Journal Articles
1997 | |
[65] | A Computational Fluid Dynamic model of fire burning rate and extinction by water sprinkler ( ), In Combustion Science and Technology, volume 123, 1997. |
[64] | A Computational Fluid Dynamics study of wood fire extinguishment by water sprinkler ( ), In Fire Safety Journal, volume 29, 1997. |
1999 | |
[63] | An experimental study of wood crib extinguishment by a sprinkler spray ( ), In Journal of Applied Fire Science, volume 8, 1999. |
2000 | |
[62] | The stream Volume of Fluid advection algorithm ( ), In ANZIAM J. (CTAC1999), volume 42(E), 2000. |
[61] | A new Volume of Fluid advection algorithm: The stream scheme ( ), In Journal of Computational Physics, volume 162, 2000. |
2001 | |
[60] | Numerical simulations of gas flow patterns within a tall-form spray dryer ( ), In Trans IChemE: Part A (Chemical Engineering Research and Design), volume 79, 2001. |
[59] | A hydrodynamic and thermodynamic simulation of droplet impacts on hot surfaces, Part I: Theoretical model ( ), In j-int-heat-mass, volume 44, 2001. |
[58] | A hydrodynamic and thermodynamic simulation of droplet impacts on hot surfaces, Part II: Validation and applications ( ), In j-int-heat-mass, volume 44, 2001. |
[57] | A new Volume of Fluid advection algorithm: The Defined Donating Region scheme ( ), In j-int-numerical-methods-fluids, volume 35, 2001. |
[56] | A simple kinetic theory treatment of volatile liquid-gas interfaces ( ), In ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, volume 123, 2001. |
2002 | |
[55] | A computational fluid dynamics study of a tall-form spray dryer ( ), In Trans IChemE: Part C (Food and Bioproducts Processing), volume 80, 2002. |
2005 | |
[54] | Flow focusing in microchannels ( ), In ANZIAM J. (CTAC2004) (May, Rob; Roberts, A. J., eds.), volume 46(E), 2005. |
[53] | Using Computational Fluid Dynamics to study the effect of contact angle on microdroplet deformation ( ), In ANZIAM J. (CTAC2004) (May, Rob; Roberts, A. J., eds.), volume 46(E), 2005. |
[52] | An analysis of parasitic current generation in volume of fluid simulations ( ), In ANZIAM J. (CTAC2004) (May, Rob; Roberts, A. J., eds.), volume 46(E), 2005. |
[51] | A parametric study of droplet deformation through a microfluidic contraction ( ), In ANZIAM J. (CTAC2004) (May, Rob; Roberts, A. J., eds.), volume 46(E), 2005. |
2006 | |
[50] | An analysis of parasitic current generation in Volume of Fluid simulations ( ), In Applied Mathematical Modelling, volume 30, 2006. |
[49] | A parametric study of droplet deformation through a microfluidic contraction: Low viscosity Newtonian droplets ( ), In Chemical Engineering Science, volume 61, 2006. |
[48] | What is important in the simulation of spray dryer performance and how do current CFD models perform? ( ), In Applied Mathematical Modelling, volume 30, 2006. |
[47] | Contact angle effects on microdroplet deformation using CFD ( ), In Applied Mathematical Modelling, volume 30, 2006. |
[46] | Simulations of pendant drop formation of a viscoelastic liquid ( ), In Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, volume 18, 2006. |
2007 | |
[45] | Predicting the effect of interfacial flow of insoluble surfactant on the deformation of drops rising in a liquid ( ), In ANZIAM J. (CTAC2006), volume 48, 2007. |
[44] | Electroviscous effects in low Reynolds number liquid flow through a slit-like microfluidic contraction ( ), In Chemical Engineering Science, volume 62, 2007. |
[43] | A parametric study of droplet deformation through a microfluidic contraction: Shear thinning liquids ( ), In International Journal of Multiphase Flow, volume 33, 2007. |
2008 | |
[42] | Steady flow of ionic liquid through a cylindrical microfluidic contraction-expansion pipe: Electroviscous effects and pressure drop ( ), In Chemical Engineering Science, volume 63, 2008. |
[41] | Parasitic current generation in Combined Level Set and Volume of Fluid immiscible fluid simulations ( ), In ANZIAM J. (CTAC2006), volume 48, 2008. |
[40] | Deformation of a viscoelastic droplet passing through a microfluidic contraction ( ), In Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, volume 155, 2008. |
2009 | |
[39] | Electroviscous effects in steady fully developed flow of a power-law liquid through a cylindrical microchannel ( ), In International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, volume 30, 2009. |
[38] | Electroviscous effects in low Reynolds number flow through a microfluidic contraction with rectangular cross-section ( ), In World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, volume 40, 2009. |
2010 | |
[37] | Electroviscous effects in a Carreau liquid flowing through a cylindrical microfluidic contraction ( ), In Chemical Engineering Science, volume 65, 2010. |
2011 | |
