Liz Sonenberg

Postal address:
Professor Liz Sonenberg
School of Computing
and Information Systems
The University of
Parkville 3010, Australia
Note: news about the University can be found at;
research stories are highlighted at
; and items of broad interest from the university sector are
- Roles:
- I have a full-time Chancellery role as Pro
Vice Chancellor (Systems Innovation), held across
Chancellery Research and Enterprise and the Chancellery
Chief Operating Officer Portfolio.
- My current research and supervision
activities are outlined below. For general enquiries re IT
programs, including graduate study, see the School of
Computing and Information Systems
- Phone:
- Email: l.sonenberg
"at" unimelb "dot" edu "dot" au
- Physical Location
Maps of the Parkville campus of the University of Melbourne
are here
and a Google Maps link is here
- My PVC office is room 6.03, Level 6, Raymond
Priestley Building (Building 152)
- My School of Computing and Information
Systems home is on Level 3 of the Melbourne Connect
building (Building 290)

Research interests
My research interests include the design of reasoning machinery
for systems that exhibit complex collaborative behaviours. For
some years my major research efforts have been in the
foundations and applications of systems within the BDI (Belief,
Desire, Intention) agent paradigm,
with a particular focus on teamwork, but I have also studied
various elements of non-monotonic reasoning. I have
collaborated on applied problems with industry colleagues and
worked with collaborators in Psychology and Education on studies
involving human reasoning processes. I am a participant in the Human Computer
Interaction Lab and the AI & Autonomy Lab .
My particular interests are in:
- Multi-agent
systems - especially collaboration and teamwork
- Explanation
in Artificial Intelligence
- Human-machine
interaction in support of decision making
The integrating theme of my research is the
conceptualisation and construction of more adaptive,
distributed, and intelligent information systems. Much of the
work focuses on agent technology, which views a distributed
system in terms of interacting autonomous software entities.
Using the agent metaphor can allow system developers to adopt
a level of abstraction in design that is useful for modelling
complex tasks and environments, and in building software
systems that are robust in the face of change and unexpected
events. An important aspect of the research is the requirement
of the human-machine interface and consequent implications for
the development of computational mechanisms to support
decision-making in complex settings.
Current and recent projects include:
- Explanation
in artificial intelligence: a human-centred approach
- Funded 2019-2021 Australian Research Council - with Frank
Vetere, Tim Miller, Eduardo Velloso, Piers
Howe, Paul Dourish
(UC Irvine). This project contributes to a broad XAI
agenda in the School.
- Post-doctoral
fellow supporting this project was Ronal
Singh, now at CSIRO
- Explanatory
AI for Maritime Domain Awareness - Funded 2019-2022 DST
Group - with Tim Miller, Ronal Singh, Michelle Blom, Kerry
Trentelman (DST Group), Adam Saulwick (DST Group)
- A
Computational Theory of Strategic Deception -
Funded 2018-2021 Australian Research Council - with Wally
Smith, Michael Kirley, Gustav
Kuhn (University of London), Frank
Dignum (Umea
University, Sweden)
- Post-doctoral fellow supporting this project
was Peta
Masters, now at Kings College, London
- Collaborative
Human-Agent Planning - Microsoft Research, 2018. With
Ronal Singh, Tim Miller, Frank Vetere.
- "Why?":
Causal Explanation in Trusted Autonomous Systems -
CERA Next Generation Technologies Fund grant. 2017-2018.
With Tim Miller, Piers Howe (Melbourne School of
Psychological Sciences), Glennn Moy, Luke Marsh, Darren
Williams (DST Group).
- Post-doctoral fellow supporting this project
was Mor
Vered, now at Monash University
- Foundations
of human-agent collaboration: situation-relevant
information sharing- Funded 2013-2015 Australian
Research Council - with Adrian
Pearce Tim Miller and Frank Dignum (then at Universiteit Utrecht)
- Post-doctoral fellows supporting this project
were Paolo
Felli (now at University
of Bologna) and Christian
Muise (now at Queens University, Canada)
- Implicit Transmission of Embodied Culture - Funded
2010-2012 Australian Research Council - with Yoshi
Kashima, Simon
Laham, Nick
Haslam, Frank
Dignum (Universiteit
- Cross-Community Information Systems:
Understanding Technology-Practice Fit in Healthcare
- Funded 2008-2010 Australian Research Council - with Steve
Howard, Rens Scheepers
- Dynamic personalisation for assisted
navigation of information rich, physical environments
- the Kubadji project - Funded
2007-2009 Australian Research Council - with Tim Baldwin and
Stephen Bird, Ingrid Zukerman (Monash University),
Lawrence Cavedon (RMIT and NICTA) and Carolyn Meehan (Melbourne
- Interest based Negotiation: Theory and
- Funded 2004-2007 Australian Research Council.
