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Publications of Claude Sammut
Conference Proceedings
  1. A. R. Pearce, C. Sammut, and S. Goss. Simulation as an Environment for the Knowledge Acquisition of Procedural Expertise. In Proceedings of the Simulation Technology and Training Conference (SimTecT 99), Melbourne, pages 255--260, 1999.
    Keywords: agentlab, agent-oriented software engineering, agent programming languages. [bibtex-entry]

  2. Claude Sammut. The origins of inductive logic programming: A prehistoric tale. In Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) '93 Workshop, pages 127--147, 1993.
    Keywords: inductive logic programming, honours reading. [bibtex-entry]

Tehnical Reports
  1. Claude Sammut and Adrian R. Pearce. Scaling up Behavioural Cloning. Technical report September, School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales, 1998.
    Keywords: machine learning, agentlab. [bibtex-entry]

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