[36] | Effect of wall permittivity on electroviscous flow through a contraction ( ), In Biomicrofluidics, volume 5, 2011. |
[35] | Viscoelastic drop deformation in a micro-contraction ( ), In Fluid Dynamics and Materials Processing, volume 7, 2011. |
[34] | Comparative evaluation of microfluidic circuit model performance for electroviscous flow ( ), In ANZIAM J. (CTAC2010) (McLean, W.; Roberts, A. J., eds.), volume 52, 2011. |
[33] | Electrokinetic development length of electroviscous flow through a contraction ( ), In ANZIAM J. (CTAC2010) (McLean, W.; Roberts, A. J., eds.), volume 52, 2011. |
2012 | |
[32] | Microfluidic circuit analysis II: Implications of ion conservation for microchannels connected in series ( ), In Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, volume 365, 2012. |
[31] | Electrokinetic flow in connected channels: A comparison of two circuit models ( ), In Journal of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, volume 13, 2012. |
[30] | Microfluidic circuit analysis I: Ion current relationships for thin slits and pipes ( ), In Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, volume 365, 2012. |
[29] | An implicit finite volume method for arbitrary transport equations ( ), In ANZIAM J. (CTAC2010) (McLean, W.; Roberts, A. J., eds.), volume 52, 2012. |
2013 | |
[28] | A multiphase electrokinetic flow model for electrolytes with liquid/liquid interfaces ( ), In Journal of Computational Physics, volume 251, 2013. |
[27] | Modelling of interfacial mass transfer in microfluidic solvent extraction: Part II Heterogeneous transport with chemical reaction ( ), In Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Springer, volume 14, 2013. |
[26] | Modelling of interfacial mass transfer in microfluidic solvent extraction: Part I Heterogenous transport ( ), In Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Springer, volume 14, 2013. |
2014 | |
[25] | Electrokinetic flow in parallel channels: Circuit modelling for microfluidics and membranes ( ), In Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, volume 440, 2014. |
[24] | Extraction kinetics of Fe (III) by di-(2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid using a Y-Y shaped microfluidic device ( ), In Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Elsevier, volume 92, 2014. |
[23] | Stationary chemical gradients for concentration gradient-based separation and focusing in nanofluidic channels ( ), In Langmuir, volume 30, 2014. |
[22] | Concentration gradient focusing and separation in a silica nanofluidic channel with a non-uniform electroosmotic flow ( ), In Lab Chip, The Royal Society of Chemistry, volume 14, 2014. |
[21] | Isoelectric focusing in a silica nanofluidic channel: Effects of electromigration and electroosmosis ( ), In Analytical Chemistry, volume 86, 2014. |
[20] | A simple, scalable process for the production of porous polymer microspheres by ink-jetting combined with thermally induced phase separation ( ), In Particle and Particle Systems Characterization, volume 31, 2014. |
[19] | Effect of surfactants on single bubble sonoluminescence behavior and bubble surface stability ( ), In Physical Review E, volume 89, 2014. |
[18] | Electroviscous flow through nanofluidic junctions ( ), In Applied Mathematical Modelling, volume 38, 2014. |
[17] | Electroviscous resistance of nanofluidic bends ( ), In Phys. Rev. E, American Physical Society, volume 90, 2014. |
2015 | |
[16] | Electrolytic drops in an electric field: A numerical study of drop deformation and breakup ( ), In Physical Review E, volume 92, 2015. |
2016 | |
[15] | Numerical simulation of two-fluid flow of electrolyte solution with charged deforming interfaces ( ), In Applied Mathematical Modelling, volume 40, 2016. |
[14] | Electrokinetics of the silica and aqueous electrolyte solution interface: Viscoelectric effects ( ), In Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 2016. |
[13] | Electrokinetics of isolated electrified drops ( ), In Soft Matter, volume 12, 2016. |
[12] | Electrohydrodynamic deformation and interaction of microscale drop pairs ( ), In International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements, volume 4, 2016. |
2017 | |
[11] | Viscoelectric Effects in Nanochannel Electrokinetics ( ), In The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, volume 121, 2017. |
[10] | Electrophoretically mediated partial coalescence of a charged microdrop ( ), In Chemical Engineering Science, volume 169, 2017. |
[9] | Mechanisms of flux decline in skim milk ultrafiltration: A review ( ), In Journal of Membrane Science, volume 523, 2017. |
[8] | Estimation of anisotropic permeability in trabecular bone based on microCT imaging and pore-scale fluid dynamics simulations ( ), In Bone Reports, volume 6, 2017. |
2019 | |
