Moore. Situativity and Symbols: Response to Vera and Simon. Cognitive Science, 17:49--59, 1993.
    Keywords: cognitive science, philosophy, honours reading.
    author = "James G. Greeno and Joyce L. Moore",
    title = "Situativity and Symbols: Response to Vera and Simon",
    journal = "Cognitive Science",
    volume = "17",
    pages = "49--59",
    keywords = "cognitive science, philosophy, honours reading",
    year = "1993",

  4. N. R. Jennings. Commitments and conventions: the foundation of coordination in multi-agent systems. The Knowledge Engineering Review, 8(3):223--50, 1993.
    Note: UK.
    Keywords: coordination, honours reading.

    Abstract: "Distributed artificial intelligence systems, in which multiple agents interact to improve their individual performance and to enhance the systems' overall utility, are becoming an increasingly pervasive means of conceptualising a diverse range of applications. As the discipline matures, researchers are beginning to strive for the underlying theories and principles which guide the central processes of coordination and cooperation. Here agent communities are modelled using a distributed goal search formalism, and it is argued that commitments (pledges to undertake a specific course of action) and conventions (means of monitoring commitments in changing circumstances) are the foundation of coordination in multi-agent systems. An analysis of existing coordination models which use concepts akin to commitments and conventions is undertaken before a new unifying framework is presented. Finally, a number of prominent coordination techniques which do not explicitly involve commitments or conventions are reformulated in these terms to demonstrate their compliance with the central hypothesis of this paper. (95 References)."

    author = "N. R. Jennings",
    title = "Commitments and conventions: the foundation of coordination in multi-agent systems",
    journal = "The Knowledge Engineering Review",
    volume = "8",
    number = "3",
    pages = "223--50",
    note = "UK.",
    abstract = "Distributed artificial intelligence systems, in which multiple agents interact to improve their individual performance and to enhance the systems' overall utility, are becoming an increasingly pervasive means of conceptualising a diverse range of applications. As the discipline matures, researchers are beginning to strive for the underlying theories and principles which guide the central processes of coordination and cooperation. Here agent communities are modelled using a distributed goal search formalism, and it is argued that commitments (pledges to undertake a specific course of action) and conventions (means of monitoring commitments in changing circumstances) are the foundation of coordination in multi-agent systems. An analysis of existing coordination models which use concepts akin to commitments and conventions is undertaken before a new unifying framework is presented. Finally, a number of prominent coordination techniques which do not explicitly involve commitments or conventions are reformulated in these terms to demonstrate their compliance with the central hypothesis of this paper. (95 References).",
    keywords = "coordination, honours reading",
    year = "1993",

  5. Munindar P. Singh. A Semantics for Speech Acts. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 8(1-2):47--71, 1993.
    Keywords: agent communication languages, honours reading.
    author = "Munindar P. Singh",
    title = "A Semantics for Speech Acts",
    journal = "Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence",
    volume = "8",
    number = "1-2",
    pages = "47--71",
    keywords = "agent communication languages, honours reading",
    year = "1993",

  6. Lucy Suchman. Response to Vera and Simon's Situated Action: A Symbolic Interpretation. Cognitive Science, 17:71--75, 1993.
    Keywords: cognitive science, philosophy, honours reading.
    author = "Lucy Suchman",
    title = "Response to Vera and Simon's Situated Action: {A} Symbolic Interpretation",
    journal = "Cognitive Science",
    volume = "17",
    pages = "71--75",
    keywords = "cognitive science, philosophy, honours reading",
    year = "1993",

  7. Alonso H. Vera and Herbert A. Simon. Situated Action: Reply to Reviewers. Cognitive Science, 17:77--86, 1993.
    Keywords: cognitive science, philosophy, honours reading.
    author = "Alonso H. Vera and Herbert A. Simon",
    title = "Situated Action: Reply to Reviewers",
    journal = "Cognitive Science",
    volume = "17",
    pages = "77--86",
    keywords = "cognitive science, philosophy, honours reading",
    year = "1993",

  8. Alonso H. Vera and Herbert A. Simon. Situated Action: A Symbolic Interpretation. Cognitive Science, 17:7--48, 1993.
    Keywords: cognitive science, philosophy, honours reading.
    author = "Alonso H. Vera and Herbert A. Simon",
    title = "Situated Action: {A} Symbolic Interpretation",
    journal = "Cognitive Science",
    volume = "17",
    pages = "7--48",
    keywords = "cognitive science, philosophy, honours reading",
    year = "1993",