- Post-doctoral fellow who supported this
project was Philippe Pasquier,
now at Simon Fraser University, Canada
variously available from Google
Scholar, DBLP
(these harvest differently, so have different coverage)
Research students
Important information for prospective research students is here
(read this before making contact re possible supervision):
I currently co-supervise the following PhD
Useful resources for research students include:
- a
collection of pointers
to Advice on Doing a PhD by Robert Dale, Macquarie
- a
selection of links
on Research and Writing in Computer Science, Mark
Leone, CMU
- Videos
by Simon Peyton-Jones
on `How to write a great research paper,' and `How to give
a great research talk'
- Common
Errors In English by Paul Brians,
Washington State University
My PhD graduates:
- Prashan
PhD 2021. Explainable Reinforcement Learning Through a
Causal Lens. Primary supervisor Tim
Miller, co-supervisor Frank
- Kathleen
Keogh PhD 2020. Improvised coordination in agent
organisations. Cosupervised with Wally Smith
- Ronal
Singh PhD 2018. Designing for
Multi-Agent Collaboration: A Shared Mental Model
Perspective. Cosupervised with Tim
- Abhi Butchibabu PhD 2016, MIT. Anticipatory
Communication Strategies for Human-Robot Team Coordination.
Primary Supervisor was Julie
Shah (MIT)
- Beth Cardier,
PhD, 2013. Unputdownable:
how the agencies of compelling story assembly can be modeled using formalisable methods from
Knowledge Representation, and in a fictional tale about
seduction.- primary supervisor Kevin Brophy
(Faculty of Arts)
- Jens
Pfau PhD 2013. Towards Computational Models of
Cultural Dynamics Based on the Grounding Model of Cultural
Transmission, primary supervisor Michael Kirley, co-supervisor Yoshi Kashima
(Psychological Sciences)
- Emma
Norling PhD, 2012. Modelling Human Behaviour with
BDI Agents
- Karl
Grieser, PhD, 2012. Computing
Relationships and Relatedness Between Contextually Diverse
Entities.- co-supervised
with Tim Baldwin
- Fabian
Bohnert, PhD 2010, Monash
University. Adaptive User Modelling and Recommendation
in Constrained Physical Environments. Primary
supervisor was Ingrid
Zukerman (Monash University)
- Yen
Ting Kuo, PhD, 2010. Mining
Surprising Patterns - cosupervised
with Andrew Lonie and Adrian Pearce
- Daghan
Acay, PhD 2009. Extrospection: Software
Agents Reason about the Tools in Their Environment, co-supervised
with Gil Tidhar
- Fernando Koch PhD
2009, Utrecht
University. An Agent-Based Model for the
Development of Intelligent Mobile Services
primary supervisors John-Jules Meyer
and Frank
- Samin Karim PhD 2009. Acquiring
plans within situated resource-bounded agents: a hybrid
BDI-based approach (cosupervised
with Phillipe Pasquier and Clint Heinze)
- Raymond
So, PhD 2008. Situation awareness in software
agents: Theory and practice
- Budhitama Subagdja, PhD 2007. Intentional
learning in bounded-rational agents (cosupervised with Iyad Rahwan)
- Iyad Rahwan PhD, 2005. On
interest-based negotiation
- Clinton
Heinze, PhD 2003. Modelling
Intention Recognition for Intelligent Agent Systems (cosupervised by Leon Sterling)
- Anne
Rouse, PhD 2002. IT outsourcing revisited
- David
Kinny, PhD 2001. Fundamentals
of Agent Computation Theory: Semantics
- David
Morley, PhD 1999. Semantics of Actions, Agents, and
- Gil
Tidhar, PhD 1999. Organisation
Oriented Systems: Theory and Practice
- Todd
Mansell, PhD 1995. (cosupervisor
with G Smith, AAII), Planning under Uncertainty
- Wilson
Wen, PhD 1991. Information Theory and Probabilistic
Past students:
My current and past research community and related
activities include:
- Keynote
presenter, 23rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents
and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS
2024), ``Humans
and Agents: Trajectories and Perspectives,'' selected
references here
- Co-organiser, Agents-Vic
Autumn Symposium, May 2024
- Panel Judge,
2024 Eureka Prize for Excellence
in Research Software
- Invited
presenter, Rebellion
and Disobedience in AI (RaD-AI), AAMAS 2023 Workshop,
London; reference list here
- Panel Judge,
2023 Eureka Prize for Excellence
in Research Software
- Presenter,
Monash International
School in Artificial Intelligence and its Applications in
Computer Science (ISAAC) 2022, extract of presentation
slides here
- Keynote
presenter, Bristol
Interactive AI Summer School (BIAS) 2022, "Imperfectly rational, rationally
imperfect, or perfectly irrational: challenges for
human-centred AI." References here
- Speaker, Crossley Festschrift Logic Colloquium,
June 2022, ("Logics and Collaboration")
YouTube recording (44mins) here.
