Awards and Scholarships
Research interests
Employment history
Reserach grants obtained
Dr. Ing. (Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering).
Division of Engineering Cybernetics, Department of Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science, Norwegian Institute of Technology (Now: Norwegian
University of Science and Technology.)
March 1991-December 1992. Visiting student in the Department
of Systems Engineering, Research School of Physical Sciences and Engineering,
Australian National University.
Thesis title: System identification in the behavioural framework.
Supervisors: Dr. I. M. Y. Mareels (ANU) and Prof. R. Henriksen (NUST).
Sivilingeniør (Bachelor of Electrical Engineering, Honours
class 1)
Final mark: 1.3 med innstilling til Kongen (University Medal)
Division of Engineering Cybernetics, Department of Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science, Norwegian Institute of Technology.
Thesis title: Convergence analysis of recursive decentralised estimators
(in Norwegian).
Supervisor: Prof. R. Henriksen.
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Awards and Scholarships
1999 Awarded an honourable mention as one of
the five finalists for the IFAC Congress Young Author Prize at the
14th IFAC World Congress in Beijing, China. (Conference paper
Elf Aquitaine Prize for outstanding results in undergraduate studies.
(University Medal)
Ph.D. scholarships from Royal Norwegian Council for Scientific and Industrial
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System Identification, Control, Estimation
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Employment history
Regular positions
Jan 97-Present
Research Fellow and Senior Research Fellow.
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
The University of Melbourne, Australia.
Jun 94-Dec 96
Post Doctoral Fellow. Department of Chemical Engineering, The University
of Queensland, Australia.
Jan 89 -Sep 89
Teaching Assistant, Division of Engineering Cybernetics, Norwegian Institute
of Technology.
Visiting Academic Appointments
August 2001-December 2001. 
Visiting fellow. Institute of econometrics, operations research and system theory.
Technical University of Vienna, Austria.
April 1995.
Visiting fellow. Department of Engineering, Australian National University,
Canberra Australia
March 1994.
Visitor to the Tinbergen Institute, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, and
the Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Twente, Enschede,
The Netherlands. Supported by the Dutch System and Control Theory Network
and the Tinbergen Institute.
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National Service (compulsory in
Jan 93-May 94
Non-military national service as a research assistant at SINTEF SI (Centre
for Industrial Research), Oslo, Norway.
Projects: Modelling of systems based on empirical data, Time series
analysis, Neural networks.
March 2002 - Feb 2003 Consultant for Rubicon Systems Austalia Ptd. Ltd. on modelling
and implementation of control systems for open water irrigation channels.
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Research grants obtained
2003-2008. ARC Linkage Grant.
Control and safety monitoring systems of large scale irrigation
networks, in conjunjunction with Rubicon Systems.
675 000 A$, with I. Mareels,
M. Cantoni, and G. Nair.
2002-2004. ARC Discovery Grant.
Design of Large-Scale Interconnected Dynamical Systems.
467 000 A$. with R.J. Evans, V. Krishnamurthy, I. Mareels,
M. Cantoni, D. Thomas and G. Nair.
AusIndustry Grant, Control and management of water resources, in conjunction with
Rubicon Systems Pty. Ltd. 270 000 A$ with Prof Iven Mareels.
ARC Large Grant , Grey Box Modelling for Process Control, 140 000 A$ with Dr.
Bob Newell.
1999. ARC Small Grant , Finite sample properties
of system identification for control. 22 000 A$
1998. ARC Small Grant , Finite sample complexity
of least squares identification. 20 000 A$
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- [1]
- E. Weyer, I. Mareels, Rubicon Research Pty Ltd, Control
Gates, WIPO Number WO02/16698, PCT Number PCT/AU01/01036 This invention
relates to a novel fluid regulator to be used in open water channels.
- [2]
- E. Weyer, I. Mareels, Rubicon Systems Pty Ltd, Fluid Regulation,
Australian Application Number 2002233060, PCT/AU02/00230 This
invention relates to novel model and control methodologies to be used
for open channel regulation.
