If you would like the PDF file of any of these publications please e-mail me (mpeel@unimelb.edu.au) and request a copy.
Peel MC, 1999, Annual runoff variability in a global context. Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, The University of Melbourne. (Download Thesis as Thesis.zip or Thesis.pdf)
Chiew FHS, Peel MC & Western AW, 2002, Application and testing of the simple rainfall-runoff model SIMHYD. In: Mathematical Models of Small Watershed Hydrology and Applications (VP Singh and DK Frevert, Editors), pp: 335-367, Water Resources Publication, Littleton, Colorado, USA.
Finlayson B, Peel M & McMahon T, 2009, Climate and Rivers. In: Encyclopedia of Inland Waters (Gene E Likens, Editor). Volume 3, pp: 344-356, Elsevier, Oxford, UK.
Srikanthan R, Peel MC, McMahon TA & Jakob D, 2009, Application of the generalized extreme value distribution to Australian peak discharge data. In: Advances in Geosciences (Park N et al. eds). Vol. 11: Hydrological Science (2007), pp: 171-183, World Scientific Publishing Company, Singapore.
Adamson PT, Rutherfurd ID, Peel MC & Conlan IA, 2009, The Hydrology of the Mekong River. In The Mekong Biophysical Environment of an International River Basin (Ian C Campbell, Editor), pp: 53-76. Academic Press, Elsevier, New York, USA.
Peel MC & McMahon TA, 2010, Updating the Köppen-Geiger climatic classification for hydrology. In Water Sustainability A Global Perspective, JAA Jones, pp: 365-366. Hodder Arnold, London, United Kingdom.
Peel MC & McMahon TA, 2010. Teleconnections between seasonal precipitation and streamflow and large-scale atmospheric/oceanic circulation patterns. In Water Sustainability A Global Perspective, JAA Jones, pp: 377-380. Hodder Arnold, London, United Kingdom.
Finlayson BL, Peel MC & McMahon TA, 2011, Understanding global hydrology. In Water Resources Planning and Management, edited by R. Quentin Grafton and Karen Hussey, pp: 23-45. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
McMahon TA, Laaha G, Parajka J, Peel MC, Savenije HHG, Sivapalan M, Szolgay J, Thompson SE, Viglione A, Woods RA & Yang D, 2013, Prediction of annual runoff in ungauged basins. In Runoff Prediction in Ungauged Basins: Synthesis across Processes, Places and Scales, edited by Günter Blöschl, Murugesu Sivapalan, Thorsten Wagener, Alberto Viglione, Hubert Savenije, pp: 70-101. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
Stewardson M, Acreman M, Costelloe J, Fletcher T, Fowler K, Horne A, Liu G, McClain M, Peel MC (2017), Understanding hydrological alteration, in Water for the Environment: from policy and science to implementation and management, edited by Horne A, Webb JA, Stewardson M, Acreman M, Richter B, pp 37-64, Academic Press, Oxford, UK.
Peel MC, Wang QJ, Vogel RM & McMahon TA, 2001. The utility of L-moment ratio diagrams for selecting a regional probability distribution. Hydrological Sciences Journal. 46(1), 147-156.
Peel MC, McMahon TA, Finlayson BL & Watson FGR, 2001. Identification and explanation of continental differences in the variability of annual runoff. Journal of Hydrology. 250, 224-240.
Peel MC, McMahon TA & Finlayson BL, 2002. Variability of annual precipitation and its relationship to the El Niño-Southern Oscillation. Journal of Climate. 15(5), 545-551.
Peel MC, McMahon TA, Finlayson BL & Watson FGR, 2002. Implications of the relationship between catchment vegetation type and the variability of annual runoff. Hydrological Processes. 16, 2995-3002.
Peel MC, Pegram GGS & McMahon TA, 2004. Global analysis of runs of annual precipitation and runoff equal to or below the median: Run length. International Journal of Climatology. 24, 807-822.
Peel MC, McMahon TA & Finlayson BL, 2004. Continental differences in the variability of annual runoff - update and reassessment. Journal of Hydrology. 295, 185-197.
Peel MC, McMahon TA & Pegram GGS, 2005. Global analysis of runs of annual precipitation and runoff equal to or below the median: Run magnitude and severity. International Journal of Climatology. 25, 549-568.
Peel MC & McMahon TA, 2006. Recent frequency component changes in interannual climate variability. Geophysical Research Letters. 33, L16810, doi:10.1029/2006GL025670.
Chiew FHS, Peel MC, McMahon TA & Siriwardena LW, 2006. Precipitation elasticity of streamflow in catchments across the world. In Climate Variability and Change – Hydrological Impacts, IAHS Publ., 308, 256-262.
McMahon TA, Pegram GGS, Vogel RM & Peel MC, 2007. Revisiting reservoir storage-yield relationships using a global streamflow database. Advances in Water Resources. 30, 1858-1872.
Hewa GA, Wang QJ, McMahon TA, Nathan RJ & Peel MC, 2007. Generalized Extreme Value distribution fitted by LH-moments for low flow frequency analysis. Water Resources Research. 43, W06301, doi:10.1029/2006WR004913.
McMahon TA, Pegram GGS, Vogel RM & Peel MC, 2007. Review of Gould-Dincer reservoir storage-yield-reliability estimates. Advances in Water Resources. 30, 1873-1882.
Peel MC, Finlayson BL & McMahon TA, 2007. Updated world map of the Köppen-Geiger climate classification. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 11, 1633-1644. (Download Supplementary Material)
McMahon TA, Vogel RM, Peel MC & Pegram GGS, 2007. Global streamflows – Part 1: Characteristics of annual streamflows. Journal of Hydrology. 347, 243-259.
