SEquences and Their Applications (SETA) 2014 (November 24 to 28, 2014)
We thank Melbourne and School of Engineering and Australian Mathematics Sciences Institute for their support to the conference.
Melbourne University Commercial have agreed to process the registrations. You need to click the following link to start the registration process:
Registration includes coffee breaks, lunch buffets and a conference banquet.
All prices mentioned are in Australia Dollars. The registration process will add additional 30 cents per ticket.
Author Registration
All authors need to register by 24, August, 2014 in order to be included in the proceedings.Full and Student registration charges are $440 and $350 respectively. Deadline forearly bird registration: 22, September, 2014;
Registration discounts for participants from AMSI member institutes
Special discounted registration rates apply for partcipants from AMSI member institutes.AMSI has a program to encourage women mathematicians to attend the event. To obtain special rates from AMSI, please contact Udaya Parampalli for the instructions.
Participants from AMSI member organizations can apply to AMSI for travel funding.