Lachlan Andrew
ORCID: 0000-0003-0267-1062
Masters minor thesis projects available
Selected Publications:
(See also full publication list.)
Dynamic right-sizing for power-proportional data centers (2014 William Bennett paper award)
Minghong Lin, Adam Wierman, Lachlan L. H. Andrew and Eno Thereska.
IEEE/ACM Trans. Networking, 21(5):1378-1391, Oct 2013.
Online Algorithms for Geographical Load Balancing (best paper award)
Minghong Lin, Zhenhua Liu, Adam Wierman and Lachlan L. H. Andrew.
in Proc. Int. Green Computing Conf., pp. 1-10. San Jose, CA, 5-8 Jun 2012.
Dynamic right-sizing for power-proportional data centers (best paper award)
Minghong Lin, Adam Wierman, Lachlan L. H. Andrew and Eno Thereska.
in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, pp. 1098-1106. Shanghai, China, 10-15 Apr 2011.
Greening Geographical Load Balancing (ACM SIGMETRICS test of time award, 2021)
Zhenhua Liu, Minghong Lin, Adam Wierman, Steven H. Low and Lachlan L. H. Andrew.
in Proc. ACM SIGMETRICS, pp. 233-244. San Jose, CA, 7-11 Jun 2011.
Greening Geographical Load Balancing
Zhenhua Liu, Minghong Lin, Adam Wierman, Steven H. Low and Lachlan L. H. Andrew.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 23(2):657-671, 2015.
Network Stability under Alpha Fair Bandwidth Allocation with General File Size Distribution
Fernando Paganini, Ao Tang, Andres Ferragut and Lachlan L. H. Andrew.
IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, 57(3):579-591, Mar 2012.
Optimality, fairness, and robustness in speed scaling designs
Lachlan L. H. Andrew, Minghong Lin and Adam Wierman.
in Proc. ACM SIGMETRICS, pp. 37-48. New York, NY, 14-18 Jun 2010.
Queue Dynamics with Window Flow Control
Ao Tang, Lachlan L. H. Andrew, Krister Jacobsson, Karl H. Johansson, Steven H. Low and Håkan Hjalmarsson.
IEEE/ACM Trans. Networking, 18(5):1422-1435, Oct 2010.
Power-Aware Speed Scaling in Processor Sharing Systems
Adam Wierman, Lachlan L. H. Andrew and Ao Tang.
in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, pp. 2007-2015. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 20-25 Apr 2009.
Dynamic Allocation of Subcarriers and Transmit Powers in an OFDMA Cellular Network
Stephen V. Hanly, Lachlan L. H. Andrew and Thaya Thanabalasingham.
IEEE Trans. Information Theory, 55(12):5455-5462, Dec 2009.
- Associate editor of IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 18 Jan 2011--Dec 2013
- Area editor of Elsevier Computer Communications, 17 Sept 2009--Dec 2013
Lachlan is a member of Swinburne's Energy Management Research Centre (EMRC).