McMahon TA, Vogel RM, Pegram GGS, Peel MC & Etkin D, 2007. Global streamflows – Part 2: Reservoir storage–yield performance. Journal of Hydrology. 347, 260-271.
McMahon TA, Peel MC, Vogel RM & Pegram GGS, 2007. Global streamflows – Part 3: Country and climate zone characteristics. Journal of Hydrology. 347, 272-291.
Pegram GGS, Peel MC & McMahon TA, 2008. Empirical mode decomposition using rational splines: an application to rainfall time series. Proceedings of the Royal Society London Series A. 464, 1483-1501.
Petheram C, McMahon TA & Peel MC, 2008. Flow characteristics of rivers in northern Australia: Implications for development. Journal of Hydrology, 357, 93-111.
McMahon TA, Murphy RE, Peel MC, Costelloe JF & Chiew FHS, 2008. Understanding the surface hydrology of the Lake Eyre Basin: Part 1 - Rainfall. Journal of Arid Environments, 72(10), 1853-1868.
McMahon TA, Murphy RE, Peel MC, Costelloe JF & Chiew FHS, 2008. Understanding the surface hydrology of the Lake Eyre Basin: Part 2 - Streamflow. Journal of Arid Environments, 72(10), 1869-1886.
McMahon TA, Kiem AS, Peel MC, Jordan PW & Pegram GGS, 2008. A new approach to stochastically generating six-monthly rainfall sequences based on Empirical Mode Decomposition. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 9, 1377-1389.
Peel MC, McMahon TA & Pegram GGS, 2009. Assessing the performance of rational spline-based Empirical Mode Decomposition using a global annual precipitation dataset. Proceedings of the Royal Society London Series A. 465, 1919-1937.
Peel MC, 2009. Hydrology: catchment vegetation and runoff. Progress in Physical Geography, 33(6), 837-844.
Lane PNJ, Feikema PM, Sherwin CB, Peel MC & Freebairn AC, 2010. Modelling the long term water yield impact of wildfire and other forest disturbance in Eucalypt forests. Environmental Modelling and Software, 25, 467-478.
Petheram C, McMahon TA, Peel MC & Smith CJ, 2010. A continental scale assessment of Australia’s potential for irrigation. Water Resource Management, 24, 1791-1817.
Peel MC, McMahon TA & Finlayson BL, 2010. Vegetation impact on mean annual evapotranspiration at a global catchment scale. Water Resources Research, 46, W09508, doi:10.1029/2009WR008233.
McMahon TA, Peel MC, Pegram GGS & Smith IN, 2011. A simple methodology for estimating mean and variability of annual runoff and reservoir yield under present and future climates. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 12, 135-146.
Peel MC & Blöschl G, 2011. Hydrological modelling in a changing world. Progress in Physical Geography, 35(2), 249-261.
Zhang Y, Leuning R, Chiew FHS, Wang E, Zhang L, Liu C, Sun F, Peel MC, Shen Y & Jung M, 2012. Decadal trends in evaporation from global energy and water balances. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 13, 379-391.
McMahon TA, Peel MC, Lowe L, Srikanthan R & McVicar TR, 2013. Estimating actual, potential, reference crop and pan evaporation using standard meteorological data: a pragmatic synthesis. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 17, 1331–1363. (Download Supplementary Material)
Peel MC & McMahon TA, 2014. Estimating evaporation based on standard meteorological data – progress since 2007. Progress in Physical Geography, 38(2), 241–250.
Tesemma ZK, Wei Y, Western AW & Peel MC, 2014. Leaf area index variation for crop, pasture and tree in response to climatic variation in the Goulburn-Broken catchment, Australia. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 15(4), 1592-1606.
McMahon TA, Peel MC & Karoly DJ, 2015. Assessment of precipitation and temperature data from CMIP3 global climate models for hydrologic simulation. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 19, 361-377. (Download Supplementary Material)
Peel MC, Srikanthan R, McMahon TA & Karoly DJ, 2015. Approximating uncertainty of annual runoff and reservoir yield using stochastic replicates of global climate model data. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 19, 1615-1639. (Download Supplementary Material)
Saft M, Western AW, Zhang L, Peel MC & Potter NJ, 2015. The influence of multiyear drought on the annual rainfall-runoff relationship: an Australian perspective. Water Resources Research, 51, 2444–2463.
Tesemma Z, Wei Y, Peel MC & Western AW, 2015. Including the dynamic relationship between climate variables and leaf area index in a hydrological model to improve streamflow prediction under a changing climate. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 19, 2821-2836.
Tesemma Z, Wei Y, Peel MC & Western AW, 2015. The effect of year-to-year variability of leaf area index on Variable Infiltration Capacity model performance and simulation of runoff. Advances in Water Resources, 83, 310-322.
Barria P, Walsh KJE, Peel MC & Karoly DJ, 2015. Uncertainties in runoff projections in southwestern Australian catchments using a global climate model with perturbed physics. Journal of Hydrology, 529, 184-199.
Saft M, Peel MC, Western AW, Perraud J-M & Zhang L, 2016. Bias in streamflow projections due to climate-induced shifts in catchment response. Geophysical Research Letters, 43, 1574-1581.
Fowler KJA, Peel MC, Western AW, Zhang L & Peterson TJ, 2016. Simulating runoff under changing climatic conditions: revisiting an apparent deficiency of conceptual rainfall-runoff models. Water Resources Research, 52, 1820–1846.
McMahon TA, Finlayson BL & Peel MC, 2016. Historical developments of models for estimating evaporation using standard meteorological data. WIRES - Water, 3(6), 788-818.
