Teaching Portfolio
Erik Weyer


Taught half of the fourth year course 431-461 Digital Signal Processing at the University of Melbourne
Teaching hours: 2-3 hours a week for 6 weeks.
Number of students: 60 (2001), 40 (2002-2003).


Taught the system identification part (half the course) of the fourth year course 431-416 Advanced Digital Control and Identification at the University of Melbourne
Teaching hours: 2 hours a week for 4 weeks (6 weeks in 2000).
Number of students: 35.


Taught the system identification part of the postgraduate course E1858 Modern Control at the University of Queensland.
Teaching hours: 3 hours a week for 3 weeks.
Number of students: 6.


Taught the system identification part of the postgraduate course E1858 Modern Control at the University of Queensland.
Teaching hours: 3 hours a week for 2 weeks.
Number of students: 6. 

Supervision of students

Fourth year projects

2003 Gordon Chessum. Project: System identification and control of irrigation channels with submerged overshot gates.

2003 Angeline Yim and Chi Leng Chee. Project: Fault detection in irrigation channels

2002 Paul Jones and Jonathan Miller. Project: Control of pool 11 and 12 at the Haughton Main Channel.

2001. Aditya Raj Pathania. Project: Object detection using DSP. Co-supervised with Dr. A. Doucet.

2000. Remy Irawan, Melvyn Ooi and Gabriel Yeung. Project: Modelling, control and development of the webpage for the two-tank system. Co-supervised with Dr. D. Nesic.

1999. Hui Pheng Ooi and Su Ki Ooi. Project: Control and system identification of an irrigation channel.

1996. Guy Godsal. Project: Model order selection for ARX and ARMAX models.
1995. Darren Ralston. Project: Evaluation of a criterion for model order selection.
1994 (Second Semester only.) Yasmine Vosper. Project: Design of PRBS test sequences. Co-supervised  with Associate Professor P.L. Lee.

Master theses

2002-Present Ping (Valerie) Zhang. Thesis topic: Performance monitoring of control systems for irrigation channels

1998-1999. Carl Wendt. Thesis topic: Real time automation and management of open channel irrigation systems. Co-supervised with Professor I. Mareels and Associate Professor J. Fenton.

Ph.D. theses

2002-present. Yuping Li. Thesis topic: Robustness and performance of centralised and decentralised control systems. (Co-supervised with Dr. M. Cantoni)

2000-present. Su Ki Ooi. Thesis topic: System identification.

1995. Geoffrey L. Bell. Thesis topic: Grey Box Modelling. Co-supervised with Associate Professor P.L. Lee. (G. Bell was awarded a commonwealth scholarship and continued his Ph.D. studies at Imperial College, London, UK, from 1996 of.)

Exchange students

2002 Magnus Holmgren. (Master student University of Uppsala, Sweden). Project: Detection of faults in control systems for open water channels.

2002 Jacolien Kuipers (4th year student, University of Twente, The Netherlands.) Project: Using an overshot gate for flow measurement.

2000 Pia Eklund and Marianne Tufvesson. (Master students, University of Lund, Sweden). Thesis topic: Predictive control of Irrigation channels.

2000 Martijn P.M. Krutzen (4th year student, University of Twente, The Netherlands.) Project: Estimation of parameters in the St. Venant equation from observed data.

Course design

2003. Developed a lab/project on least squares estimation and Kalman filtering for the course 431-461 Digital Signal Processing.

2001. Developed a lab/project on spectral analysis and filter design for the course 431-461 Digital Signal Processing.

1998. Redesigned the system identification part of the course 431-416 Advanced Digital Control and Identification at the University of Melbourne. This involved selection of course content, setting tutorial questions, development of demonstration software, and setting a design project which made up 1/3 of the course.

1994-1995. Designed the system identification part of the postgraduate course E1858 Modern Control at the University of Queensland. This involved selection of course contents, choice of text books, development of demonstration software, and setting assignments. 
Workshops for industry

2000. Organised a two days workshop on ``System identification and control of irrigation channels'' for Rubicon Systems Pty. Ltd. Number of participants: 11.

Developed lecture notes and computer exercises for the workshop and delivered 6 lectures at the workshop. 
Committee work

2002. Member of committee which gave detailed recommendation for a restructuring (including syllabus) of all signals and systems courses in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Melbourne. 

Teaching assistance.

Employed as teaching assistant from January 1989 to September 1989 in the Division of Engineering Cybernetics, Norwegian Institute of Technology. Responsibilities included

Assignments. Running the assignment program in the second year course Basic System Theory (approximately 350 students) and the fourth year course Guidance and Navigation (approximately 10 students).
Laboratories. Supervising the two fourth year laboratories Digital Control and Industrial Robot.


Tutored second year mathematics to engineering students at the Norwegian Institute of Technology from September 1986 to May 1987.
Tutored first year mathematics to engineering students at the Norwegian Institute of Technology from September 1987 to May 1988. These latter tutorials were based on the learning principle of ``learning through cooperation'' where the students worked together in small groups.

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