Text Generation in a Dynamic Hypertext Environment

Maria Milosavljevic, Adrian Tulloch and Robert Dale
Microsoft Institute and Macquarie University,
65 Epping Road, North Ryde NSW, Australia.
{t-mariam, t-atullo, rdale}@microsoft.com


This paper describes PEBA-II, a working natural language generation system which interactively describes animals in a taxonomic knowledge base via the production of World Wide Web pages. Our aim is to construct a natural language document generation system with real practical applicability: to this end, the system reconstructs and combines a number of existing ideas in the literature in a novel way, and proposes a solution to the problem of breadth of coverage that is based on a pragmatic approach to knowledge representation and linguistic realisation. The system embodies the following features:

We describe each of the above aspects of the existing system in some detail, and point to a number of interesting research directions it opens up.
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