Saft M, Peel MC, Western AW & Zhang L, 2016. Predicting shifts in rainfall-runoff partitioning during multiyear drought: roles of dry period and catchment characteristics. Water Resources Research, 52, 9290–9305. [Editor’s Choice Award - 2016]
Wang J, Nathan R, Horne A, Peel MC, Wei Y & Langford J, 2017. Evaluating Four Downscaling Methods for Assessment of Climate Change Impact on Environmental Indicators. Environmental Modelling and Software, 96, 68-82.
Mehran A, AghaKouchak A, Nakhjiri N, Stewardson MJ, Peel MC, Phillips TJ, Yoshihide W & Ravalico JK, 2017. Compounding Impacts of Human-Induced Water Stress and Climate Change on Water Availability. Scientific Reports, 7, 6282.
Barria P, Peel MC, Walsh KJE & Garreaud R, 2017. Analysis of within and between-GCM uncertainties of runoff projections in Mediterranean-like catchment. Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science, 67(3), 181-213.
Barria P, Peel MC, Walsh K & Muñoz A, 2018. The first 300-year streamflow reconstruction of a high-elevation river in Chile using tree rings. International Journal of Climatology, 38(1), 436-451.
Liffner J, Hewa GA & Peel MC, 2018. The sensitivity of catchment hypsometry and hypsometric properties to DEM resolution and polynomial order. Geomorphology, 309, 112-120.
Wang J, Horne A, Nathan R, Peel M & Neave I, 2018. Vulnerability of ecological condition to the sequencing of wet and dry spells prior to and during the Murray Darling Basin Millennium Drought. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 144(8), 04018049. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000963.
Fowler K, Peel M, Western A & Zhang L, 2018. Improved rainfall-runoff calibration for drying climate: choice of objective function. Water Resources Research, 54, 3392-3408.
Shrestha S, Moore GA & Peel MC, 2018. Trends in Winter Fog Events in the Terai Region of Nepal. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 259, 118-130.
Akhavan S, Mousabeygi F & Peel MC, 2018. Assessment of eight reference evapotranspiration (ETo) methods considering Köppen climate class in Iran. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 63(10), 1468-1481.
Moore HE, Rutherfurd ID & Peel MC, 2018. Excluding stock from riverbanks in Victoria for environmental restoration: the influence of social norms, drought and off-farm income on landholder behaviour. Journal of Rural Studies, 62, 116-124.
Fowler K, Coxon G, Freer J, Peel MC, Wagener T, Western A, Woods R & Zhang L, 2018. Simulating runoff under changing climatic conditions: a framework for model improvement. Water Resources Research, 54, 9812-9832.
Shrestha S, Peel MC & Moore GA, 2018. Development of a Regression Model for Estimating Daily Radiative Forcing Due to Atmospheric Aerosols from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometers (MODIS) Data in the Indo Gangetic Plain (IGP). Atmosphere, 9(10), 405; doi: 10.3390/atmos9100405.
McMahon TA & Peel MC, 2019. Uncertainty in stage-discharge rating curves: Application to Australian Hydrologic Reference Stations data. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 64(3), 255-275.
Henley BJ, Peel MC, Nathan R, King AD, Ukkola AM, Karoly DJ & Tan KS, 2019. Amplification of risks to water supply at 1.5°C and 2°C in drying climates: a case study for Melbourne, Australia. Environmental Research Letters, 084028, https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ab26ef.
Knoben WJM, Freer JE, Fowler KJA, Peel MC & Woods RA, 2019. Modular Assessment of Rainfall-Runoff Models Toolbox (MARRMoT) v1.2: an open-source, extendable framework providing implementations of 46 conceptual hydrologic models as continuous state-space formulations. Geoscientific Model Development, 12: 2463-2480.
Khatami S, Peel MC, Peterson TJ & Western AW, 2019. Equifinality and Flux Mapping: a new approach to model evaluation and process representation under uncertainty. Water Resources Research, 55: 8922-8941.
Nathan R, McMahon TA, Peel MC & Horne A, 2019. Assessing the degree of hydrologic stress due to climate change. Climatic Change, 156: 87-104.
Western A, Matic V & Peel M, 2020. Justin Costelloe: A champion of arid zone water research. Hydrogeology Journal, 28: 37-41
Peterson TJ, Wasko C, Saft M & Peel MC, 2020. AWAPer: An R package for area weighted catchment daily meteorological data anywhere within Australia. Hydrological Processes, 34: 1301-1306
Fowler K, Knoben W, Peel MC, Peterson T, Ryu D, Saft M, Seo K-W & Western A, 2020. Many commonly used rainfall-runoff models lack long, slow dynamics: implications for runoff projections. Water Resources Research, 56: e2019WR025286.
Wasko C, Nathan R & Peel MC, 2020. Changes in antecedent soil moisture modulate flood seasonality in a changing climate. Water Resources Research, 56: e2019WR026300.
Moore HE, Rutherfurd ID, Peel MC & Horne A, 2020. ‘Sub-prime’ water, low security entitlements and policy challenges in over-allocated river basins: the case of the Murray-Darling Basin. Environmental Management, 66: 202-217.
Hoult R, Peel MC & Duffield C, 2021. Lessons from flipping subjects in engineering: the effectiveness of student learning in a flipped environment at the University level. Journal of Civil Engineering Education, 147(1): 04020012.
Wasko C, Nathan R & Peel MC, 2020. Trends in global flood and streamflow timing based on local water year. Water Resources Research, 56: e2020WR027233.
