by Pillai, Rohit; Berry, Joseph D.; Harvie, Dalton J.E. and Davidson, Malcolm R.
Electrophoretic Effects on Satellite Droplet Formation during Electrocoalescence of Microdrops (Pillai, Rohit; Berry, Joseph D.; Harvie, Dalton J.E. and Davidson, Malcolm R.), In 11th International Conference on CFD in the Minerals and Process Industries, 2015.
Bibtex Entry:
address = {Melbourne, AUSTRALIA},
author = {Pillai, Rohit and Joseph D. Berry and Dalton J.E. Harvie and Malcolm R. Davidson},
booktitle = {11th International Conference on CFD in the Minerals and Process Industries},
keywords = {electrokinetic},
month = {7-9th December},
note = {Outstanding student paper award},
organization = {CSIRO},
title = {Electrophoretic Effects on Satellite Droplet Formation during Electrocoalescence of Microdrops},
year = {2015},