Managing Gigabytes
Compressing and Indexing Documents and Images
Second Edition
June 18, 2003
This file lists the known errors in the two printings (to date)
of the second edition
of Managing Gigabytes: Compressing and Indexing Documents and Images,
by Ian Witten, Alistair Moffat, and Tim Bell.
The home page for the second edition is at
Errata for the first edition (LaTeX source
or PostScript) is also available.
Errors in the Second Printing
Chapter 4
Page 202
Figure 4.14, step 2(d):
"1 + \log_e (N/f_t)" should be "\log_e (1 + N/f_t)"; and
Figure 4.14, step 2(f)ii:
"\log_e (1+f_{d,t})" should be "1 + \log_e f_{d,t}";
(Marcelo Mydlarz, Rutgers University, March 2000).
Additional Errors in the First Printing
Page xxvii
Line 18: "catch phase" should be "catch phrase".
(Chris Manning, Stanford University, November 1999).
Chapter 2
Page 51
Line 9: "proprtional" should be "proportional".
(Yugo Kartono Isal, University of Melbourne, October 1999).
Page 69
Line 10: "contructed" should be "constructed".
(Yugo Kartono Isal, University of Melbourne, October 1999).
Page 80
Line 9: "The characters about to be encoded" should be "The characters about to be decoded".
(Ellen Spertus, January 2005).
Page 92
Table 2.7: the font used for the file "HTML" should be sans-serif italic
like the other file names,
not small caps.
(Tim A.H. Bell, University of Melbourne, July 1999).
Chapter 3
Page 119
Line -7:
the LaTeX math-mode expression
x = 1 + \lfloor (\log (1-p))/(\log(1-v))\rfloor
is incorrect, and should be
x = 1 + \lfloor (\log (1-v))/(\log(1-p))\rfloor
that is, the numerator and the denominator of the fractional
part need to be exchanged.
(Mike Liddell, University of Melbourne, July 1999).
Page 122
Line 12:
the value b=2,036 listed here
should be b=2,039, as calculated on the previous page.
(Penny Liang, Tsinghua University, March 2008).
Chapter 4
Page 218
Section 4.8, paragraph 2, line 4/5:
"Yuwona and Lee" should be "Yuwono and Lee".
(Yugo Kartono Isal, University of Melbourne, October 1999).
Page 222
Line -4:
"Yuwona and Lee" should be "Yuwono and Lee".
(Yugo Kartono Isal, University of Melbourne, October 1999).
Chapter 5
Page 251
The third line of the displayed mathematics is in error, and should be
10 f t_r + 2 I' t_d + I (t_r + t_d)
that is, add a multiplier of t_r to the first term.
(Vicky Wang, Queens College, City University of New York, October 1999).
Chapter 6
Page 294
Line 2: "For an eight-bit grayscale image, there are only 511 possibilities"
should be
"For an eight-bit grayscale image, there are only 255 possibilities".
(Glen Gibb, University of Melbourne, May 1999).
Chapter 7
Page 327
Figure 7.8:
There is a missing pixel in the
top-left section of the six parts of the figure:
just below the stroke of the "e" there is a pixel that should
be black, namely, the pixel corresponding to the one
labelled "1" under the stroke in the top-right
section of the figure.
Separate errors exists
in the top-right section of the same figure:
the label "4" on the first pixel in the second row should be "3", and
the labels "3[gray]32[white]" on the first five pixels in the third row
should be
As a consequential change, the last sentence of paragraph 1 on page 327
should be "The total weight is 73 for the two es, but 131 for the c and o".
(Glen Gibb, University of Melbourne, June 1999).
Page 328
Figure 7.9:
The same pixel labelling errors in the top-right section of this figure too:
the "4[gray][gray]..." in the second row should again be "3[gray][gray]...",
and the
"3[gray]32[white]" in the third row should be "3[gray][gray]22"
As a consequential change, the last sentence of paragraph 1 on page 328
should be "in fact the total error weight between the es in
Figure 7.9 is 129, almost the same as that between the c and
the o in Figure 7.8".
(Glen Gibb, University of Melbourne, June 1999).
Chapter 9
Page 404
An incorrect impression is created by this section that suggests that
the Larmore and Hirschberg (1990) description of the package-merge
process requires O(nL) space.
A straightforward implementation of their method does need this much
space, but in their paper Larmore and Hirschberg also show how to
reduce the space requirement to O(n), by not retaining intermediate
values in the computation, and performing a controlled amount of
(Guenter Rote, Frie University of Berlin, June 2003).
Appendix A
Page 451
Para 2, line -1:
In fact, we still do not have a version of mg
that operates correctly on DEC/Compaq
Alpha hardware, sorry.
Anyone out there want to take responsibility for the port?
Section A.1, line 2:
The sole repository for the MG source code
is now the MG web site at;
the ftp site on is no longer valid.
Page 467
Lines 4, 5, and 6:
These three lines have been a bit mangled,
and should be "the location where the file is to be stored.
For example, the command to compress the file monalisa.pgm
with mgfelics is"
(Owen de Kretser, University of Melbourne, August 1999).
Page 505
Line 16:
"Yuwona, B., and D.L. Lee. 1997" should be "Yuwono, B., and D.L. Lee. 1997".
(Yugo Kartono Isal, University of Melbourne, October 1999).
Ian H. Witten, Alistair Moffat, Timothy C. Bell
Last Edited:
June 18, 2003
Mandatory disclaimer:
This page, its content and style, are the responsibility of the
author and do not necessarily
represent the views, policies, or opinions of The University of Melbourne.