Peel MC & McMahon TA, 2020. Historical Development of Rainfall-Runoff Modelling. WIREs Water, 7(5): e1471.
Knoben WJM, Freer JE, Peel MC, Fowler KJA & Woods RA, 2020. A brief analysis of conceptual model structure uncertainty using 36 models and 559 catchments. Water Resources Research, 56: e2019WR025975. [Editor’s Choice Award - 2020]
Gillen J, Costelloe JF, Allen KJ, Fallon SJ, Peel MC, Stewardson M & Nathan R, 2021. Can riparian eucalypts be used for hydroclimatic reconstruction? The case for Eucalyptus coolabah to define palaeo-flood events. Journal of Arid Environments, 184: 104301.
Peterson TJ, Saft M, Peel MC & John A, 2021. Watersheds may not recover from drought. Science, 372: 745-749.
Fowler KJA, Coxon G, Freer JE, Knoben WJM, Peel MC, Wagener T, Western AW, Woods RA & Zhang L, 2021. Towards more realistic runoff projections by removing limits on simulated soil moisture deficit. Journal of Hydrology. 600: 126505.
Denson E, Wasko C & Peel MC, 2021. Decreases in relative humidity across Australia. Environmental Research Letters. 16: 074023.
Fowler KJA, Acharya SC, Addor N, Chou C & Peel MC, 2021. CAMELS-AUS: Hydrometeorological time series and landscape attributes for 222 catchments in Australia. Earth System Science Data. 13: 3847–3867.
Fowler K, Ballis N, Horne A, John A, Nathan R & Peel MC, 2022. Integrated framework for rapid climate stress testing on a monthly timestep. Environmental Modelling & Software, 150, 105339.
Gao Z, Guo D, Peel MC & Stewardson MJ, 2022. Understanding Regional Streamflow Trend Magnitudes in the Southern Murray-Darling Basin, Australia. Australasian Journal of Water Resources, DOI: 10.1080/13241583.2022.2074942. [GN Alexander Medal - 2022]
Fowler K, Peel M, Saft M, Nathan R, Horne A, Wilby R, McCutcheon C & Peterson T, 2022. Hydrological shifts threaten water resources. Water Resources Research, 58(8): e2021WR031210.
Trotter L, Knoben WJM, Fowler KJA, Saft M & Peel MC, 2022. Modular Assessment of Rainfall–Runoff Models Toolbox (MARRMoT) v2.1: an object-oriented implementation of 47 of your favourite hydrologic models for improved speed and readability. Geoscientific Model Development. 15, 6359–6369.
Li H, Lo M-H, Ryu D, Peel MC & Zhang Y, 2022. Possible Increase of Air Temperature by Irrigation. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL100427.
Fowler K, Peel M, Saft M, Peterson T, Western A, Band L, Petheram C, Dharmadi S, Tan KS, Zhang L, Lane P, Kiem A, Marshall L, Griebel A, Medlyn B, Ryu D, Bonotto G, Wasko C, Ukkola A, Stephens C, Frost A, Weligamage H, Saco P, Zheng H, Chiew F, Daly E, Walker G, Vervoort RW, Hughes J, Trotter L, Neal B, Cartwright I, Nathan R, 2022. Explaining changes in rainfall-runoff relationships during and after Australia's Millennium Drought: a community perspective. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 26: 6073–6120.
Shrestha S, Peel MC & Moore GA. 2022. Cold waves in Terai region of Nepal and farmer’s perception of the effect of fog events and cold waves on agriculture. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-022-04262-7.
Shrestha S, Peel MC, Moore GA, Gaydon DS, Poulton PL & Dutta SK, 2022. Effect of anthropogenic aerosols on wheat production in the eastern Indo-Gangetic Plain. Atmosphere, 13(11) 1896, https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos13111896.
Ren P, Stewardson M & Peel M, 2022. A simple analytical method to assess multiple-priority water rights in carryover systems. Water Resources Research, 58, e2022WR032530. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022WR032530.
Ren P, Stewardson M, Peel M & Fowler K, 2023. A modified Gould-Dincer method to assess yield of carry-over reservoirs with environmental water requirements. Journal of Hydrology, 617: 129065.
Trotter L, Saft M, Peel MC & Fowler KJA, 2023. Symptoms of Performance Degradation During Multi-Annual Drought: A Large-Sample, Multi-Model Study. Water Resources Research, 59, e2021WR031845.
John A, Nathan R, Horne A, Fowler K, Stewardson M, Peel M & Webb JA, 2023. The time of emergence of climate-induced hydrologic change in Australian rivers. Journal of Hydrology, 619: 129371.
Weligamage HG, Fowler K, Peterson T, Saft M, Peel MC & Ryu D, 2023. Partitioning of Precipitation into Terrestrial Water Balance Components under a Drying Climate. Water Resources Research. 59, e2022WR033538.
van Rensch P, Turner M, Saft M, Peel MC, Peterson TJ, Hope P & Pepler A, 2023. The role of weather system changes and catchment characteristics in the rainfall-runoff relationship shift in Victoria, Australia. Water Resources Research. 59, e2022WR033692
Yang Z, Ryu D, Lo M-H, Peel MC, Narsey SY & McColl KA, 2023. Negligible impact on precipitation from a permanent inland lake in central Australia. Geophysical Research Letters. 50, e2023GL103913.
Trotter L, Saft M, Peel MC & Fowler KJA, 2024. Recession constants are non-stationary: impacts of multi-annual drought on catchment recession behaviour and storage dynamics. Journal of Hydrology. 630, 130707.
