by Harvie, Dalton J. E.; Davidson, Malcolm R. and Cooper-White, Justin J.
Simulating the deformation of Newtonian and Non-Newtonian drops through a micro-fluidic contraction (Harvie, Dalton J. E.; Davidson, Malcolm R. and Cooper-White, Justin J.), In 15th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, 2004.
Bibtex Entry:
address = {NSW, Australia},
author = {Dalton J. E. Harvie and Malcolm R. Davidson and Justin J. Cooper-White},
booktitle = {15th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference},
file = {/daltonh/bibliography/downloads/dhafm04.pdf},
keywords = {microfluidics},
month = {dec 13-17},
organization = {University of Sydney},
title = {Simulating the deformation of {Newtonian} and {Non-Newtonian} drops through a micro-fluidic contraction},
year = {2004},