Efficient Online Index Construction for Text Databases
Nicholas Lester
School of Computer Science and Information Technology,
RMIT University,
Victoria 3001, Australia.
Alistair Moffat
Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering,
The University of Melbourne,
Victoria 3010, Australia.
Justin Zobel
School of Computer Science and Information Technology,
RMIT University,
Victoria 3001, Australia.
ACM Trans. Database Systems, 22(3):19.1-19.33, August 2008.
Parts of this paper appeared in preliminary form in the
2005 ACM CIKM Int. Conf. Information and
Knowledge Management, Bremen, Germany, November 2005,
pages 776-783.
Inverted index structures are a core element of current text
retrieval systems.
They can be constructed quickly using offline approaches, in which
one or more passes are made over a static set of input data, and, at
the completion of the process, an index is available for querying.
However, there are search environments in which even a small delay in
timeliness cannot be tolerated, and the index must always be
queryable and up to date.
Here we describe and analyze a geometric partitioning mechanism for
online index construction that provides a range of tradeoffs between
costs, and can be adapted to different balances of insertion and
querying operations.
Detailed experimental results are provided that show the extent of
these tradeoffs, and that these new methods can yield substantial
savings in online indexing costs.
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