- 2023-2024 PowerChina Huadong Engineering Corporation Limited "Consensus and Mutual Exclusion in Partially Observable Dynamic Systems and their Applications on the Safety of Rail-Signalling Systems" $800,000 with Weilin Wang
- 2022-2023 C4NET project 78, "Accurate Rural Powerline Fault Detection" $60k, with R. Rezzaghi. Industry partners AusNet, Powercor
- 2021-2023 PowerChina Grant KY2020-JT-12-01-2022 “Urban Expressway Entrance Control for Congestion Prevention” $250,000 with Weilin Wang
- 2012-2022 PowerChina Grant KY2018-JT-20-01-2019 "Optimization and Autonomous Control of Traffic Signal Systems" $800,000 with Weilin Wang
- 2019-2021 4NET project 35, "Mapping of LV networks and line parameter estimation using smart meter data" $220k, with R. Rezzaghi, B. Bahrani, S. Goodwin. Industry partners: AusNet, Powercor
- 2019-2021 "Efficient and fair context-aware resource allocation in networks", ARC DP190102134, $440k, with H. Vu and T. K. Phan
- 2013-2015 "Congestion control of networks: a unified stochastic framework", ARC DP130100156, $300k, with H. Vu, Y. Nazarathy, S. H. Low and M. Mandjes
- 2013-2015 "Resource management algorithms and software systems for green cloud computing", ARC DP130101378, $315k, with R. Buyya and A. Wierman
- 2011-2013 "Tools and models for measuring and predicting growth in internet addressing and routing complexity", ARC LP110100240, $211k, with G. Armitage and G. Huston
- 2010-2012 "Mechanism design for next generation random access wireless protocols", ARC DP1095103, $150k, with H. Vu
- 2009-2013 "Increasing internet energy and cost efficiency by improving higher-layer protocols", ARC FT0991594, A$683k. ARC future fellowship
- 2009-2012 "Efficient and Fair Traffic Control for a Multi-Service Internet", ARC DP0985322, A$635k, with M. Zukerman, M. Palaniswami, Z. Rosberg and G. Chen
- 2008 "WAN-in-Lab at 10Gbit/s", DURIP 53773-MA-RIP, US$150k, with Steven Low
- 2005-2007 "Control Protocols for Wireless Networks", ARC DP0557611, A$238k, with Stephen Hanly
Lachlan Andrew - Research Students
Current PhD:
- Luxin Fang
Submitted PhD:
Graduated PhD:
- Abu Pengwah, 2023 -
- Bruno Mendez
- Peter Lusis, 2019
- Ricky Wong, 2018 - A Particle-based Real-time Load Disaggregation Framework for Low-Frequency Non-intrusive Load Monitoring,
(co-supervised with Ahmet Sekercioglu and Tom Drummond)- Tung Le - Intelligent transportation systems,
(co-supervised with A/Prof Hai Vu and Dr Yoni Nazarathy, Swinburne)- Tuan Dinh, 2015 - Stochastic load modelling for capacity provisioning in distributed computing clusters with energy management goals,
(co-supervised with Dr Yoni Nazarathy and Dr Philip Branch, Swinburne)- Suong Hong, 2012 - Incentives for voice and data users in wireless LANs,
(co-supervised with A/Prof Hai Vu, Swinburne)- Ji Li, 2009 - Connectivity requirements in multihop netwokrs,
(co-supervised with Prof. Moshe Zukerman, A/Prof Peter Farrell, UoM)- Angiras Varma, 2008 - Channel equalisation using superimposed pilots,
(co-supervised with Prof. Jonathan Manton, Dr Chandra Athaudage, Dr Brian Krongold, UoM)- Tony Cui, 2008 - Network Flow Control,
(co-supervised with Prof. Moshe Zukerman, UoM)- Thaya Thanabalasingham, 2007 - Power control in multihop wireless networks,
(co-supervised with A/Prof. Stephen Hanly, UoM)- Jolyon White, 2007 - Modelling and Dimensioning of Optical Burst Switching Networks,
(co-supervised with Prof Rod Tucker, UoM)- Ananda Kusuma, 2005 - Routing in multihop cellular networks,
(co-supervised with A/Prof. Stephen Hanly, UoM)- David Hayes, 2001 - Packet scheduling for user satisfaction,
(co-supervised with A/Prof. Michael Rumsewicz, UoM)- Ravindra Ranasinghe, 2000 - Wireless multimedia LANs,
(co-supervised with Prof. David Everitt, UoM)Graduated Masters:
- Rozanna Jesudasan, 2013 - Structure of optimal schedules for charging non-ideal energy storage,
(co-supervised with A/Prof Hai Vu, Swinburne)Masters by coursework minor thesis
- Ananda Kusuma -- QoS-aware routing
- Su-Hsien Kuan -- Fuzzy logic for flow control
- Mohammad Iswayhudi -- Quantisation for noisy channels
This link is to several pieces of advice to researchers
Projects and PhD openings
Prospective PhD students, please refer to the list of PhD projects I am offering.
- Higher-layer aspects of energy efficient networking
- Network modelling and evaluation, with an emphasis on TCP
- Chief examiner for FIT 5083, 2014