SIGIR'98 Tutorials and Workshops
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21st Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on
Research and Development in Information Retrieval

Melbourne, Australia

August 24 - 28, 1998


Tutorials, Monday 24 August

T1: Multimedia Information Retrieval
Norbert Fuhr

T2: Models in Information Retrieval
Fredric C. Gey

T3: Metadata on the Internet
Renato Iannella

T4: Evaluation of Information Retrieval Systems
William R. Hersch

T5: Machine Learning for Information Retrieval
David D. Lewis

T6: Content-Based Image Retrieval
R. Manmatha and S. Ravela

T7: Practical Digital Libraries
Ian H. Witten and Rodger J. McNab

Panel, Wednesday 26 August, 4:00pm

Panel: Panel Session - Tools for Searching the Web
Chairs: Donna Harman and Paul Over

Workshops, Friday 28 August

W1: Hypertext Information Retrieval for the Web,
Chairs: Eric Brown and Alan Smeaton.

W2: Information Retrieval: Theory into Practice,
Chairs: Justin Zobel and David Hawking.

W3: Multimedia Indexing and Retrieval,
Chairs: Rohini K. Srihari, Zhongfei Zhang, R. Manmatha, and S. Ravela.
Further information.

W4: Query Input and User Expectations,
Chairs: B. Schmidt-Wesche and G. Golovchinsky.

Register for Tutorials and Workshops using the On-Line Registration Form. For further conference information visit the SIGIR'98 Home Page at

Alistair Moffat,
29 April 1998.