[7] | Numerical calculation of permeability of periodic porous materials: Application to periodic arrays of spheres and 3D scaffold microstructures ( ), In International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, volume 118, 2019. |
2020 | |
[6] | Lift and drag forces acting on a particle moving with zero slip in a linear shear flow near a wall ( ), In Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Cambridge University Press, volume 904, 2020. |
[5] | Modeling Thrombin Generation in Plasma under Diffusion and Flow ( ), In Biophysical Journal, 2020. |
[4] | Simulating the ultrafiltration of whey proteins isolate using a mixture model ( ), In Journal of Membrane Science, volume 613, 2020. |
[3] | Shear Induced Interactions Cause Polymer Compression ( ), In Scientific Reports, volume 10, 2020. |
2021 | |
[2] | Lift and drag forces acting on a particle moving in the presence of slip and shear near a wall ( ), In Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Cambridge University Press, 2021. |
[1] | Single drop breakage in a reciprocating plate column ( ), In Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021. |
Conference Articles
1995 | |
[24] | Heat loss to water sprays during surface combustion: Experimental results ( ), In 1995 Australian Symposium on Combustion, 1995. |
1997 | |
[23] | Extinguishment behaviour of a simple wood crib ( ), In 1997 Australian Symposium on Combustion, 1997. |
1998 | |
[22] | Extinguishment behaviour of simple burning wood cribs under the action of sprinkler spray ( ), In Third Asia-Oceania Symposium on Fire Science and Technology, 1998. |
[21] | Numerical simulation of droplet impact on a high temperature solid surface ( ), In 13th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, volume 2, 1998. |
2000 | |
[20] | A numerical study of vapour layer heights during droplet impacts on hot surfaces ( ), In 7th Heat and Mass Transfer Australasia (Brassington, Gary B.; Patterson, John C., eds.), 2000. |
2003 | |
[19] | Simulating the sedimentation of a dilute suspension ( ), In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering and Control (ISPSEC'03), 2003. |
2004 | |
[18] | Simulating the deformation of Newtonian and Non-Newtonian drops through a micro-fluidic contraction ( ), In 15th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, 2004. |
2006 | |
[17] | Simulations of viscoelastic droplet deformation through a micro-fluidic contraction ( ), In WIT Transactions on Engineering Science, volume 52, 2006. |
2007 | |
[16] | Droplet deformation through a microfluidic contraction with interfacial flow of insoluble surfactant ( ), In 6th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF 2007), 2007. |
[15] | Electrokinetic flow resistance in pressure-driven liquid flow through a slit-like microfluidic contraction ( ), In 16th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, 2007. |
2008 | |
[14] | Fully developed flow of power-law fluid through a cylindrical microfluidic pipe: Pressure drop and electroviscous effects ( ), In ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Conference (FEDSM2008), Part A, volume 1, 2008. |
[13] | Effect of surfactant on drop deformation through a microfluidic contraction: The encapsulation phenomenon ( ), In HEAT 2008, Fifth International Conference on Transport Phenomena In Multiphase Systems, 2008. |
2009 | |
[12] | Electro-osmotic effects in low Reynolds number flow through a planar microfluidic contraction-expansion ( ), In Seventh International Conference on CFD in the Minerals and Process Industries, 2009. |
[11] | Electroviscous effects in steady flow of a shear-thinning Carreau liquid through a microfluidic contraction ( ), In SEECCM 2009, 2nd South-East European Conference on Computational Mechanics (M. Papadrakakis, M. Kojic V. Papadopoulos, ed.), 2009. |
2010 | |
[10] | Viscoelastic drop deformation in a micro-contraction ( ), In 7th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF), 2010. |
2012 | |
[9] | Deformation of liquid drops containing ions in the presence of an electric field ( ), In HEFAT2012, 9th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 2012. |
[8] | Electroviscous flow through a microfluidic T-junction ( ), In Ninth International Conference on CFD in the Minerals and Process Industries, 2012. |
[7] | Multi-scale volume of fluid modelling of droplet coalescence ( ), In Ninth International Conference on CFD in the Minerals and Process Industries, 2012. |
2013 | |
[6] | DNA focusing in nanofluidic channels ( ), In The 17th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences The 17th International Conference on The 17th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2013), 2013. |
2014 | |
[5] | Subgrid CFD film-drainage modelling: Application to buoyancy-driven droplet-wall collisions in emulsions ( ), In 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, 2014. |