Conference Proceedings
  1. Yoram Moses and Orit Kislev. Knowledge-oriented programming. In Proceedings of the twelfth annual ACM symposium on Principles of distributed computing, Ithaca, New York, United States, pages 261--270, 1993.
    Keywords: epistemic logic, agent programming languages, modal logic, honours reading.
    author = "Yoram Moses and Orit Kislev",
    title = "Knowledge-oriented programming",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the twelfth annual ACM symposium on Principles of distributed computing",
    address = "Ithaca, New York, United States",
    pages = "261--270",
    keywords = "epistemic logic, agent programming languages, modal logic, honours reading",
    year = "1993",

  2. Adrian Pearce, Terry Caelli, and Walter Bischof. Rulegraphs for Pattern Recognition. In Proceedings of the First Asian Conference on Computer Vision 1993 (ACCV93); Osaka, Japan, pages 79--82, 1993.
    Keywords: graph theory, machine learning, agentlab.
    author = "Adrian Pearce and Terry Caelli and Walter Bischof",
    title = "Rulegraphs for Pattern Recognition",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the First Asian Conference on Computer Vision 1993 (ACCV93); Osaka, Japan",
    pages = "79--82",
    keywords = "graph theory, machine learning, agentlab",
    year = "1993",

  3. Adrian Pearce, Terry Caelli, and Walter Bischof. Learning Relational Structures for 2D Pattern and 3D Object Recognition. In Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand conference on Intelligent Information Systems 1993 (ANZIIS93); Perth , Western Australia, pages 50--54, 1993.
    Keywords: graph theory, machine learning, agentlab.
    author = "Adrian Pearce and Terry Caelli and Walter Bischof",
    title = "Learning Relational Structures for 2{D} Pattern and 3{D} Object Recognition",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand conference on Intelligent Information Systems 1993 (ANZIIS93); Perth , Western Australia",
    pages = "50--54",
    keywords = "graph theory, machine learning, agentlab",
    year = "1993",

  4. J. R. Quinlan and R. M. Cameron-Jones. FOIL: A midterm report. In P. B Brazdil, editor, Machine Learning (ECML-93) European Conference on Machine Learning Proceedings; Vienna, Austria, Berlin, Germany, pages 3--20, 1993. Springer-Verlag.
    Keywords: machine learning, inductive logic programming, honours reading.
    author = "J. R. Quinlan and R. M. Cameron-Jones",
    title = "{FOIL}: {A} midterm report",
    booktitle = "Machine Learning (ECML-93) European Conference on Machine Learning Proceedings; Vienna, Austria",
    editor = "P. B Brazdil",
    address = "Berlin, Germany",
    publisher = "Springer-Verlag",
    pages = "3--20",
    keywords = "machine learning, inductive logic programming, honours reading",
    year = "1993",

  5. Claude Sammut. The origins of inductive logic programming: A prehistoric tale. In Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) '93 Workshop, pages 127--147, 1993.
    Keywords: inductive logic programming, honours reading.
    author = "Claude Sammut",
    title = "The origins of inductive logic programming: {A} prehistoric tale",
    booktitle = "Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) '93 Workshop",
    pages = "127--147",
    keywords = "inductive logic programming, honours reading",
    year = "1993",

  6. Young-pa So and Edmund H. Durfee. An Organizational Self-Design Model for Organizational Change. In Working Notes of the AAAI-93 Workshop on AI and Theories of Groups and Organizations, 1993.
    Keywords: coordination, teamwork.
    author = "Young-pa So and Edmund H. Durfee",
    title = "An Organizational Self-Design Model for Organizational Change",
    booktitle = "Working Notes of the AAAI-93 Workshop on AI and Theories of Groups and Organizations",
    keywords = "coordination, teamwork",
    year = "1993",

Tehnical Reports
  1. Don Batory. The LEAPS Algorithms. Technical Report TR-94-29, Department of Computer Sciences, The University of Texas, 1993.
    Keywords: logic programming, logistics, honours reading, expert systems.

    Abstract: "rete leaps"

    author = "Don Batory",
    title = "The {LEAPS} Algorithms",
    institution = "Department of Computer Sciences, The University of Texas",
    number = "TR-94-29",
    type = "Technical Report",
    abstract = "rete leaps",
    keywords = "logic programming, logistics, honours reading, expert systems",
    year = "1993",

  2. Craig Dillon, Terry Caelli, Simon Goss, and Graeme Murray. Symbolic Description Generator, Final Report. Contract Report for DSTO 1993, Computer Science Department, The University of Melbourne, December 1993.
    Keywords: simulation, agentlab.
    author = "Craig Dillon and Terry Caelli and Simon Goss and Graeme Murray",
    title = "Symbolic Description Generator, Final Report",
    institution = "Computer Science Department, The University of Melbourne",
    number = "1993",
    type = "Contract Report for DSTO",
    month = dec,
    keywords = "simulation, agentlab",
    year = "1993",

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