Ren P, Stewardson M, Peel M, Turner M & John A, 2024. Assessing climate change impacts on yield of 'dual-priority' water rights in carryover systems at catchment scale. Water Resources Research. 60, e2023WR035376.
Pool S, Peel MC & Fowler K, 2024. Benefit of multivariate model calibration for different climatic regions. Water Resources Research. 60, e2023WR036364, https://doi.org/10.1029/2023WR036364.
Weligamage HG, Fowler K, Ryu D, Saft M, Peterson T & Peel MC, 2024. Vegetation as a driver of shifts in rainfall-runoff relationship: synthesising hydrological evidence with remote sensing. Journal of Hydrology. 648, 132389.
McMahon TA, Peel MC & Amirthanathan GE, 2025. Assessing rating curve uncertainty. Hydrological Sciences Journal. https://doi.org/10.1080/02626667.2024.2442736.
Prabhan S, Wasko C & Peel MC, 2025. Atmospheric Rivers and Australian Precipitation: Impact of Detection Algorithm Choice. Journal of Hydrology. 651, 132586.
Peel MC & McMahon TA, 2006. A quality-controlled global runoff data set. Nature. 444(7120), E14, doi:10.1038/nature05480.
Finlayson BL, Peel MC & McMahon TA, 2012. Discussion of: Finkl C.W. and Cathcart R.B., 2011, The "Morning Glory" Project: A Papua New Guinea-Queensland Australia Undersea Freshwater Pipeline. Journal of Coastal Research, 27(4), 607-618. Journal of Coastal Research, 28(4), 979-981.
McMahon TA, Peel MC & Szilagyi J, 2013. Comment on the application of the Szilagyi–Jozsa advection–aridity model for estimating actual terrestrial evapotranspiration in “Estimating actual, potential, reference crop and pan evaporation using standard meteorological data: a pragmatic synthesis” by McMahon et al. (2013). Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 17, 4865–4867.
Peel MC, 2003. Invited comment on the paper of Dewar RE, 2003. Rainfall variability and subsistence systems in Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific. Current Anthropology. 44(3), 369-388.
Chiew FHS, McMahon TA & Peel MC, 1995, Some issues of relevance to South African streamflow hydrology. Seventh South African National Hydrology Symposium, Hydrology and Water Resources in Southern Africa, Grahamstown, South Africa.
Brizga SO, Peel MC, Finlayson BL, Campbell IC & Chesterfield C, 1996, Downstream impacts of water harvesting: a case study of the Yarra River, Victoria, Australia. Water and the Environment. 23rd Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Hobart
Peel MC, Wang QJ, Vogel RM & McMahon TA, 1999, Are L-moment ratio diagrams useful for distribution selection for frequency analysis? In 25th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium Proceedings, Brisbane, pp: 1099-1104.
Watson FGR, Grayson RB, Vertessy RA, Peel MC & Pierce LL, 2001. Evolution of a Hillslope Hydrologic Model. In MODSIM 2001 – International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Canberra, pp: 461-467.
Chiew FHS, Peel MC & Western AW, 2002, Extension of monthly unimpaired streamflow data for Australia. Proceedings of the 27th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Melbourne. The Institution of Engineers Australia, [CD-ROM].
Peel MC, Watson FGR & Vertessy RA, 2003. Modelling impacts of land use change on low flows in the North Esk River using the Macaque model. In MODSIM 2003 - International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Townsville, pp: 849-854.
Hewa GA, McMahon TA, Peel MC & Nathan RJ, 2003, Identification of the most appropriate regression procedure to regionalize extreme low flows. 28th International Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium Proceedings, Wollongong, November, Vol. 1, pp: 181-188.
Hewa GA & Peel MC, 2004, Application of the truncated generalized extreme value distribution to estimate extreme low flow quantiles – a case study using the Gin Ganga at Agaliya, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Water Resources Management in the changing environment of the Monsoon region, Colombo, Sri Lanka, Vol. 1, pp: 174-183.
Hewa GA, McMahon TA, Peel MC, Wang QJ & Nathan RJ, 2005, Dealing with zero-low flow quantiles in developing regional regression models. 29th International Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium Proceedings, Canberra, February, The Institution of Engineers Australia, [CD-ROM].
Chiew FHS, Peel MC, Amirthanathan GE & Pegram GGS, 2005. Identification of oscillations in historical global streamflow data using empirical mode decomposition. In Regional Hydrological Impacts of Climatic Change – Hydroclimatic Variability, Proceedings of symposium S6 held during the Seventh IAHS Scientific Assembly at Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil. IAHS Publ. 296, pp: 53-62.
Peel MC, Amirthanathan GE, Pegram GGS, McMahon TA & Chiew FHS, 2005. Issues with the application of Empirical Mode Decomposition Analysis. In Zerger A and Argent RM (eds) MODSIM 2005 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, December 2005, pp. 1681-1687. ISBN: 0-9758400-2-9.
Srikanthan R, Peel MC, Pegram GGS & McMahon TA, 2006, Stochastic modelling of annual rainfall data. 30th International Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium Proceedings, Launceston, December, The Institution of Engineers Australia, [CD-ROM].
Peel MC, Pegram GGS & McMahon TA, 2007. Empirical Mode Decomposition: Improvement and application. In Oxley, L. and Kulasiri, D. (eds) MODSIM 2007 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, December 2007, pp. 2996-3002. ISBN : 978-0-9758400-4-7.
Lane PNJ, Feikema PM, Sherwin CB, Peel MC & Freebairn A, 2007. Physically-based prediction of water yield from disturbed forested water supply catchments. In Oxley, L. and Kulasiri, D. (eds) MODSIM 2007 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, December 2007, pp. 2953-2959. ISBN : 978-0-9758400-4-7.
