University Roles
Service to Research
- Paper Chair for OzCHI 2024
- Health Subcommittee co-chair for CHI 2022 and CHI 2023
- Associate Chair in the Health Subcommittee for CHI 2020 and CHI 2021
- Papers Chair for OzCHI 2022
- lead organiser, CHI 2022 workshop on The Future of Emotion in Human-Computer Interaction
- academic panel for ANAT Spectra 2021
- organiser, UbiComp 2021 workshop on Making Sense of Emotion Sensing
- organiser, 4th Symposium on Computing and Mental Health at CHI 2019, Glasgow
- lead organiser, 3rd Symposium on Computing and Mental Health at CHI 2018, Montreal and accompanying JMIR Special Issue
- organiser, Forum on Video Games for Mental Health at CHI Play 2018, with associated JMIR Special Issue
- organiser, workshop on Mood and Emotional State Sensing In-the-Wild at UbiComp 2018
- organiser, workshop on Manipulating Reality? Designing and Deploying Virtual Reality in Sensitive Settings at DIS 2018
- Program Chair for OzCHI 2020
- Workshops co-chair for OzCHI 2019, Fremantle and OzCHI 2018, Melbourne
- co-organised workshop on Indigenous HCI at OzCHI 2019
- Associate Chair for ECIS 2018
- co-organized workshop on supporting Indigenous communities at OzCHI 2017
- Associate Chair for Designing Interactive Systems 2016
- co-organized workshop on Developing Skills for Social and Emotional Wellbeing at CHI 2015, Seoul
- Experience Chair for OzCHI 2015, Melbourne
- Short Papers Chair for OzChi 2014, Sydney
- co-organizer of workshop on Smart Health and Social Therapy at OzChi 2013 and 2014.
- co-organizer of the Australian Virtual Worlds Workshop (Melbourne, 2008)
- co-organized Virtual Worlds Discussion Group seminars held in Second Life (2008/9)
- vice-chair of posters and exhibits for the Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education conference held in Second Life in 2008
- publicity chair for the Australasian Conference on Interactive Entertainment (Melbourne 2007)
- Assessor for the Australian Research Council
- Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (ACM ToCHI)
- Human Computer Interaction
- Interacting with Computers
- Journal of Medical Internet Research
- Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT)
- Internet Interventions
- International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction
- Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application
- International Journal of Arts and Technology
- International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning
- Convergence
- The Information Society
- Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research
- Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting
- Digital Creativity
- Transactions of the Digital Games Research Association
- Design Issues
- Journal of Transformative Technologies
- Information Processing and Management
- Addictive Behaviors Reports
- Clinical Psychological Science
- Frontiers in Digital Health
- Frontiers in Human Dynamics
- Behaviour and Information Technology
- ACM Computer-Human Interaction (CHI)
- ACM Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST)
- Pervasive Health
- Designing Interactive Systems
- OzChi
- British HCI
- Symposium on Computing and Mental Health
- Australasian Conference on Interactive Entertainment
- Communities and Technologies
- Digital Arts and Culture
- iConference
- CHI Play
- Computer-Supported Cooperative Work
- International Conference on Information Systems
- European Conference on Information Systems
- Mindtrek
- Budj Bim On-Country Learning and Research won the Engagement Australia Excellent in Indigenous Engagement award
- Honourable Mention award, CHI 2021
- Best Paper award, CHI 2020
- School award for excellence in Indigenous engagement, 2017
- Honourable Mention award, CHI 2017
- Honourable Mention award, OzCHI 2017
- Best Reviewer Award, OzCHI 2017
- Excellent Review, CHI 2016