To get a final and most permanent copy of a paper that has appeared,
please walk your fingers to your library catalog page and locate the
journal issue it appeared in, or retrieve it from any digital
libraries that you might have access to.
That also gives the publisher the "download credit", and means that
your interest gets recorded.
The PDF version linked here are "author pre-print" copies (as
required by the Open Access requirements of a range of funding
organizations, including the Australian Research Council) and do not
include final formatting, copyediting changes, pagination details,
and doi/orchid etc citation information typically also included by
the publisher.
My ORCiD page (ORCiD: 0000-0002-6638-0232)
"Formalized Burrows-Wheeler Transform",
Cheung, Rizkallah, Moffat.
Proc. SIGPLAN Int. Conf. Certified
Programs and Proofs,
Denver, Colorado,
pages 187-197,
January 2025.
Published paper (open access).
"Rank-Biased Quality Measurement for Sets and Rankings",
Moffat, Mackenzie, Mallia, Petri.
Proc. 2nd Ann. Int. ACM SIGIR-AP Conf. on
Research and Development in Information Retrieval,
pages 135-144,
December 2024.
Published paper (open access).
"Binary Interpolative Coding Revisited",
Proc. 2nd Ann. Int. ACM SIGIR-AP Conf. on
Research and Development in Information Retrieval,
pages 216-225,
December 2024.
Published paper (open access).
"The Role of Log Representativeness in Estimating
Generalization in Process Mining",
Karunaratne, Polyvyanyy, Moffat,
Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Process Mining,
Lyngby, Denmark,
pages 33-40,
October 2024.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"Query Variability and Experimental Consistency:
A Concerning Case Study",
Rashidi, Zobel, Moffat,
Proc. 10th ACM Int. Conf. on
Theory of Information Retrieval,
Washington DC,
pages 35-41,
July 2024.
Published paper (open access).
"Stochastic Directly-Follows Process Discovery Using Grammatical
Alkhammash, Polyvyanyy, Moffat,
Proc. 36th Int. Conf. on Advanced Information Systems Engineering,
Limassol, Cyprus,
pages 87-103,
Jun 2024.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"How Much Freedom Does An Effectiveness Metric Really Have?",
Moffat, Mackenzie.
Journal of the American Society for
Information Science and Technology,
Published paper (open access).
"The Impact of Judgment Variability on the
Consistency of Offline Effectiveness Measures",
Rashidi, Zobel, Moffat,
ACM Trans. Information Systems,
42(1):19.1--19.31, 2024.
Published paper (open access).
"User-Oriented Metrics for Search Engine Deterministic Sort Orders",
Information Processing and Management,
61(2):103547, 2024.
Published paper (open access).
"Categorical, Ratio, and Professorial Data: The Case for Reciprocal Rank",
arXiv:2312:12672, December 2023,
arXiv paper.
"Lossy Compression Options for Dense Index Retention",
Mackenzie, Moffat,
Proc. 1st Ann. Int. ACM SIGIR-AP Conf. on
Research and Development in Information Retrieval,
pages 185-194,
November 2023.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"Efficient Immediate-Access Dynamic Indexing",
Moffat, Mackenzie,
Information Processing and Management, 60(3):103248,
May 2023.
Published paper.
arXiv preprint.
Author version (PDF).
"Index-Based Batch Query Processing Revisited",
Mackenzie, Moffat,
Proc. 44th European Conf. Information Retrieval (Volume III),
Dublin, Ireland,
pages 86-100,
April 2023.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"Tradeoff Options for Bipartite Graph Partitioning",
Mackenzie, Petri, Moffat,
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering,
35(8):8644-8657, January 2023.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"Immediate-Access Indexing Using Space-Efficient Extensible Arrays",
Moffat, Mackenzie,
Proc. 26th Australasian Document Computing Symp., Adelaide,
December 2022, to appear.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"Accelerating Learned Sparse Indexes Via Term Impact Decomposition",
Mackenzie, Mallia, Moffat, Petri,
Proc. Conf. Empirical Methods in Natural Language
Processing (Findings), Abu Dhabi, December 2022, 2830-2842.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"Batch Evaluation Metrics in Information Retrieval:
Measures, Scales, and Meaning",
IEEE Access, 10:105564-105577, October 2022.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
Preliminary arXiv version.
"Offline Recommender System Evaluation: Challenges and New Directions",
Castells, Moffat,
AI Magazine, 43(2):225-238, Summer 2022.
Published paper.
Author version
"Users: Can't Work With Them, Can't Work Without Them?",
Proc. 45th Ann. Int. ACM SIGIR Conf. on
Research and Development in Information Retrieval,
Madrid, Spain, July 2022, page 1.
Published keynote abstract.
Author version
Zoom recording made during live conference
presentation (70 min, includes conference Q&A).
recording made two days later (mp4, 57 min, 170 MB).
"Can Users Predict Relative Query Effectiveness?",
Zendel, Ebrahim, Culpepper, Moffat, Scholer,
Proc. 45th Ann. Int. ACM SIGIR Conf. on
Research and Development in Information Retrieval,
Madrid, Spain, July 2022, pages 2545-2549.
Published paper.
Author version
"A Flexible Framework for Offline Effectiveness Metrics",
Moffat, Mackenzie, Thomas, Azzopardi,
Proc. 45th Ann. Int. ACM SIGIR Conf. on
Research and Development in Information Retrieval,
Madrid, Spain, July 2022,
pages 578-587.
Published paper.
Author version
presentation (mp4, 12 min, 35 MB).
"Entropic Relevance: A Mechanism for Measuring
Stochastic Process Models Discovered From Event Data",
Alkhammash, Polyvyanyy, Moffat, García-Bañuelos,
Information Systems, 107:109122, July 2022.
Published paper.
Author version
"Bootstrapping Generalization of Process Models Discovered From Event Data",
Polyvyanyy, Moffat, García-Bañuelos.
Proc. 34th Int. Conf. on Advanced Information Systems Engineering,
Leuven, Belgium, June 2022, pages 36-54.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
conference presentation by Artem Polyvyanyy (YouTube, 35 min).
"Efficient Query Processing Techniques for Next-Page Retrieval",
Mackenzie, Petri, Moffat,
Information Retrieval Journal, 25(1):27-43, March 2022.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
presentation (mp4, 20 min, 106 MB).
"Anytime Ranking on Document-Ordered Indexes",
Mackenzie, Petri, Moffat,
ACM Trans. Information Systems,
40(1):13.1-13.32, January 2022.
Published paper.
Author version
Blog post at "Amazon Science".
"Conferences, Journals, Preprints, and Reviewer Expectations",
Moffat, Mackenzie, SIGIR Forum, 55(2):22.1-22.8, December 2021.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"A Sensitivity Analysis of the MSMARCO Passage Collection",
Mackenzie, Petri, Moffat,
arXiv:2112.03396, December 2021.
arXiv paper.
Author version (PDF).
"Cost-Effective Updating of Distributed Reordered Indexes",
Mackenzie, Moffat,
Proc. 25th Australasian Document Computing Symp., Melbourne,
December 2021, pages 4.1-4.8.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
[Awarded "Best Paper"]
"Modality Effects When Simulating User Querying Tasks",
Mackenzie, Moffat,
Proc. ACM Int. Conf. on Theory of Information Retrieval,
Montreal, Canada, July 2021, pages 197-201.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
presentation by Joel Mackenzie (mp4, 10 min, 15 MB).
"ERR is not C/W/L: Exploring the Relationship Between Expected
Reciprocal Rank and Other Metrics",
Azzopardi, Mackenzie, Moffat,
Proc. ACM Int. Conf. on Theory of Information Retrieval,
Montreal, Canada, July 2021, pages 231-237.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
presentation (mp4, 9 min, 57 MB).
[Awarded "Best Paper"]
"Evaluating the Predictivity of IR Experiments",
Rashidi, Zobel, Moffat,
Proc. 44th Ann. Int. ACM SIGIR Conf. on
Research and Development in Information Retrieval,
Montreal, Canada, July 2021,
pages 1667-1671.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
presentation by Lida Rashidi (mp4, 5 min, 20 MB).
"Faster Index Reordering with Bipartite Graph Partitioning",
Mackenzie, Petri, Moffat,
Proc. 44th Ann. Int. ACM SIGIR Conf. on
Research and Development in Information Retrieval,
Montreal, Canada, July 2021,
pages 1910-1914.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
Video presentation
(mp4, 5 min, 16 MB).
Errata: The journal for reference [22] Pibiri and Venturini
should be ACM Computing Surveys, and not ACM Transactions on
Information Systems, which is what is listed in the paper.
"Modeling Search and Session Effectiveness",
Wicaksono and Moffat,
Information Processing and Management,
July 2021, 58(4): 102601.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"Bayesian System Inference On Shallow Pools",
Benham, Moffat, Culpepper,
Proc. 43rd European Conf. Information Retrieval,
Lucca, Italy,
April 2021, pages 209-215.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"User Models, Metrics and Measures of Search:
A Tutorial on the C/W/L Evaluation Framework",
Azzopardi, Moffat, Thomas, Zuccon,
Proc. 6th ACM Conf. Human Information Interaction
and Retrieval,
Canberra, Australia, March 2021, pages 347-348.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
Video of the "What is C/W/L" session (mp4, 30 min, 190 MB).
On-line resources (slides, all videos, software).
"Different Keystrokes for Different Folks:
Visualizing Crowdworker Querying Behavior",
Benham, Mackenzie, Culpepper, Moffat,
Proc. 6th ACM Conf. Human Information Interaction
and Retrieval,
Canberra, Australia, April 2021, pages 331-335.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
Interactive visualization tool.
"Entropia: A Family of Entropy-Based Conformance Checking Measures
for Process Mining",
Polyvyanyy, Alkhammash, Di Ciccio, García-Bañuelos,
Kalenkova, Leemans, Mendling, Moffat, Weidlich,
Proc. ICPM Tool Demonstration Track 2020,
Padua, Italy, October 2020, pages 39-42.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"An Entropic Relevance Measure for Stochastic Conformance Checking in
Process Mining",
Polyvyanyy, Moffat, García-Bañuelos.
Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Process Mining,
Padua, Italy, October 2020, pages 97-104.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
Errata: the graph in Figure 7(c) is incorrect.
The correct version of it shows a similar pattern to Figures
7(a) and 7(b), and will appear in 2021 in a journal version
of this paper (we hope).
"CC-News-En: A Large English News Corpus",
Mackenzie, Benham, Petri, Trippas, Culpepper, Moffat,
Proc. 29th ACM CIKM Int. Conf. on Information and
and Knowledge Management,
Galway, Ireland, October 2020, pages 3077-3084.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"Examining the Additivity of Top-k Query Processing Innovations",
Mackenzie, Moffat,
Proc. 29th ACM CIKM Int. Conf. on Information and
and Knowledge Management,
Galway, Ireland, October 2020, pages 1085-1094.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"Bayesian Inferential Risk Evaluation On Multiple IR Systems",
Benham, Carterette, Culpepper, Moffat,
Proc. 43rd Ann. Int. ACM SIGIR Conf. on
Research and Development in Information Retrieval,
Xi'an, July 2020, pages 339-348.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"Large-Alphabet Semi-Static Entropy Coding Via Asymmetric Numeral Systems",
Moffat, Petri.
ACM Trans. Information Systems,
May 2020, 38(4):33.1-33.33.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"Offline Evaluation Options for Recommender Systems",
Cañamares, Castells, Moffat.
Information Retrieval Journal, August 2020, 23(4):387-410.
Published paper.
Author link to open version of published paper.
Author version (PDF).
Video presentation
(mp4, 26 min, 160 MB).
"Generation of Synthetic Query Auto Completion Logs",
Krishnan, Moffat, Zobel, Billerbeck.
Proc. 42nd European Conf. Information Retrieval, Lisbon, Portugal,
April 2020, pages 621-635".
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
[Awarded "Best Industrial Impact"]
"Metrics, User Models, and Satisfaction",
Wicaksono, Moffat.
Proc. 13th ACM WSDM Int. Conf. on Web Search and Data Mining,
February 2029, pages 654-662.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"Taking Risks With Confidence",
Benham, Carterette, Moffat, Culpepper.
Proc. 24th Australasian Document Computing Symp., Sydney,
December 2019, pages 1-4.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"On the Pluses and Minuses of Risk",
Benham, Moffat, Culpepper.
Proc. 15th Asian Information Retrieval Societies
Conf., Hong Kong,
December 2019, pages 81-93.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"Boosting Search Performance Using Query Variations",
Benham, MacKenzie, Moffat, Culpepper.
ACM Trans. Information Systems,
37(4):41.1-41.25, October 2019.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"Huffman Coding",
ACM Computing Surveys,
52(4):85.1-85.35, June 2019.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
Updates and Errata.
"Abstraction of Query Auto Completion Logs for Anonymity-Preserving Analysis",
Krishnan, Billerbeck, Moffat, Zobel.
Information Retrieval Journal,
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"Accelerated Query Processing Via Similarity Score Prediction",
Petri, Moffat, Mackenzie, Culpepper, Beck.
Proc. 42nd Ann. Int. ACM SIGIR Conf. on
Research and Development in Information Retrieval,
Paris, July 2019, pages 485-494.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"cwl_eval: An Evaluation Tool for Information Retrieval",
Azzopardi, Thomas, Moffat.
Proc. 42nd Ann. Int. ACM SIGIR Conf. on
Research and Development in Information Retrieval,
Paris, July 2019, pages 1321-1324.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"Modeling User Actions in Job Search",
Wicaksono, Moffat Zobel.
Proc. 41st European Conf. Information Retrieval, Cologne, Germany,
April 2019, pages 652-664.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"Fast Dictionary-Based Compression for Inverted Indexes",
Pibiri, Petri, Moffat.
Proc. 12th ACM WSDM Int. Conf. on Web Search and Data Mining,
February 2019, pages 6-14.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"Better Effectiveness Metrics for SERPs, Cards, and Rankings",
Thomas, Moffat, Baily, Scholer, Craswell.
Proc. 23nd Australasian Document Computing Symp., Dunedin,
December 2018, pages 1.1-1.8.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"Exploring Interaction Patterns in Job Search",
Wicaksono, Moffat.
Proc. 23nd Australasian Document Computing Symp., Dunedin,
December 2018, pages 2.1-2.8.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"Pairwise Crowd Judgments: Preference, Absolute, and Ratio",
Yang, Moffat, Turpin.
Proc. 23nd Australasian Document Computing Symp., Dunedin,
December 2018, pages 3.1-3.8.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"Desirable Properties for Diversity and Truncated Effectiveness Metrics",
Albaham, Spina, Scholer, Moffat, Cavedon.
Proc. 23nd Australasian Document Computing Symp., Dunedin,
December 2018, pages 9.1-9.7.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"Estimating Measurement Uncertainty for Information
Retrieval Effectiveness Metrics",
Moffat, Scholer, Yang.
ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality, 10(3):10.1-10.22.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"Empirical Evidence for Search Effectiveness Models",
Wicaksono, Moffat.
Proc. 27th ACM CIKM Int. Conf. on Information and
and Knowledge Management,
Turin, Italy, October 2018, pages 1571-1574.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
Errata: note that there was an error the in Equation 1 in the published
version, and that it should be as shown in this
[Awarded "Best Short Paper"]
"Users, Adaptivity, and Bad Abandonment",
Moffat, Wicaksono.
Proc. 41st Ann. Int. ACM SIGIR Conf. on
Research and Development in Information Retrieval,
Ann Arbor, Michigan, July 2018, pages 897-900.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"A Living Lab Study of Query Amendment in Job Search",
Salehi, Spina, Moffat, Sadeghi, Scholer, Baldwin, Cavedon, Sanderson,
Wong, Zobel.
Proc. 41st Ann. Int. ACM SIGIR Conf. on
Research and Development in Information Retrieval,
Ann Arbor, Michigan, July 2018, pages 905-908.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"Index Compression Using Byte-Aligned ANS Coding
and Two-Dimensional Contexts",
Moffat, Petri.
Proc. 11th ACM WSDM Int. Conf. on Web Search and Data Mining,
Los Angeles,
February 2018, pages 405-413.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
[Awarded "Best Paper"]
"Compact Inverted Index Storage Using
General-Purpose Compression Libraries",
Petri, Moffat.
Software: Practice and Experience,
48(4):974-982, 2018.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"Computing Maximized Effectiveness Distance
for Recall-Based Metrics",
IEEE Trans. Knowledge and Data Engineering,
30(1):198-203, 2018.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"Tasks, Queries, and Rankers in Pre-Retrieval Performance Prediction",
Thomas, Scholer, Bailey, Moffat.
Proc. 22nd Australasian Document Computing Symp., Brisbane,
December 2017, pages 11.1-11.4.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"A Taxonomy of Query Auto Completion Modes",
Krishnan, Moffat, Zobel.
Proc. 22nd Australasian Document Computing Symp., Brisbane, Australia,
December 2017, pages 6.1-6.8.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
[Awarded "Best Paper"]
"Only Foward? Toward Understanding Human Visual Behaviour
when Examining Search Results",
Buchanan, McKay, Velloso, Moffat, Turpin, Scholer.
Proc. 29th Australian Conf. Computer-Human Interaction,
Brisbane, Australia, November 2017, pages 497-502.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"ANS-Based Index Compression",
Moffat, Petri.
Proc. 26th ACM CIKM Int. Conf. on Information and
Knowledge Management,
November 2017, pages 677-686.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"Understanding User Behavior in Job and Talent Search: An Initial
Spina, Maistro, Ren, Sadeghi, Wong,
Baldwin, Cavedon, Moffat, Sanderson, Scholer, Zobel.
Proc. SIGIR Wrkshp.
on eCommerce, Tokyo, Japan, August 2017.
Author version (PDF).
"Can Deep Effectiveness Metrics Be Evaluated
Using Shallow Judgment Pools?",
Lu, Moffat, Culpepper,
Proc. 40th Ann. Int. ACM SIGIR Conf. on
Research and Development in Information Retrieval,
Tokyo, Japan, August 2017, pages 35-44.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"Retrieval Consistency in the Presence of Query Variations",
Bailey, Moffat, Scholer, Thomas.
Proc. 40th Ann. Int. ACM SIGIR Conf. on
Research and Development in Information Retrieval,
Tokyo, Japan, August 2017, pages 395-404.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"Incorporating User Expectations and Behavior into the
Measurement of Search Effectiveness",
Moffat, Bailey, Scholer, Thomas.
ACM Trans. Information Systems,
35(3)24.1-24.38, June 2017.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
Updates and Errata.
"Efficient Distributed Selective Search",
Kim, Callan, Culpepper, Moffat.
Information Retrieval Journal,
20(3):221-252, 2017.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"A Cost Model for Long-Term Compressed Data Retention",
Liao, Moffat, Petri, Wirth.
Proc. 10th Int. Conf. Web Search and Data Mining, Cambridge, England,
February 2017, pages 241-249.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"CSA++: Fast Pattern Search for Large Alphabets",
Gog, Moffat, Petri,
Proc. Conf. Algorithm Engineering & Experiments,
Barcelona, January 2017, pages 73-82.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"Can Machine Translation Systems be Evaluated by the Crowd Alone?",
Graham, Baldwin, Moffat, Zobel.
J. Natural Language Engineering, 23(1):3-30, 2017.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"Judgment Pool Effects Caused by Query Variations",
Proc. 21st Australasian Document Computing Symp., Caulfield, Australia,
December 2016, pages 65-68.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"How Precise Does Document Scoring Need To Be?",
Yang, Moffat, Turpin,
Proc. 12th Asian Information Retrieval Societies Conference,
Beijing, December 2016, pages 279-291, LNCS volume 9994.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"Modeling Relevance as a Function of Retrieval Rank",
Lu, Moffat, Culpepper,
Proc. 12th Asian Information Retrieval Societies Conference,
Beijing, December 2016, pages 3-15, LNCS volume 9992.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"CSAM: Compressed SAM Format,
Cánovas, Moffat, Turpin.
Bioinformatics, 32(24):3709-3716, 2016.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"The Effect of Pooling and Evaluation Depth on IR Metrics",
Lu, Moffat, Culpepper,
Information Retrieval J., 19(4):416-445, 2016.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"Efficient and Effective Higher Order Proximity Modeling",
Lu, Moffat, Culpepper,
Proc. ACM Int. Conf. on Theory of Information Retrieval,
Newark, Delaware, September 2016, pages 21-30.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"What Would We Like IR Metrics to Measure?",
Invited presentation, Proc. 12th NTCIR Conf. Evaluation of
Information Access Technologies,
Tokyo, June 2016.
Published abstract.
Slides from presentation.
"Assessing Efficiency-Effectiveness Tradeoffs in Multi-Stage
Retrieval Systems Without Using Relevance Judgments",
Clarke, Culpepper, Moffat.
Information Retrieval J., 19(4):351-377, 2016.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"Load-Balancing in Distributed Selective Search",
Kim, Callan, Culpepper, Moffat.
Proc. 39th Ann. Int. ACM SIGIR Conf. on
Research and Development in Information Retrieval,
Pisa, Italy, July 2015, pages 905-908.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"Quit While Ahead: Evaluating Truncated Rankings",
Liu, Moffat, Baldwin, Zhang.
Proc. 39th Ann. Int. ACM SIGIR Conf. on
Research and Development in Information Retrieval,
Pisa, Italy, July 2015, pages 953-956.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"UQV: A Test Collection with Query Variability",
Bailey, Moffat, Scholer, Thomas.
Proc. 39th Ann. Int. ACM SIGIR Conf. on
Research and Development in Information Retrieval,
Pisa, Italy, July 2015, pages 725-738.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
Data resource.
"Effective Construction of Relative Lempel-Ziv Dictionaries"
Liao, Petri, Moffat, Wirth.
Proc. Int. Conf. World-Wide Web, Montreal, Canada,
April 2016, pages 807-816.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
Looks like we committed the avoidable carelessness of having two
people use their own different bibtex tags for the same paper, and
not notice when we should have; refs [4] and [6] are the same.
"Does Selective Search Benefit from WAND Optimization?",
Kim, Callan, Culpepper, Moffat.
Proc 38th European Conf. Information Retrieval, Padova, Italy,
April 2016, pages 145-158.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"INST: An Adaptive Metric for Information Retrieval Evaluation",
Moffat, Bailey, Scholer, Thomas.
Proc. 20th Australasian Document Computing Symp., Parramatta,
December 2015, pages 5.1-5.4.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
Software: An implementation based on this paper has been
prepared by Bevan Koopman,
"Access Time Tradeoffs in Archive Compression",
Petri, Moffat, Nagesh, Wirth,
Proc. 11th Asian Information Retrieval Societies Conference,
Brisbane, December 2015, pages 15-28.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
Errata: the official Springer-published version contains errors in
the figures that were introduced during their final publication
A correct author version of the published paper can be found at
"Towards Nuanced System Evaluation Based on Implicit User Expectations",
Thomas, Bailey, Moffat, Scholer,
Proc. 11th Asian Information Retrieval Societies Conference,
Brisbane, December 2015, pages 332-344.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"Pooled Evaluation Over Query Variations:
Users are as Diverse as Systems",
Moffat, Scholer, Thomas, Bailey,
Proc. 24th ACM CIKM Int. Conf. on Information and
Knowledge Management,
Melbourne, October 2015, pages 1759-1762.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
Data resource.
"On the Cost of Extracting Proximity Features for Term-Dependency Models",
Lu, Moffat, Culpepper,
Proc. 24th ACM CIKM Int. Conf. on Information and
Knowledge Management,
Melbourne, October 2015, pages 293-302.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"Observed Volatility in Effectiveness Metrics",
Lu, Moffat, Culpepper,
Proc. SIGIR RIGOR Wrkshp. on Reproducibility, Inexplicability,
and Generalizability of Results",
Santiago, Chile, August 2015.
Full text (PDF).
"User Variability and IR System Evaluation",
Bailey, Moffat, Scholer, Thomas,
Proc. 38th Ann. Int. ACM SIGIR Conf. on
Research and Development in Information Retrieval,
Santiago, Chile, August 2015, pages 625-634.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
Data resource.
Errata: Hmmm, looks like we were careless when
preparing our final version. The sentence "The
experiment was reviewed and approved by the <anonymous
institution> ethics board" appears on page 4; that
sentence should read "The experiment was reviewed and
approved by the CSIRO ethics board".
Ooops. (Noted March 2020.)
"On the Cost of Phrase-Based Ranking",
Petri, Moffat,
Proc. 38th Ann. Int. ACM SIGIR Conf. on
Research and Development in Information Retrieval,
Santiago, Chile, August 2015, pages 931-934.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"It's Been 1,000,000 Years Since Huffman",
Proc. IEEE Data Compression Conf.,
April 2015, page 436.
Published abstract.
Author version (PDF).
"On Identifying Phrases Using Collection Statistics",
Gog, Moffat, Petri,
Proc. 37th European Conf. on Information Retrieval",
Vienna, April 2015, pages 278-283.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"Graph Representations and Applications of Citation Networks",
Petri, Moffat, Wirth.
Proc. 19th Australasian Document Computing Symp., Melbourne,
December 2014, pages 18-25.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"How Effective are Proximity Scores in Term Dependency Models?",
Lu, Moffat, Culpepper.
Proc. 19th Australasian Document Computing Symp., Melbourne,
December 2014, pages 89-92.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"Assessing the Cognitive Complexity of Information Needs",
Moffat, Bailey, Scholer, Thomas.
Proc. 19th Australasian Document Computing Symp., Melbourne,
December 2014, pages 97-100.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
Data resource.
"Strategic Pattern Search in Factor-Compressed Text",
Gog, Moffat, Petri.
Proc. Symp. String Processing and Information Retrieval,
Ouro Preto, Brazil, October 2014, pages 1-12, LNCS volume 8799.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"Modeling Decision Points in User Search Behavior",
Thomas, Moffat, Bailey, Scholer.
Proc. 5th Information Interaction in Context Symposium,
Regensburg, August 2014,
pages 239-242.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"Lossy Compression of Quality Scores in Genomic Data",
Cánovas, Moffat, Turpin.
Bioinformatics, 2014, 30(15):2130-2136.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"Large-Scale Pattern Search Using
Reduced-Space On-Disk Suffix Arrays",
Gog, Moffat, Culpepper, Turpin, Wirth,
IEEE Trans. Knowledge and Data Engineering,
August 2014, 26(8):1-1.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"Score-Safe Term Dependency Processing
With Hybrid Indexes",
Petri, Moffat, Culpepper.
Proc. 37th Ann. Int. ACM SIGIR Conf. on
Research and Development in Information Retrieval,
Gold Coast, July 2014, pages 899-902.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"From Theory to Practice:
Plug and Play with Succinct Data Structures",
Gog, Beller, Moffat, Petri.
Proc. Symp. Experimental Algorithms,
Copenhagen, June 2014,
pages 326-337, LNCS volume 8504.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"Is Machine Translation Getting Better over Time?",
Graham, Baldwin, Moffat, Zobel.
Proc. Conf. European Assoc. for Computational Linguistics",
Gothenberg, April 2014, pages 443-451.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"String Search Experimentation Using Massive Data",
Moffat, Gog,
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A,
372(8), March 2014.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"Lazy and Eager Approaches for the Set Cover Problem",
Lim, Moffat, Wirth.
Proc. 37th Australasian Computer Science Conf.,
Auckland, New Zealand, January 2014, pages 19-27.
Published paper.
Author version (PDF).
"Seven Numeric Properties of Effectiveness Metrics",
Proc. 9th Asian Information Retrieval Societies
Singapore, December 2013,
pages 1-12, LNCS volume 8281.
Published paper.
"What Users Do: The Eyes Have It",
Thomas, Scholer, Moffat.
Proc. 9th Asian Information Retrieval Societies
Singapore, December 2013,
pages 416-427, LNCS volume 8281.
Published paper.
"Crowd-Sourcing of Human Judgments of Machine Translation Fluency",
Graham, Baldwin, Moffat, Zobel.
Proc. 2013 Australasian Language Technology Wkshp.,
Brisbane, December 2013,
pages 16-24.
Published paper.
"Exploring the Magic of WAND",
Petri, Culpepper, Moffat.
Proc. 18th Australasian Document Computing Symp.,
Brisbane, December 2013,
pages 58-65.
Abstract and Errata.
Published paper.
"Choices in Batch Information Retrieval Evaluation",
Scholer, Moffat, Thomas.
Proc. 18th Australasian Document Computing Symp.,
Brisbane, December 2013,
pages 74-81.
Published paper.
"Users Versus Models: What Observation Tells Us About Effectiveness
Moffat, Thomas, Scholer.
Proc. 22nd ACM CIKM Conf. on Information and
Knowledge Management,
San Francisco, October 2013,
pages 659-668.
Published paper.
Errata: There is a small error in one of the equations, see the
abstract page for details.
"Adding Compression and Blended Search to a
Compact Two-Level Suffix Array",
Gog, Moffat.
Proc. Symp. String Processing and Information Retrieval,
Jerusalem, October 2013, pages 141-152, LNCS volume 8214.
Published paper.
"Continuous Measurement Scales in Human Evaluation of
Machine Translation",
Graham, Baldwin, Moffat, Zobel.
Proc. 7th Linguistic Annotation Wrkshp.
& Interoperability with Discourse,
Sofia, August 2013, pages 33-41.
Full text.
"Observing Users to Validate Models (Extended Abstract)",
Scholer, Thomas, Moffat.
SIGIR 2013 Wrkshp. on Modeling User Behavior for
Information Retrieval Evaluation (MUBE 2013),
Dublin, August 2013.
Full text.
"Fading Away: Dilution and User Behaviour",
Thomas, Scholer, Moffat.
Proc. 3rd European Wrkshp. on Human-Computer Interaction
and Information Retrieval,
Dublin, July 2013, pages 3-6.
Published paper.
"Practical Compression for Multi-Alignment Genomic Files",
Cánovas, Moffat.
Proc. 36th Australasian Computer Science Conf.,
Adelaide, Australia, January 2013, pages 51-60.
Published paper.
"Models and Metrics: IR Evaluation as a User Process",
Moffat, Scholer, Thomas.
Proc. 17th Australasian Document Computing Symp.,
Dunedin, New Zealand, December 2012, pages 47-54.
Published paper.
Errata: There is a small error in one of the equations, see the
abstract page for details.
"Measurement of Progress in Machine Translation",
Graham, Baldwin, Harwood, Moffat, Zobel.
Proc. 2012 Australasian Language Technology Wkshp.,
Dunedin, New Zealand, December 2012, pages 70-78.
Full text.
"Panel on Use of Proprietary Data",
Callan, Moffat
SIGIR Forum, 14(2):10-18, December 2012.
Published paper.
"Efficient Extended Boolean Retrieval",
Pohl, Zobel, Moffat.
IEEE Trans. Knowledge and Data Engineering,
24(6):1014-1024, June 2012,
published online 10 March 2011.
Published paper.
"Frontiers, Challenges, and Opportunities for Information
Retrieval: Report from SWIRL 2012 the Second Strategic
Wrkshp. on Information Retrieval in Lorne",
Allan, Croft, Moffat, Sanderson.
SIGIR Forum,
46(1):2-32, 2012.
Published paper.
"Principles for Robust Evaluation Infrastructure",
Zobel, Webber, Sanderson, Moffat.
Proc. DESIRE Wrkshp. on Data Infrastructures
for Supporting Information Retrieval Evaluation,
Glasgow, October 2011, pages 3-6.
Full text.
"Efficient Indexing of Repeated n-Grams",
Huston, Moffat, Croft.
Proc. 4th ACM Int. Conf. on Web Search
and Data Mining,
Hong Kong, February 2011, pages 127-136.
Published paper.
"Efficient Set Intersection for Inverted Indexing",
Culpepper, Moffat.
ACM Trans. Information Systems,
29(1)1.1-1.25, December 2010.
Published paper.
"Estimating System Effectiveness Scores With Incomplete
Ravana, Moffat.
Proc. 15th Australasian Document Computing Symp.,
Melbourne, Australia, December 2010, pages 20-27.
Full text.
"Score Estimation, Incomplete Judgments, and
Significance Testing in IR Evaluation",
Ravana, Moffat.
Proc. 2010 Asian Information Retrieval Societies Conf.,
Taipei, Taiwan, December 2010, pages 97-109, LNCS volume 6458.
Published paper.
"A Similarity Measure for Indefinite Rankings",
Webber, Moffat, Zobel.
ACM Trans. Information Systems, 28(4)20.1-20.38,
2010, November 2010.
Published paper.
"The Effect of Pooling and Evaluation Depth on Metric Stability",
Webber, Moffat, Zobel.
Proc. 3rd Int. Wrkshp. on Evaluating Information Access,
Tokyo, Japan,
June 2010, pages 7-15.
Full text.
"Click-Based Evidence for Decaying Weight Distributions
in Search Effectiveness Metrics",
Zhang, Park, Moffat.
Information Retrieval, 13(1):46-69, February 2010.
On-line version published 30 June 2009.
Published paper.
"Index Compression Using 64-Bit Words",
Anh, Moffat.
Software -- Practice & Experience, 40(2):131-148, February 2010.
Published paper.
"Extended Boolean Retrieval for Systematic Biomedical Reviews",
Pohl, Zobel, Moffat.
Proc. 33rd Australasian Computer Science Conf.,
Brisbane, Australia, January 2010, pages 117-126.
"Improvements That Don't Add Up: Ad-Hoc Retrieval Results Since 1998",
Armstrong, Moffat, Webber, Zobel.
Proc. 18th CIKM Int. Conf. on Information and Knowledge
Hong Kong,
November 2009, pages 601-610.
Published paper.
"Relative Significance is Insufficient: Baselines Matter Too",
Armstrong, Moffat, Webber, Zobel.
Proc. SIGIR Wrkshp. on the Future of IR Evaluation,
July 2009.
Workshop presentation.
Published paper.
Now available as a full paper.
"EvaluatIR: An Online Tool for Evaluating and Comparing IR Systems",
Armstrong, Moffat, Webber, Zobel.
Proc. 32nd Ann. Int. ACM SIGIR Conf. on
Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Boston,
July 2009, page 833.
Demonstration paper.
Published paper.
EvaluatIR web site.
"System Scoring Using Partial Prior Information",
Ravana, Park, Moffat.
Proc. 32nd Ann. Int. ACM SIGIR Conf. on
Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Boston,
July 2009, pages 788-789.
Poster paper.
Published paper.
"Has Adhoc Retrieval Improved Since 1994?",
Armstrong, Moffat, Webber, Zobel.
Proc. 32nd Ann. Int. ACM SIGIR Conf. on
Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Boston,
July 2009, pages 692-693.
Poster paper.
Published paper.
Now available as a full paper.
"Against Recall: Is It Persistence, Cardinality, Density, Coverage,
or Totality?",
Zobel, Moffat, Park.
SIGIR Forum, 43(1):3-15, June 2009.
Full text.
"Measurement Techniques and Caching Effects",
Pohl, Moffat.
Proc. 31st European Conf. on Information Retrieval,
Toulouse, France, April 2009, pages 691-695, LNCS volume 5478.
Poster paper.
Published paper.
"Reducing Space Requirements for Disk Resident Suffix Arrays",
Moffat, Puglisi, Sinha.
Proc. Conf. Database Systems for Advanced Applications,
Brisbane, Australia, April 2009, pages 730-744, LNCS volume 5463.
Published paper.
"Score Aggregation Techniques in Retrieval Experimentation",
Ravana, Moffat.
Proc. 2009 Australasian Database Conf.,
Wellington, New Zealand, January 2009, pages 59-67.
Full text.
"Rank-Biased Precision for Measurement of Retrieval Effectiveness",
Moffat, Zobel.
ACM Trans. Information Systems, 27(1), paper 2, 1-27,
December 2008.
Published paper.
William Webber has created
a trec_eval-style implementation, that code is available as
(Usual disclaimers apply.)
"Parameter Sensitivity in Rank-Biased Precision",
Zhang, Park, Moffat.
Proc. 13th Australasian Document Computing Symp.,
Hobart, Australia, December 2008, pages 61-68.
Full text.
"Term-Frequency Surrogates in Text Similarity Computations",
Pohl, Moffat.
Proc. 13th Australasian Document Computing Symp.,
Hobart, Australia, December 2008, pages 3-10.
Full text.
"Term Impacts as Normalized Term Frequencies for BM25 Similarity Scoring",
Anh, Wan Moffat.
Proc. 15th Int. Symp. String Processing and Information Retrieval,
Melbourne, Australia, November 2008, pages 51-62,
LNCS volume 5280.
Published paper.
"Statistical Power in Retrieval Experimentation",
Webber, Moffat, Zobel.
Proc. 17th CIKM Int. Conf. in Information and Knowledge
Napa Valley, CA,
October 2008, pages 571-580.
Published paper.
"Fast On-Line Index Construction by Geometric Partitioning",
Lester, Moffat, Zobel.
ACM Trans. Database Systems, 22(3):1-33, August 2008.
Published paper.
"Precision-At-Ten Considered Redundant",
Webber, Moffat, Zobel Sakai.
Proc. 31st Ann. Int. ACM SIGIR Conf. on
Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Singapore,
July 2008, pages 695-696.
Poster paper.
Published paper.
"Exploring Evaluation Metrics: GMAP versus MAP",
Ravana, Moffat.
Proc. 31st Ann. Int. ACM SIGIR Conf. on
Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Singapore,
July 2008, pages 687-688.
Poster paper.
Published paper.
"Score Standardization for Inter-Collection Comparison of Retrieval Systems",
Webber, Moffat, Zobel.
Proc. 31st Ann. Int. ACM SIGIR Conf. on
Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Singapore,
July 2008, pages 51-58.
Published paper.
Web site
giving standardization constants for typical TREC
"Improving Suffix Array Locality for Fast Pattern Matching on Disk",
Sinha, Puglisi, Moffat, Turpin.
Proc. 28th ACM SIGMOD/PODS Conf.,
Vancouver, Canada, June 2008, pages 661-672.
Published paper.
"Compressing Integer Sequences and Sets",
in Encylopedia of Algorithms,
M.-Y. Kao (Ed), Springer, 2008.
Published paper.
"An Empirical Study of the Effects of NLP Components on
Geographic IR Performance",
Stokes, Li, Moffat, Rong.
Int. Journal of Geographical Information Science,
22(3):247-264, 2008.
Published paper.
"Score Standardization for Robust Comparison of Retrieval Systems",
Webber, Moffat, Zobel.
Proc. 12th Australasian Document Computing Symp.,
Melbourne, Australia, December 2007, pages 1-8.
Abstract, including an errata note.
Full text.
"Hybrid Bitvector Index Compression",
Moffat, Culpepper.
Proc. 12th Australasian Document Computing Symp.,
Melbourne, Australia, December 2007, pages 25-31.
Full text.
"Compact Set Representation for Information Retrieval",
Culpepper, Moffat.
Proc. 14th Int. Symp. String Processing and Information Retrieval,
Santiago, Chile, October 2007, pages 137-148,
LNCS volume 4726.
Published paper.
"Strategic System Comparisons via Targeted Relevance Judgments",
Moffat, Webber, Zobel.
Proc. 30th Ann. Int. ACM SIGIR Conf. on
Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Amsterdam,
July 2007, pages 375-382.
Published paper.
"A Pipelined Architecture for Distributed Text Query Evaluation",
Moffat, Webber, Zobel, Baeza-Yates.
Information Retrieval, 10(3):205-231, June 2007
(published on-line October 5, 2006).
Published paper.
"Incremental Calculation of Minimum-Redundancy Length-Restricted Codes",
Liddell, Moffat.
IEEE Trans. Communications, 55(3):427-435, March 2007.
Published paper.
"Block Merging for Off-Line Compression",
Wan, Moffat.
Journal of the American Society for
Information Science and Technology,
58(1):3-14, January 2007.
Published paper.
"Some Observations on User Search Behavior",
Zhang, Moffat.
Proc. 11th Australasian Document Computing Symp.,
Brisbane, Australia,
December 2006,
pages 1-8.
Reprinted in the Australian Journal of Intelligent
Information Processing Systems, 9(2):1-8, 2006.
Full text.
"Pruning Strategies for Mixed-Mode Querying",
Anh, Moffat.
Proc. 15th ACM CIKM Int. Conf. Information and
Knowledge Management, Arlington, VA, November 2006, pages 190-197.
Published paper.
"Structured Index Organizations for High-Throughput Text Querying",
Anh, Moffat.
Proc. 13th Int. Symp. String Processing and Information Retrieval,
Glasgow, Scotland, October 2006, pages 304-315,
LNCS volume 4209.
Published paper.
"Phrase-Based Pattern Matching in Compressed Text",
Culpepper, Moffat.
Proc. 13th Int. Symp. String Processing and Information Retrieval,
Glasgow, Scotland, October 2006, pages 337-345,
LNCS volume 4209.
Published paper.
"NICTA I2D2 Group at GeoCLEF 2006",
Li, Stokes, Cavedon, Moffat.
Proc. GeoCLEF Wrkshp. on Geo-Spatial IR,
Alicante, Spain, September 2006.
Full text.
"Exploring Probabilistic Toponym Resolution for
Geographical Information Retrieval",
Li, Moffat, Stokes, Cavedon.
Proc. SIGIR Wrkshp. on Geographical Information Retrieval,
Seattle, Washington, August 2006, pages 17-22.
Published paper.
"Pruned Query Evaluation Using Pre-Computed Impacts",
Anh, Moffat.
Proc. 29th Ann. Int. ACM SIGIR Conf. on
Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Seattle,
August 2006, pages 372-379.
Published paper.
"Load Balancing for Term-Distributed Parallel Retrieval",
Moffat, Webber, Zobel.
Proc. 29th Ann. Int. ACM SIGIR Conf. on
Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Seattle,
August 2006, pages 348-355.
Published paper.
"Decoding Prefix Codes",
Liddell, Moffat.
Software: Practice and Experience, 35(15):1687-1710, December 2006.
Published paper.
"Binary Codes for Locally Homogeneous Sequences",
Moffat, Anh.
Information Processing Letters, 99(5):75-80, September 2006.
Published paper.
"Inverted Files for Text Search Engines",
Zobel, Moffat.
ACM Computing Surveys, 38(2):1-56, July 2006.
Published paper.
"Fifty Years of Computing at The University of Melbourne",
An unpublished history of the Department from 1956--2006.
Abstract and photos.
Unpublished paper.
"Improved Word-Aligned Binary Compression for Text Indexing",
Anh, Moffat.
IEEE Trans. Knowledge and Data Engineering,
June 2006, 18(6):857-861.
Published paper.
"In Search of Reliable Retrieval Experiments",
Webber, Moffat.
Proc. 10th Australasian Document Computing Symp.,
Sydney, December 2005, pages 26-33.
Full paper.
"Recommended Reading for IR Research Students",
Moffat, Zobel, Hawking (eds).
SIGIR Forum, 39(2):3-14, December 2005.
PDF version, 270 kB.
"Melbourne University 2005: Enterprise and Terabyte Tracks",
Anh, Webber, Moffat.
Proc. 2005 TREC Notebook Proceedings,
Gaithersburg, MD, November 2005.
"Similarity Measures for Tracking Information Flow",
Metzler, Bernstein, Croft, Moffat, Zobel.
Proc. 14th ACM CIKM Int. Conf. Information and
Knowledge Management, Bremen, Germany, November 2005,
pages 517-524.
Published paper.
"Fast On-Line Index Construction by Geometric Partitioning",
Lester, Moffat, Zobel.
Proc. 14th ACM CIKM Int. Conf. Information and
Knowledge Management, Bremen, Germany, November 2005,
pages 776-783.
Published paper.
"Space-Limited Ranked Query Evaluation Using Adaptive Pruning",
Lester, Moffat, Webber, Zobel.
Proc. 6th Int. Conf. Web Information Systems Engineering,
New York, November 2005, pages 470-477. LNCS volume 3806.
"Enhanced Byte Codes with Restricted Prefix Properties",
Culpepper, Moffat.
Proc. 12th Int. Symp. String Processing and Information Retrieval,
Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 2005, pages 1-12.
LNCS volume 3772.
Published paper.
"Simplified Similarity Scoring Using Term Ranks",
Anh, Moffat.
Proc. 28th Ann. Int. ACM SIGIR Conf. on
Research and Development in Information Retrieval,
Salvador, Brazil, August 2005, pages 226-233.
Published paper.
"Word-Based Text Compression using the Burrows-Wheeler Transform",
Moffat, Isal.
Information Processing and Management, 41(5):1175-1192, September 2005.
Published paper.
"Binary Codes for Non-Uniform Sources"
Moffat, Anh.
Proc. IEEE Data Compression Conf.,
Snowbird, Utah, March 2005, pages 133-142.
Published paper.
"Making Connections: First Year Transition for
Computer Science and Software Engineering Students",
Moffat, Hughes, Søndergaard, Gruba.
Australasian Computer Science Education Conf.,
Newcastle, February 2005, pages 229-238.
"Inverted Index Compression using Word-Aligned Binary Codes",
Anh, Moffat.
Information Retrieval, 8(1):151-166, January 2005.
Published paper.
"Collection-Independent Document-Centric Impacts",
Anh, Moffat.
Proc. 2004 Australasian Document Computing Symp.,
Melbourne, December 2004, pages 25-32.
"What does it mean to `measure performance?'",
Moffat, Zobel.
Proc. Fifth Int. Conf. on Web Informations Systems,
Brisbane, Australia, November 2004, pages 1-12.
"Melbourne University 2004: Terabyte and Web Tracks",
Anh, Moffat.
Proc. 2004 TREC Notebook Proceedings,
Gaithersburg, MD, November 2004.
"SEFT: A Search Engine for Text",
de Kretser, Moffat.
Software Practice and Experience, 34(10):1011-1023, August 2004.
Published paper.
"What Drives Curriculum Change?",
Gruba, Moffat, Søndergaard, Zobel.
Proc. 6th Australasian Computing Education Conf.,
Dunedin, New Zealand, January 2004, pages 109-117.
"Lossless Image Compression Using Pixel Reordering",
Ciavarella, Moffat.
Proc. 27th Australasian Computer Science Conf.,
Dunedin, New Zealand, January 2004, pages 125-132.
"Performance and Cost Tradeoffs in Web Search",
Craswell, Crimmins, Hawking, Moffat.
Proc. 15th Australasian Database Conf.,
Dunedin, New Zealand, January 2004, pages 161-169.
"Index Compression using Fixed Binary Codewords",
Anh, Moffat.
Proc. 15th Australasian Database Conf.,
Dunedin, New Zealand, January 2004, pages 61-67.
"Evaluating Statistically Generated Phrases",
Wan, Moffat.
Proc. 2003 Australian Document Computing Symp.,
Canberra, December 2003, pages 67-70.
"Integrated Impacts for Web Retrieval",
Anh, Moffat.
Proc. 2003 Australian Document Computing Symp.,
Canberra, December 2003, pages 25-30.
"Robust and Web Retrieval with
Document-Centric Integral Impacts",
Anh, Moffat.
Proc. 2003 TREC Notebook Proceedings,
Gaithersburg, MD, November 2003.
"Hybrid Prefix Codes for Practical Use",
Liddell, Moffat.
Proc. IEEE Data Compression Conf.,
Snowbird, Utah, March 2003, 392-401.
Errata: There have been problems discovered
in this paper, unfortunately,
and some of the stated claims may not be correct.
Please contact me for an update before citing it.
"Programming, Problem Solving, and Abstraction with C",
Pearson SprintPrint, Sydney, 2003.
More information
"Compression and an IR Approach to XML Retrieval",
Anh, Moffat.
Proc. of the First Wrkshp. of the Initiative for
the Evaluation of XML Retrieval,
Dagstuhl, Germany, December 2002.
"Vector Space Ranking: Can We Keep it Simple?",
Anh, Moffat.
Proc. 2002 Australian Document Computing Symp.,
Sydney, December 2002, 7-12.
"Homepage Finding and Topic Distillation using
a Common Retrieval Strategy",
Anh, Moffat.
Proc. 2002 TREC Notebook Proceedings,
Gaithersburg, MD, November 2002.
"Impact Transformation: Effective and Efficient Web Retrieval",
Anh, Moffat.
Proc. 25th Ann. Int. ACM SIGIR Conf. on
Research and Development in Information Retrieval,
Tampere, Finland, August 2002, 3-10.
"Block Merging for Off-Line Compression",
Wan, Moffat.
Proc. Int. Conf. on Combinatorial Pattern Matching,
Fukuoka, Japan, July 2002, 32-41.
"Incremental Calculation of Minimum-Redundancy Length-Restricted Codes",
Liddell, Moffat.
Proc. IEEE Data Compression Conf.,
Snowbird, Utah, March 2002, 182-191.
"Compression and Coding Algorithms",
Moffat, Turpin.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, February 2002.
More information.
"Enhanced Word-Based Block-Sorting Text Compression",
Isal, Moffat, Ngai.
Proc. 25th Australasian Computer Science Conf.,
Melbourne, January 2002, 129-138.
"Improved Retrieval Effectiveness Through Impact Transformation",
Anh, Moffat.
Proc. 13th Australasian Database Conf.,
Melbourne, January 2002, 41-48.
"Re-Store: A System for Compressing, Browsing, and Searching Large Documents",
Moffat, Wan.
Proc. Int. Symp. on String Processing
and Information Retrieval,
Laguna de San Rafael, Chile, November 2001, 162-174.
"Running a Conference",
Zobel, Moffat.
An unpublished "how to" note.
"Vector-Space Ranking with Effective Early Termination",
Anh, de Kretser, Moffat.
Proc. 24th Ann. Int. ACM SIGIR Conf. on
Research and Development in Information Retrieval,
New Orleans, September 2001, 35-42.
"Length-Restricted Coding in Static and Dynamic Frameworks",
Liddell, Moffat.
Proc. IEEE Data Compression Conf.,
Snowbird, Utah, March 2001, 133-142.
"Parsing Strategies for BWT Compression",
Isal, Moffat.
Proc. IEEE Data Compression Conf.,
Snowbird, Utah, March 2001, 429-438.
"Can we do Without Ranks in Burrows Wheeler
Transform Compression?",
Wirth, Moffat.
Proc. IEEE Data Compression Conf.,
Snowbird, Utah, March 2001, 419-428.
"Effective Compression for the Web: Exploiting Document Linkages",
Wan, Moffat.
Proc. 12th Australasian Database Conf.,
Gold Coast, Australia, February 2001, 68-75.
"Length-Restricted Coding Using Modified Probability Distributions",
Liddell, Moffat.
Proc. 24th Australasian Computer Science Conf.,
Gold Coast, Australia, February 2001, 117-124.
"Word-Based Block-Sorting Text Compression",
Isal, Moffat.
Proc. 24th Australasian Computer Science Conf.,
Gold Coast, Australia, February 2001, 92-99.
"On-Line Adaptive Canonical Prefix Coding with Bounded Compression Loss",
Turpin, Moffat.
IEEE Trans. Information Theory, 47(1):88-98, January 2001.
"Offline Dictionary-Based Compression",
Larsson, Moffat.
Proc. IEEE, 88(11)1722-1732, November 2000.
"Binary Interpolative Coding for Effective Index Compression",
Moffat, Stuiver.
Information Retrieval, 3(1):25-47, July 2000.
"Housekeeping for Prefix Coding",
Turpin, Moffat.
IEEE Trans. Communications, 48(4):622-628, April 2000.
"Needles and Haystacks:
A Search Engine for Personal Information Collections",
de Kretser, Moffat.
Proc. 23nd Australasian Computer Science Conf.,
Canberra, Australia, February 2000, 58-65.
"Statistical Phrases for Vector-Space Information Retrieval",
Turpin, Moffat.
Proc. 22nd Ann. Int. ACM SIGIR Conf. on
Research and Development in Information Retrieval,
San Francisco, August 1999, 309-310.
"Effective Document Presentation with a Locality-Based Similarity Heuristic",
de Kretser, Moffat.
Proc. 22nd Ann. Int. ACM SIGIR Conf. on
Research and Development in Information Retrieval,
San Francisco, August 1999, 113-120.
"An Improved Data Structure for Cumulative Probability Tables",
Software-Practice & Experience, 29(7):647-659, 1999.
Author version (PDF).
"Managing Gigabytes: Compressing and Indexing Documents and Images",
Witten, Moffat, Bell.
Second Edition, Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco,
information and software.
"Locality-Based Information Retrieval",
de Kretser, Moffat.
Proc. 10th Australasian Database Conf.,
Auckland, New Zealand, January 1999, 177-188.
"Personal Information Management in the Digital Age",
Bell, Moffat.
Proc. 22nd Australasian Computer Science Conf.,
Auckland, New Zealand, January 1999, 445-456.
"Adaptive Coding for Data Compression",
Turpin, Moffat.
Proc. 22nd Australasian Computer Science Conf.,
Auckland, New Zealand, January 1999, 63-74.
"A Tree-Based Mergesort",
Moffat, Petersson, Wormald.
Acta Informatica, 35(9):775-793, August 1998.
"Inverted Files Versus Signature Files for Text Indexing",
Zobel, Moffat, Ramamohanarao.
ACM Trans. Database Systems, 23(4):453-490, December 1998.
Published paper.
"Arithmetic Coding Revisited",
Moffat, Neal, Witten.
ACM Trans. Information Systems, 16(3):256-294, July 1998.
Published paper.
"Exploring the Similarity Space",
Zobel, Moffat.
SIGIR Forum, 32(1):18-32, Spring 1998.
Published paper.
"Compressed Inverted Files with Reduced Decoding Overheads",
Anh, Moffat.
Proc. 21st Ann. Int. ACM SIGIR Conf. on
Research and Development in Information Retrieval,
Melbourne, Australia, August 1998, 290-297.
"Efficient Construction of Minimum-Redundancy Codes
for Large Alphabets",
Moffat, Turpin.
IEEE Trans. Information Theory, 44(4):1650-1657, July 1998.
"Methodologies for Distributed Information Retrieval",
de Kretser, Moffat, Shimmin, Zobel.
Proc. 18th Int. Conf. on Distributed
Computing Systems,
Amsterdam, May 1998, 66-73.
"Piecewise Integer Mapping for Arithmetic Coding",
Stuiver, Moffat.
Proc. IEEE Data Compression Conf.,
Snowbird, Utah, March/April 1998, 1-10.
"Random Access Compressed Inverted Files",
Anh, Moffat.
Proc. 9th Australasian Database Conf.,
Perth, Australia, February 1998, 1-12.
"A Compression-Based Digital Library",
Moffat, Witten.
DESIDOC Bulletin of Information Technology, 17(6):31-41,
November 1997.
"Critique of `Novel Design of Arithmetic Coding for Data Compression'",
IEE Trans. Computers and Digital Techniques, 144(6):394-396,
November 1997.
"On the Implementation of Minimum-Redundancy Prefix Codes",
Moffat, Turpin.
IEEE Trans. Communications,
45(10):1200-1207, October 1997.
"A Probability-Ratio Approach to Approximate Binary Arithmetic Coding",
Huynh, Moffat.
IEEE Trans. Information Theory,
43(5):1658-1662, September 1997.
"Text Compression for Dynamic Document Databases",
Moffat, Zobel, Sharman.
IEEE Trans. Knowledge and Data Engineering, 9(2):302-313,
March/April 1997.
"Lossless Compression for Text and Images",
Moffat, Bell, Witten.
Int. Journal of High Speed
Electronics and Systems, 8(1):179-231, March 1997.
"Fast file search using text compression",
Turpin, Moffat.
Proc. 20th Australasian Computer Science Conf.,
Sydney, Australia, February 1997, 1-8.
"Self-Indexing Inverted Files for Fast Text Retrieval",
Moffat, Zobel.
ACM Trans. Information Systems,
14(4):349-379, October 1996.
"Guidelines for Presentation and Comparison of Indexing Techniques",
Zobel, Moffat, Ramamohanarao.
ACM SIGMOD Record, 25(3):10-15, October 1996.
"The Design of a High Performance Information Filtering System",
Bell, Moffat.
Proc. 19th Ann. Int.
ACM-SIGIR Conf. on Research and Development in
Information Retrieval, Zurich, Switzerland, August 1996, 12-20.
"Splaysort: Fast, Versatile, Practical",
Moffat, Eddy, Petersson.
Software-Practice & Experience, 26(7):781-797, July 1996.
Source code.
"Low-Contact Learning in a First Year Programming Course",
Johnston, Moffat, Sondergaard, Stuckey,
Proc. Australian Computer Science Education Conf.,
Sydney, Australia, July 1996, 19-26.
"Efficient Implementation of the Package-Merge Paradigm
for Generating Length-Limited Codes",
Turpin, Moffat.
Proc. Australasian Computing Theory Symp.,
Melbourne, January 1996, 187-195.
"A Fast and Space-Economical Algorithm for Length-Limited Coding",
Katajainen, Moffat, Turpin.
Proc. Int. Symp. on Algorithms and Computation (LNCS 1004),
Cairns, Australia, December 1995, 12-21.
"In-Place Calculation of Minimum-Redundancy Codes",
Moffat, Katajainen.
Proc. Wrkshp. on Algorithms and Data Structures,
Kingston, Ontario, August 1995, 393-402.
Source code.
"In-Situ Generation of Compressed Inverted Files",
Moffat, Bell.
Journal of the American Society for Information Science,
46(7):537-550, August 1995.
"Efficient Retrieval of Partial Documents",
Zobel, Moffat, Wilkinson, Sacks-Davis.
Information Processing & Management, 31(3):361-377, 1995.
"Practical Length-Limited Coding for Large Alphabets",
Turpin, Moffat.
The Computer Journal, 38(5):339-347, 1995.
"Adding Compression to a Full-Text Retrieval System",
Zobel, Moffat.
Software-Practice & Experience, 25(8):891-903, August 1995.
"Improved Inverted File Processing for Large Text Databases",
Moffat, Zobel, Klein.
Proc. Australasian Database Conf.,
Adelaide, Australia, January 1995, 162-171.
"A Framework for Adaptive Sorting",
Petersson, Moffat.
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 59(2):153-179, 1995.
"The MG Retrieval System: Compressing for Space and Speed",
Bell, Moffat, Witten, Zobel.
Communications of the ACM, 38(4):41-42, April 1995.
"An Empirical Evaluation of Coding Methods for Multi-Symbol Alphabets",
Moffat, Sharman, Witten, Bell.
Information Processing & Management, 30(6):791-804, November 1994.
"Memory Efficient Ranking",
Moffat, Zobel, