by Kumar, Pawan; Mulvaney, Paul and Harvie, Dalton J. E.
Predicting Contact Angle Hysteresis on Surfaces with Randomly and Periodically Distributed Cylindrical Pillars via Energy Dissipation (Kumar, Pawan; Mulvaney, Paul and Harvie, Dalton J. E.), 2023.
Bibtex Entry:
archiveprefix = {arXiv},
author = {Pawan Kumar and Paul Mulvaney and Dalton J. E. Harvie},
eprint = {2308.05135},
primaryclass = {physics.flu-dyn},
title = {Predicting Contact Angle Hysteresis on Surfaces with Randomly and Periodically Distributed Cylindrical Pillars via Energy Dissipation},
year = {2023},