[4] | Effect of interfacial tension and electric field on charge separation dynamics inside stable and unstable microdrops ( ), In 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, 2014. |
[3] | Numerical simulation of the deformation of charged drops of electrolyte ( ), In Advances in Fluid Mechanics X, 2014. |
2015 | |
[2] | Electrophoretic Effects on Satellite Droplet Formation during Electrocoalescence of Microdrops ( ), In 11th International Conference on CFD in the Minerals and Process Industries, 2015. |
2018 | |
[1] | Lift and Drag forces on a particle near a wall at low Reynolds numbers ( ), In 21st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, 2018. |
Other (posters, selected presentations, submitted works, etc)
2000 | |
[34] | A hydrodynamic and thermodynamic simulation of droplet impacts on hot surfaces ( ), PhD thesis, Department of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering, University of Sydney, 2000. |
2003 | |
[33] | Simulating the sedimentation of a dilute mono-disperse solid-liquid suspension ( ), 2003. |
2008 | |
[32] | Contact angle hysteresis on sparsely structured surfaces ( ), 2008. |
2011 | |
[31] | Implications of ion conservation for microfluidic circuit analysis ( ), 2011. |
[30] | Electroviscous flow through a 2D microfluidic contraction with finite dielectric ratio ( ), 2011. |
[29] | Simulating Lab-on-a-Chip devices ( ), 2011. |
2012 | |
[28] | Numerical modelling of electrohydrodynamic drops ( ), 2012. |
[27] | Electroviscous flow through microfluidic contractions, bends and junctions ( ), 2012. |
[26] | Steady-state oxygen consumption profiles in the cornea ( ), 2012. |
2013 | |
[25] | Ink-jetting combined with phase separation to produce highly porous microspheres for bioactive molecule delivery ( ), 2013. |
2014 | |
[24] | Multi-Physics Lab-on-a-Chip Simulations ( ), (Zhu, Dr Jonggang; Gu, Prof. Min, eds.), 2014. |
2015 | |
[23] | Corrections to `Microfluidic circuit analysis I: Ion current relationships for thin slits and pipes', J. Colloid Interface Sci. 365 (2012) 1-15 and `Microfluidic circuit analysis II: Implications of ion conservation for microchannels connected in series', J. Colloid Interface Sci. 365 (2012) 16-27 ( ), volume 442, 2015. |
2016 | |
[22] | A multiphase ion-transport analysis of the electrostatic disjoining pressure: implications for binary droplet coalescence ( ), volume 61, 2016. |
[21] | Steady-state corneal oxygen consumption profiles during contact lens wear ( ), 2016. |
[20] | Trabecular bone anisotropic permeability based on micro-ct imaging and upscaling of porescale fluid flow ( ), 2016. |
2017 | |
[19] | Mechanical and Fluid Dynamical Characterization of 3d Porous Ceramic Material – Application to Baghdadite Scaffolds for Large Segmental Bone Defects ( ), 2017. |
2018 | |
[18] | Lift forces on a sphere in bounded and wall-bounded flows ( ), 2018. |
[17] | Simulating the behaviour of skim-milk during ultrafiltration Simulating the behaviour of skim-milk during ultrafiltration Simulating the behaviour of skim-milk during ultrafiltration ( ), PhD thesis, Dept of Chemical Engineering, University of Melbourne, 2018. |
[16] | CFD study of buoyancy driven droplet coalescence ( ), 2018. |
[15] | Particle Distributions in shear flows: consequences for blood clotting ( ), 2018. |
[14] | Forces Acting on a Particle Moving Near a Wall at Low Re Numbers ( ), 2018. |
2019 | |
[13] | Numerical Models of Blood Flow and Thrombosis ( ), volume Platelet Function & Interactions, 2019. |
[12] | Simulating cross-stream platelet migration within a rectangular microchannel ( ), 2019. |
[11] | Simulations of diffusion-mediated factor Xa generation by surface bound tissue factor ( ), 2019. |
2020 | |
[10] | Lift and drag forces acting on a particle moving with zero slip velocity near a wall ( ), 2020. |
[9] | Lift and drag forces acting on a particle moving in the presence of slip and shear near a wall ( ), 2020. |
2021 | |
[8] | Simulating microscale interface dynamics on a double periodic smooth rough surface ( ), 2021. |
2022 | |
[7] | Contact Angle Hysteresis on Rough Surfaces Part I: Mechanical Energy Balance Framework ( ), 2022. |
[6] | Two-fluid modelling of mineral tailing sedimentation and consolidation ( ), 2022. |
[5] | Flow effects on bradykinin generation in hereditary angioedema (HAE) ( ), 2022. |
2023 | |
[4] | Contact Angle Hysteresis on Rough Surfaces Part I: Mechanical Energy Balance Framework ( ), 2023. |
[3] | Contact Angle Hysteresis on Rough Surfaces Part II: Energy Dissipation via Microscale Interface Dynamics ( ), 2023. |
[2] | Contact Angle Hysteresis on Rough Surfaces Part II: Energy Dissipation via Microscale Interface Dynamics ( ), 2023. |
[1] | Predicting Contact Angle Hysteresis on Surfaces with Randomly and Periodically Distributed Cylindrical Pillars via Energy Dissipation ( ), 2023. |