Prof. Egemen Tanin
School of Comp. & Inf. Systems
University of Melbourne,

Victoria 3010, Australia
Office: 2314, Melbourne Connect Building



Dr Tanin's research interests include Spatial Databases and Mobile Data Management. Many of his current projects are related to future traffic management technologies enabled by connected and autonomous vehicles and intelligent traffic systems. He works on novel algorithms and data structures on graphs and other representations to solve emerging computational problems from new traffic related technologies. Examples can be found in ride-sharing systems, crowd-sourced goods delivery, intelligent road intersection management with machine learning, lane configurations, etc.

Short Bio: Prof Tanin has finished his PhD at the University of Maryland at College Park before joining the University of Melbourne. He is an Associate Editor of ACM TSAS and served as a PC Chair for ACM SIGSPATIAL 2011 and 2012. He was elected to serve as the Treasurer for ACM SIGSPATIAL and served in this role till 2017. Dr Tanin was also elected to be the Secretary of the SIG, 2017-2020. He was later elected to be the Vice-Chair. Dr Tanin is also the co-founder of ACM SIGSPATIAL Australia as well as the founding editor for ACM SIGSPATIAL Special. He has supervised more than 20 postgraduate students to completion and has more than 200 papers in related areas published in top venues such as the VLDB Journal, TKDE, VLDB, ICDE, SIGSPATIAL, etc. He is currently co-supervising 10 PhD students at the School of Computing and Information Systems. He has won more than $4M in grants, with many ARC Discovery and Linkage Grants in the last decade. For more information, please refer to his following online CV.

Software for Traffic Simulations: I have been involved with a lot of projects in Computational Transportation Science. This led to the development of a great research tool imho. Scalable Microscopic Adaptive Road Traffic Simulator (SMARTS) is a traffic simulation tool that is easy to use and scalable. Built with a distributed architecture and various traffic models, SMARTS is capable of flexible microscopic traffic simulations at any scale. The simulator has a great cross-platform compatibility as it is developed in Java. Simulations are based on road networks extracted from freely-available OpenStreetMap data, which can be imported from external files or downloaded within the simulator. SMARTS can generate route plans and time-stamped vehicle trajectories. It provides a graphical user interface for configuring and monitoring simulations. Scripted simulations are also supported. More information about the simulator can be found on the project website, here is the link

Note for PhD applicants: I am always looking for good PhD students. If you are interested in our PhD program, please feel free to send me an email.


Detailed CV & Publication List (with PDFs)