Hewa GA, Wang QJ, Peel MC, McMahon TA & Nathan RJ, 2007. How significant is the bias in low flow quantiles estimated by L- and LH-moments? In Oxley, L. and Kulasiri, D. (eds) MODSIM 2007 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, December 2007, pp. 2500-2505. ISBN : 978-0-9758400-4-7.
Herron A, Kiem AS & Peel MC, 2010. Projecting impacts of climate change on future water resources – how and what to change? Practical Responses to Climate Change, 29th September – 1st October, The Institution of Engineers Australia, Melbourne, Australia.
Peel MC, McMahon TA, Srikanthan R & Tan KS, 2011. Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition: Testing and objective automation. Proceedings of the 33rd Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Brisbane, Engineers Australia, pp: 702-709.
Peel MC, Srikanthan R, McMahon TA & Karoly DJ, 2011. Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition of monthly climatic indices relevant to Australian hydroclimatology. In Chan, F., Marinova, D. and Anderssen, R.S. (eds) MODSIM2011, 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, December 2011, pp. 3615-3621.
Srikanthan R, Peel MC, McMahon TA & Karoly DJ, 2011. Ensemble empirical mode decomposition of Australian monthly rainfall and temperature data. In Chan, F., Marinova, D. and Anderssen, R.S. (eds) MODSIM2011, 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, December 2011, pp. 3643-3649.
Hewa GA & Peel MC, 2011. Ungauged Catchment Predictions of Low Flow Quantiles: How Reliable Are they? Proceedings of the International Statistics Conference on Statistical concepts and methods for the modern world, December 28-30, Colombo, Sri Lanka, pp: 92-101.
Kidson RL, Taylor NM, Haddad BM, Langford KJ, Peel MC, Western AW, McMahon TA & Kuss AJM, 2015. Long-run persistence in reservoir inflows: Empirical Mode Decomposition in Sydney and Melbourne. Proceedings, OzWater’15, Adelaide, Australia, 12-14 May 2015.
Saft M, Peel M, Jordan P, Shepherd D, Steendam G, Lett R & Peterson T, 2021. Mapping additional streamflow decline due to shifts in catchment response during the Millennium Drought. MODSIM 2021, Sydney, Australia, 6-10 December 2021.
Trotter L, Saft M, Peel MC & Fowler KJA, 2021. “Naïve” inclusion of diverse climates in calibration is not sufficient to improve model reliability under future climate uncertainty. MODSIM 2021, Sydney, Australia, 6-10 December 2021.
Weligamage H, Fowler KJA, Peterson TJ, Saft M & Peel MC, 2021. Observation based gridded annual runoff estimates over Victoria, Australia. MODSIM 2021, Sydney, Australia, 6-10 December 2021.
Brizga SO, Peel MC & Finlayson BL, 1994, Temporal Trends and Spatial Patterns in Yarra River Water Quality from Warrandyte to Dights Falls. Draft, pages 144. Melbourne Water and Melbourne Parks and Waterways.
Brizga SO, Campbell IC, Peel MC, David LC & Finlayson BL, 1995, Effects of Water Resources Management on the Yarra River Environment from the Upper Yarra Dam to Warrandyte. Melbourne Water and Melbourne Parks and Waterways. Draft, pages 274. (Scanned copy of report)
Peel MC, Watson FGR, Vertessy RA, Lau JA, Watson IS, Sutton MW & Rhodes BG, 2000, Predicting the water yield impacts of forest disturbance in the Maroondah and Thomson catchments using the Macaque model. Technical Report 00/14, The Cooperative Research Centre for Catchment Hydrology, Melbourne, Australia. (Download Report)
Peel MC, Chiew FHS, Western AW & McMahon TA, 2000, Extension of Unimpaired Monthly Streamflow Data and Regionalisation of Parameter Values to Estimate Streamflow in Ungauged Catchments. Report prepared for the National Land and Water Resources Audit, In Australian Natural Resources Atlas, Pages 37. (Download Report)
Peel MC & McMahon TA, 2001, Managing nutrients in irrigation drains – are we making a difference – will we be able to tell if we are making a difference? (Stage 1). Report prepared for Goulburn Murray Water. Centre for Environmental Applied Hydrology. Pages 38.
Peel MC, Vertessy RA & Watson FGR, 2002, Generating water yield curves for forest stands in the Thomson catchment for inclusion in the Integrated Forest Planning System. Report prepared for the Victorian Department of Natural Resources and Environment. Pages 33.
Peel MC, Watson FGR & Vertessy RA, 2002, Modeling of low flows in the North Esk River using the Macaque model. Report prepared for Launceston City Council. Pages 52. (Download Report) or (Download from Launceston City Council).
Bates BC, Charles SP, Chiew F, Harle K, Howden M, Kirby M, Peel M, Suppiah R, Siriwardena L, Viney NR & Whetton PH, 2003, Climate change projections and the effects on water yield and water demand for the Australian Capital Territory. Report prepared for ACT Electricity and Water.
Chiew FHS, Amirthanathan GE, Peel MC, McMahon TA, Rhodes BG, Kularathna UP, Dracup JA & Pegram GGS, 2005, Hydroclimatic variability and Melbourne’s water resources. Report prepared for Melbourne Water. Pages 104.
McMahon TA, Murphy R, Little P, Costelloe JF, Peel MC, Chiew FHS, Hayes S, Nathan R & Kandel DD, 2005, Hydrology of Lake Eyre Basin. Report prepared for Department of Environment and Heritage. Pages 139. (Download Report and Appendices).
Feikema P, Lane P, Peel M, Sherwin C, Freebairn A & Salkin O, 2006, Hydrological studies into the impact of timber harvesting on water yield in state forests supplying water to Melbourne – Part 1 of Hydrological studies. Report prepared for Victorian Department of Sustainability and Environment. Pages 119. (Download Report 1a & 1b)
Lane PNJ, Sherwin CB, Peel MC & Freebairn A, 2007, Impact of the 2003 Alpine Bushfires on Streamflow: Predicting the long-term impacts of bushfire on water yield. Report prepared for Victorian Department of Sustainability and Environment and Murray-Darling Basin Commission. Pages iii+58. (Download Report).
Potter NJ, Chiew FHS, Frost AJ, Srikanthan R, McMahon TA, Peel MC & Austin JM, 2008, Characterisation of recent rainfall and runoff in the Murray-Darling Basin. A report to the Australian Government from the CSIRO Murray-Darling Basin Sustainable Yields Project. CSIRO, Australia. 40pp. (Download Report).
Akhavan S, Peel MC, Western AW, Saft M, Peterson T & Bende-Michl U, 2020. Pattern and drivers of hydrologic change in rainfall-streamflow characteristics: enhancing our knowledge in water resources availability. Report prepared for the Australian Bureau of Meteorology. Pages 80.
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning; Bureau of Meteorology; Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation; The University of Melbourne, 2020, Victoria’s Water in a Changing Climate. Pages 100.
Peel MC, Watson FGR & Vertessy RA, 2000, Predicting the water yield impact of forest disturbance in the Thomson catchment. Water, 27(6), Australian Water Association.
Peel MC, McMahon TA, Finlayson BL & Watson FGR, 1999, Continental differences in annual runoff variability and climate change (Keynote). Second Conference of the IGU Study Group on Environmental Change and Extreme Hydrological Events, Aberystwyth, UK.
Peel M, Savige C, Hughes R, Pegram G & McMahon T, 2002, Runs Analysis of Annual Precipitation and Annual Runoff in Australia and Southern Africa. Session G-10 Water Sustainability at IGU Regional Conference, Durban, South Africa.
Chiew FHS, Rhodes B, Peel MC & Amirthanathan GE, 2004, Impact of Interdecadal Hydroclimatic Variability on the Management of Water Supply for Melbourne, Australia. EOS Trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H24B-04. San Francisco, USA.
Peel MC & McMahon TA, 2006, Global analysis of recent frequency component changes in interannual climate variability. EGU General Assembly, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 8, 05527, 2-7 April, Vienna. (Oral) (Download PowerPoint Presentation)
McMahon TA, Pegram GGS & Peel MC, 2007, An Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) model for stochastic generation of hydro-climatological time series. EGU General Assembly, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 9, 06067, 15-20 April, Vienna. (Poster)
Srikanthan R, Peel MC, Pegram GGS & McMahon TA, 2007, Low frequency climate variability and stochastic modelling of annual rainfall data. EGU General Assembly, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 9, 03131, 15-20 April, Vienna. (Oral)
Srikanthan R, Peel MC, McMahon TA & Jakob D, 2007, Application of Generalised Extreme Value Distribution to Australian Peak Discharge Data. AOGS 4th Annual General Meeting, HS03-A0009, 31 July – 4 August, Bangkok. (Oral)
Peel MC, McMahon TA & Smith IN, 2008, Global catchment based comparison of observed and HadGEM modelled precipitation, temperature and Köppen climate type. EGU General Assembly, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 10, EGU2008-A-06133, 14-18 April, Vienna. (Oral) (Download PowerPoint Presentation)
Petheram C, McMahon TA & Peel MC, 2008, Tropical Rivers of Northern Australia: are they Australia's abundant water supply? Eos Trans. AGU, 89(23), West. Pac. Geophys. Meet. Suppl., Abstract H23A-04. (Oral)
Potter NJ, Chiew FH, Peel MC & McMahon TA, 2008, An Empirical Assessment of the Relationship Between Climatic Indices and Hydroclimatic Variability in South-Eastern Australia. Eos Trans. AGU, 89(23), West. Pac. Geophys. Meet. Suppl., Abstract H25G-03. (Poster).
Herron A, Kiem AS & Peel MC, 2010, Projecting impacts of climate change on future water resources – How and what to change? Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, 17th annual conference, 27-29 January, Canberra. (Oral).
Peel MC, McMahon TA & Finlayson BL, 2010, Global investigation of vegetation impact on mean annual catchment evapotranspiration. EGU General Assembly, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-7527, 3-7 May, Vienna. (Oral).
Saft M, Western AW, Zhang L & Peel MC, 2012, Effects of inter-decadal climate variability on rainfall-runoff relationships in Australian catchments. AGU Fall Meeting, 3-7 December, San Francisco. (Poster).
Srikanthan R, Peel MC, McMahon TA & Karoly DJ, 2013, Stochastic generation of monthly rainfall and temperature data for current and future climate. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Brisbane, 24-28 June. (Oral).
Peel MC, McMahon TA, Srikanthan R & Karoly DJ, 2013, Hydrologic climate change impact assessments: using non-stationary stochastic data to investigate the importance of within GCM variability. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Brisbane, 24-28 June. (Invited Oral).
Barria P, Walsh K & Peel M, 2013, Uncertainties in runoff modeling in Southwest Western Australian catchments using several GCM runs. COECSS Second Annual Workshop, 11-13 November, Lorne, Australia. (Poster).
Saft M, Perraud J-M, Western AW, Zhang L & Peel MC, 2013, Drought related changes in rainfall-runoff relationships and its impact on model performance. MODSIM 2013, Adelaide, 1-6 December. (Oral).
Barria P, Walsh K & Peel M, 2014, Uncertainties in runoff modeling in southwest western australian catchments using several GCM runs. Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society 20th annual conference, Hobart, 12-14 February. (Oral).
Barria PA, Walsh KJE & Peel MC, 2014, Uncertainties in runoff modelling using a global climate model with perturbed physics. Trending Now: Water. 7th International Scientific Conference on the Global Water and Energy Cycle; 2014 Jul 14-17; The Hague, The Netherlands. (Poster, won the AGU Hydrology Poster Session Award).
Barria P, Walsh K, Peel M & Muñoz A, 2014, Reconstruction of runoff using tree rings in a high elevation catchment in central Chile. COECSS Third Annual Workshop, 11-13 November, Pokolbin, Australia. (Poster).
Tesemma Z, Wei Y, Western A & Peel M, 2014, Modeling Leaf Area Index Variation for Cropland, Pasture and Tree in Response to Climatic Variation in the Goulburn-Broken Catchment, Australia. AGU Fall Meeting, 15-19 December, San Francisco. (Poster).
Peel M, McMahon T, Srikanthan S & Karoly D, 2014, Approximating within-GCM uncertainty for hydrologic climate change impact assessments. AGU Fall Meeting, 15-19 December, San Francisco. (Invited Oral).
Fowler K, Peel MC, Western A & Zhang L, 2015, Predicting runoff under changing climatic conditions: using Pareto approaches to identify robust models. 26th IUGG General Assembly, June 22 – July 2, Prague, Czech Republic. (Oral).
Saft M, Peel MC, Western A, Zhang L, Perraud JM & Potter N, 2015, Symmetry in performance of different streamflow prediction methods: effect of non-stationarity in catchment processes. 26th IUGG General Assembly, June 22 – July 2, Prague, Czech Republic. (Oral).
Peel MC, McMahon TA & Finlayson BL, 2015, Estimating inter-annual runoff variability from a global data set. 26th IUGG General Assembly, June 22 – July 2, Prague, Czech Republic. (Oral).
Peel MC, 2015, Synthetic data comparison of Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (EEMD) and Complete EEMD. MODSIM2015, 21st International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, November 30 – December 4, Gold Coast. (Oral).
Peel MC, McMahon TA & Finlayson BL, 2016, Estimating inter-annual runoff variability from global hydroclimatic data. EGU General Assembly, April 18 – April 22, Vienna, Austria. (Poster).
Saft M, Peel MC, Western AW & Zhang L, 2016, Explaining the magnitude of shift in the rainfall-runoff relationship. OzEWEX 2016, December 14-15, Canberra, Australia. (Oral)
Fowler K, Peel MC, Western AW & Zhang L, 2016, Model calibration for changing climates: lessons from Australian droughts. AGU Fall Meeting, 12-16 December, San Francisco. (Poster).
Reviewer of Journal Articles
Hydrology: Water Resources Research - Journal of Hydrology - Hydrology and Earth System Sciences - Hydrological Processes - Ecohydrology - Hydrological Sciences Journal - Advances in Water Resources - Irrigation and Drainage - Journal of Hydrologic Engineering - Hydrology Research - Australian Journal of Water Resources
Climatolology: Journal of Climate - Agricultural and Forest Meteorology - International Journal of Climatology - Climatic Change - Climate Research - Climate Dynamics - Australian Meteorological Magazine
General: Nature Climate Change - Nature Geoscience - Scientific Reports - Global Environmental Change - Global & Planetary Change - Environmental Modelling and Software - Science of the Total Environment - Biogeosciences - Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology - Geographical Research - Physical Geography - Polish Journal of Environmental Studies
Other: Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
Reviewer of Conference Papers
MODSIM (2003; 2005; 2007)
ARC Discovery Project (DP0449685), Understanding the effect of climate change on runoff variability and water resource systems performance, McMahon TA (CI), 2004-2006, (Peel MC co-author of application).
ARC Discovery Project (DP0773016), Understanding and modelling of interannual hydroclimatic variability in the context of historic streamflow, McMahon TA (CI), 2007-2009, (Peel MC co-author of application).
CSIRO Flagship Collaboration Research Fund, Characterising Australian hydroclimatic variability with an improved Hilbert Huang Transform methodology, Peel MC (CI), McMahon TA (CI), Chiew FHS (CI) & Potter NJ (CI), 2007-2008.
ARC Linkage Project (LP100100756), Narrowing the scatter and assessing the uncertainty of climate change projections of Australian river flows, McMahon TA (CI) & Karoly DJ (CI), 2010 – 2012, (Peel MC co-author of application).
ARC Future Fellowship (FT120100130), Hydrologic modelling for a changing world, Peel MC, 2012-2016.
ARC Linkage Project (LP150100062), Megadrought likelihood and its water resource impacts in Australia, Karoly DJ (CI), Peel MC (CI), Gergis J (CI), Gallant AJE (CI), Nathan RJ (CI), Tan KS (PI) & Steendam G (PI), 2016 – 2018.
ARC Linkage Project (LP170100598), Vulnerabilities for Environmental Water Outcomes in a Changing Climate, Stewardson MJ (CI), Nathan RJ (CI), Peel MC (CI), Webb JA (CI) & Poff NL (PI), 2018 – 2020.
ARC Linkage Project (LP180100796), Observed streamflow generation changes: better understanding and modelling, Peel MC (CI), Peterson TJ (CI), Chiew FHS (PI) & Zhang L (PI), 2019 - 2021.