References here
- Panellist,
Webinar on Explainable AI, hosted by APRU and Heinrich
Böll Stiftung, May 2022, recording here
- Presenter, CAIDE Explainer
series, May 2022 "AI in our everyday lives" (Part 1 video [1
min], Part 2 video [3
mins], and related article
in The Conversation)
- Keynote
speaker, 34th Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (AJCAI), Feb
2022 "Expectation, Surprise and
Explanation" References here
- Presenter, Data61
DSS Group Seminar, November 2021, "Possible roles of explanation in the
design of automated decision aids"
- Member, Expert
Working Group, 2021 National Research Infrastructure
- Awardee -
Australasian AI Awards: 2020 Distinguished Research
Contribution -
- Member,
Advisory Board, AAAI AI Magazine, December 2020- AI Magazine
- Presenter, CSIRAC 70th
Anniversary Celebration, hosted by the Pearcey
Foundation, November 2019 ("Computing
the Unexpected" slides here
and video here)
- Member of the
Standing Committee of the One Hundred Year Study on
Artificial Intelligence (AI100) from April 2019
- Member,
Advisory Board Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC), 2018-2019
- Area
Chair, International Joint Conference on Artificial
Intelligence IJCAI 2017,
August 2017, Melbourne Australia
- Chair,
IFAAMAS Influential
Paper Award Panel, 2017
- Invited
presenter, "Intelligent
systems for supporting distributed human teamwork,"
AAAI 2016 Spring Symposium, March 21-23, Stanford,
California. References here
- Member,
Committee supporting the U.S. National Academies of Science
Project Integrating
Humans, Machines and Networks: A Global Review of
Data-to-Decision Technologies Report available (2014):
Operational Decision Making in Networked Systems of Humans
and Machines: A Multidisciplinary Approach
- Member, Advisory Board,
Research Data Storage Infrastructure, then Research Data
Services (RDSI, then RDS), 2013-2018
- Director,
Synchrotron Light Source Australia Pty Ltd, 2013-2017
- Co-organiser,
"Formal Methods for the Informal World," a research
workshop - March 4th-8th, 2013 at the Lorentz Center, Leiden, The Netherlands -
details here
- Invited
Participant, Intelligent Human-Machine Collaboration
Workshop, Washington June 2012 - summary available -
Academies Press - ISBN-10: 0-309-26264-X
- Invited
speaker, 14th International Conference on Principles and
Practice of Multi-Agent Systems (PRIMA-2011),
Wollongong. November 2011
- General
Co-Chair, together with Peter Stone
(University of Texas at Austin) Tenth International Joint
Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi Agent Systems,
held in Taiwan in May, 2011
- Member,
Advisory Board, Australian Urban Research Infrastructure
Network (AURIN), 2010-2021
- Member, Advisory Board, National eResearch
Collaboration Tools and Resources (NeCTAR), 2010-2019
- Director, Orygen
Youth Mental Health Pty Ltd, 2009-2015
- Editorial
Board Member, Knowledge
Engineering Review published by Cambridge University
- Past
Co-convenor of the Victorian eHealth Network
- Past
Member of the Board of the International
Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent
Systems a non-profit organisation whose purpose is to
promote science and technology in the area of artificial
intelligence and multiagent
systems (2002-2008)
- Senior
Program Committee member at numerous AAMAS
- Past coordinating
editor of the Journal
of Autonomous Agents and Multiagent
Systems published by Springer (2003-2018)
- Program
Co-chair for the Third
International Joint Conference on Agents and Multi Agent
Systems hosted in New York in July 2004
- one
of the local organisers of the Second
International Joint Conference on Agents and Multi Agent
Systems hosted in Melbourne, July 14-18, 2003, and
also helping to organise the associated Melbourne
Agent Systems School and Doctoral Consortium.
- Occasional
reviewer, Computing
Selected PVC Systems
Innovation activities