TSF: An Object Oriented Address Translation Simulation Framework
David Channon and David Koch and Michael Hannaford
Department of Computer Science,
The University of Newcastle,
Callaghan 2308, Australia.
Email: {djc,dmk,mrh}@cs.newcastle.edu.au
In this paper we describe the implementation of a trace-driven address
translation simulator built using object oriented and design pattern
principles. An address translation mechanism generally uses a cache-based
translation lookaside buffer of recent translations of process virtual
addresses to physical addresses. More diverse regimes are possible but
are not generally handled by available simulators. Our approach yields
four major improvements over existing cache simulators encompassing:
parallel analysis of alternate regimes, diverse translation structures,
operating system support polices, and rapid prototyping. A series of
experiments is documented that attempt to validate the simulator's
operation by reproducing the experimental results of other published
work. It is shown that peer validation is difficult due to wide
variations in experimental methodology and lack of common experimental
models. The simulator endeavours to provide a uniform platform for
subsequent efforts in this area.
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