Journal Papers and Book Chapters
Weyer E., I. M. Y. Mareels, and J. W. Polderman (1994). ``Limitations of
robust adaptive pole placement control.'' IEEE Transactions on Automatic
Control, Vol. 39, no. 8, pp. 1665-1671.
Kavli T., and E. Weyer (1995). ``On ASMOD - an algorithm for empirical
modelling using spline functions.'' In Advances in Neural Network Engineering
in Dynamic Control Systems., pp. 83-104. K.J. Hunt, G.R. Irwin and
K. Warwick (Eds.) Springer series on Advances in Industrial Control, Springer
Weyer E., and T. Kavli (1997). ``Theoretical properties of the ASMOD algorithm
for empirical modelling.'' International Journal of Control, Vol.
67, no. 5, pp. 767-789.
Weyer E., R. C. Williamson and I. M. Y. Mareels (1998). ``On the relationship
between behavioural and standard methods for system identification.'' Automatica,
Vol. 34, No. 6, pp. 801-804.
Johansen T. A., and E. Weyer (1998). ``On Convergence Proofs in System
Identification - A General Principle using ideas from Learning Theory.''
Systems and Control Letters, Vol. 34, pp. 85-92
Weyer E., R. C. Williamson, and I. M. Y. Mareels (1999). `` Finite sample
properties of linear model identification.'' IEEE Transactions
on Automatic Control.
Vol. 44, no. 7, pp.
1370-1383. -
Weyer E., G. Bell and P. L. Lee (1999). ``System identification for Generic
Model Control.'' Journal of Process Control.
Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 357-364.
Weyer E., G. Szederkényi and K. M. Hangos (2000). ``Grey box fault
detection of heat exchangers.'' Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 121-131.
Weyer E. (2000). ``Finite sample properties of system identification of
ARX models under mixing conditions'' Automatica Vol. 36, no. 9, pp. 1291-1299.
- [10]
- Weyer E. (2001). ``System identification of an open
water channel'' Control Engineering Practice. Vol 9., no. 12, pp.
- [11]
- Campi M.C., and E. Weyer (2002). ``Finite sample properties
of system identification methods''. IEEE Transactions on Automatic
Control Vol. 47, no. 8, pp. 1329-1334.
- [12]
- Weyer E., and M.C. Campi (2002). ``Non-asymptotic confidence
ellipsoids for the least squares estimate'' Automatica Vol. 38,
no. 9, pp.1539-1547.
- [13]
- Ooi, S.K., M. P. M. Krutzen, and E. Weyer (2003). ``On
physical and data driven modelling of irrigation channels.'
Submitted for publication.
- [14]
- Campi, M.C, S.K. Ooi, and E. Weyer
(2003). ``Non-asymptotic quality assessment of generalised FIR
models with periodic inputs'' Submitted for publication
Conference Papers
Henriksen R., and E. Weyer (1990). ``Convergence aspects of some robust
estimators based upon prefiltering of the input/output data.'' Proc.
11th IFAC World Congress, Tallinn, USSR, August 1990, Vol. 2, pp. 161-166.
Weyer E. (1991). ``A recursive decentralized parameter estimator for a
general linear SISO system.'' Preprint 9th IFAC/IFORS Symposium on Identification
and System Parameter Estimation, Budapest, Hungary, July 1991, Vol.
2, pp. 1272-1277.
Weyer E., I. M. Y. Mareels, and J. W. Polderman
(1992). ``Limitations of robust adaptive pole placement control for first
order systems.'' Proceedings of the 31st IEEE Conference on Decision
and Control, Tucson, Arizona, December 1992, Vol. 4, pp. 3638-3643.
Weyer E., R. C. Williamson, and I. M. Y. Mareels (1992). ``An approach
to system identification based on risk minimization and behaviours.'' Proceedings
of the 31st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Tucson, Arizona,
December 1992, Vol. 1, pp. 927-932.
Weyer E., R. C. Williamson, and I. M. Y. Mareels (1993). ``A principle
for system identification in the behavioural framework.'' Proceedings
of the 12th World Congress of IFAC, Sydney, Australia, July 1993, Vol.
5, pp. 81-84.
Kavli T., E. Weyer, and M. Carlin (1994). ``Real time seabed classification
using multi frequency echo sounders.'' Proceedings of Oceanology International
94. Brighton, UK, March 1994, Vol. 4.
Kavli T., and E. Weyer (1994). `` ASMOD (Adaptive Spline Modelling of Observation
Data) - Some theoretical and experimental results.'' Proceedings of
IEE Colloquium on Advances in Neural Networks for Control and Systems.
Berlin, Germany, May 1994, pp. 3/1-3/7.
Johansen T. A., and E. Weyer (1995). ``Model structure identification using
separate validation data - asymptotic properties.'' Proc. of European
Control Conference Rome, Italy, September 1995, Vol. 1, pp. 833-838.
Weyer E., I. M. Y. Mareels and R. C. Williamson (1996). ``Behavioural oriented
identification in a stochastic framework.'' Proceedings of the 13th
World Congress of IFAC, San Francisco, CA, July, 1996, Vol. I, pp.
Weyer E., R. C. Williamson, and I. M. Y. Mareels (1996). ``Sample complexity
of least squares identification of FIR models.'' Proceedings of the
13th World Congress of IFAC, San Francisco, CA, July, 1996, Vol. J,
pp. 239-244.
Weyer E., and T. Kavli (1996). ``Analysis of the ASMOD algorithm for empirical
modelling.'' Proceedings of the 13th World Congress of IFAC, San
Francisco, CA, July, 1996, Vol. I, pp. 489-494.
Weyer E., G. Bell and P. L. Lee (1996). ``System identification for Generic
Model Control.'' Proceeding of the 35th IEEE Conference on Decision
and Control, pp. 1527-1532, Kobe, Japan, December 1996.
Weyer E., and I. M. Y. Mareels (1996). ``Identification for pole placement
control.'' Proceeding of the 35th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
pp. 213-214, Kobe, Japan, December 1996.
Weyer E., and K. M. Hangos (1997). ``Grey box fault detection in heat exchanger
networks.'' Proceedings of IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision
and Safety for Technical Processes 1997., Vol. 1, pp. 191-196, Hull,
UK, August 1997.
Szederkényi G, E. Weyer and K. M. Hangos (1998). ``Simultaneous
fault detection of heat exchangers.'' In proceedings of IFAC Workshop on
On-Line-Fault Detection and Supervision in the Chemical Process Industries.
Lyon, France, June 1998.
Weyer E. (1998). ``Finite sample complexity of system identification with
bounded criterion functions.'' In proceedings of Mathematical Theory of Networks
and Systems 98. Padova, Italy,
July 1998, pp. 907-910.
Wendt C., E. Weyer, and I. Mareels (1999). ``Soft Sensor for Flow Measurement:
Overshot Regulator''. Proceedings of Information Decision
and Control 1999, Adelaide, Australia, February 1999,pp. 471-475..
Weyer E. (1999). ``Finite sample properties of system identification of
ARX models under mixing conditions'' Proceedings of IFAC
World Congress 1999, Beijing, China, July 1999, Vol. H, pp. 439-444.
- [19]
- Weyer E. and, M.C. Campi (1999). ``Finite sample
properties of system identification methods'',
Proceedings of the 38th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control ,
Phoenix, Arizona, USA, December 1999, pp. 510-515.
- [20]
- Wendt C., E. Weyer, I. Mareels, and J. Fenton (1999).
``Soft Sensor for Flow Measurement: Models from data''. Proceedings
of USCID Workshop on Modernization of Irrigation Water
Delivery Systems}, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, October 1999, pp. 681-693.
- [21]
- Weyer E. (2000). ``System identification of an open
water channel'', Proceedings of 12th IFAC Symposium on System
Identification, Santa Barbara June 2000, pp. 265-270.
- [22]
- Weyer E., I. Mareels, J. Fenton, and D. Aughton (2000)
``Advanced Management and Control of Water Networks'', In proceedings of
Xth World Water Congress, Melbourne, Australia, March 2000.
- [23]
- Weyer E. and M.C. Campi (2000). Non-asymptotic
confidence ellipsoids for the least squares estimate. Proceedings
of the 39th IEEE Con ference on Decision and Control,
Sydney, Australia, December 2000, pp. 2688-2693.
- [24]
- Ooi S.K. and E. Weyer (2001). ``Closed loop
identification of an irrigation channel.'' Proceedings IEEE
Conference on Decision and Control, pp 4338-4343. Orlando, Florida, USA, December 2001.
- [25]
- R. Irawan, M. Ooi, G. Yeung, E. Weyer, D. Nesic and
I.M.Y.Mareels (2001). ``A double tank apparatus based virtual
laboratory experience'', In proceedings of IEEE Conference on
Decision and Control, pp. 2815-2820, Orlando, Florida, USA, December 2001.
- [26]
- Weyer E. (2001). ``Decentralised PI control of an open
water channel.'' In proceedings of IFAC 15th World Congress Barcelona,
Spain, July 2002.
- [27]
- Ooi S.K., M.C. Campi and E. Weyer (2002). ``Non-asymptotic
quality assessment of the least squares estimate.''
In Proceedings of IFAC 15th World Congress,
Barcelona, Spain, July 2002.
- [28]
- Campi, M.C, S.K. Ooi, and E. Weyer
(2002). ``Non-asymptotic quality assessment of generalised FIR
models'' Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
pp. 3416-3421, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, December 2002.
- [29]
- Ooi, S.K., M. P. M. Krutzen, and E. Weyer (2003). ``On
physical and data driven modelling of irrigation channels.'' To be presented
at 13th IFAC Symposium on System
Identification Rotterdam, The Netherlands, August 2003.
- [30]
- Weyer, E., A. Gleiss, M. Deistler, K. Gruber,
T. Matyus (2003). ``On the structure of static balanced flow
systems'' To be presented at 13th IFAC Symposium on System
Identification, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, August
- [31]
- Ooi, S.K. and E. Weyer (2003). ``Control design for an
irrigation channel from physical data''
To be presented at European Control Conference 2003 , Cambridge,
UK, September 2003.
- [32]
- Weyer E. (2003). ``Controller configurations for
irrigation channels derived from sequential minimum variance control''
In proceddings of IEEE Conference on Control Applications 03
Istanbul, Turkey, June 2003.
- [33]
- Ooi, S.K., E. Weyer and M.C. Campi (2003). ``Finite
sample quality assessment of system identification models of
irrigation channels'' In proceddings of IEEE Conference on Control
Applications 03 Istanbul, Turkey, June 2003.
- [34]
- I.M.Y. Mareels, E.Weyer, S.K.Ooi (2003). ``Modeling and
Control of Irrigation Networks: A Systems Engineering Approach'',
(lead presentation), Proceedings of 2nd Int USCID Phoenix
Arizona, USA, May 2003, pp 399-411
- [35]
- I.M.Y. Mareels, E. Weyer, S.K. Ooi (2003). ``Irrigation
Networks: A Systems Engineering Approach'' In Proc 4th
International Conference on Control and Automation, Montreal, Canada,
ISBN 0-7803-7777-X, Plenary Address.
- [36]
- Weyer E. (2003). ``LQ control of an irrigation
channel" To be presented at IEEE Conference on Decision and
Control, Maui, Hawaii, US, December 2003.
- [37]
- Campi, M.C and E. Weyer E. (2003).``Estimation of
confidence regions for the parameters of ARMA models - guaranted
non-asymptotic results" To be presented at IEEE Conference on
Decision and Control, Maui, Hawaii, US, December 2003.
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