SIGIR'98 papers: Spatial querying for image retrieval: a
user-oriented evaluation
Spatial querying for image
retrieval: a user-oriented evaluation
Joemon M. Jose
School of Computer and Mathematical Sciences,
The Robert Gordon University,
Aberdeen, AB25 1HG, Scotland.
Jonathan Furner
School of Information and Media,
The Robert Gordon University,
Aberdeen, AB24 4FP, Scotland.
David J. Harper
School of Computer and Mathematical Sciences,
The Robert Gordon University,
Aberdeen, AB25 1HG, Scotland.
Epic is an image retrieval system that implements a novel
spatial-querying mechanism. A user-centred, task-oriented, comparative
evaluation of Epic was undertaken in which two versions of the
system---one set up to enable spatial queries only, the other allowing
textual queries only---were compared. Use was made of the two systems
by design professionals in simulated work task situations, and
quantitative and qualitative data collected as indicators of the
levels of users' satisfaction. Results demonstrated that users often
had a `mental image' of a potentially satisfying picture in mind, that
they were happy to express this need in visual terms, and that in
doing so they preferred to have access to Epic's spatial-querying
facility. Success in obtaining statistically significant results
appears to support validation of the novel methodological framework
24-28 August 1998
Melbourne, Australia.