The wheels on the bus go round and round:
John Tait and Dave Harper

Lorne at the time of the site visit,
during the winter...

... and Lorne when we got there,
during the summer!

Andrew Turpin explains recall-precision
curves to Bruce Croft

Bill Hersh likes his mug

Robert Dale and
Kal Jarvelin

Andrew Turpin, Bruce Croft
and Ross Wilkinson

David Johnson, Dave Harper
and Phil Vines doing homework

Teddy's Lookout,
where's Wally? (Or Walter?)

Jamie Callan
(El Presidente)

Dave Harper has one of those
"DOH!" moments

Alan Smeaton
(with Anh Ngoc Vo hiding behind)

Still foggy on day three

Lorne locals say that SWIRL
is strictly for the birds

Bill Hersh presents the
IR dream team...

... to Ross Wilkinson and
a critical SWIRL audience

The winners of the prize:
the RAT pack

Morning tea on the terrace,
with a hint of sunshine at last

Andrew Turpin (camera tart)
and Anh Ngoc Vo

Alist-in (left) and
Just-air (right)

Jamie Callan and
Dave Hawking

Charlie Clarke catches
some zed's

Dave Hawking catches some flies
(who says "no flies on Dave"?)

Apostles in the fog

Port Campbell National Park

Loch Ard Gorge:
Bruce Croft puts his toes in...

... and Gary Marchionini comes close
to putting his camera in

Are there hobbits living in those caves?

Mark Sanderson, and the long awaited
chocolate bar

Heading home; better check that Sue Dumais
and Edie Rasmussen are on board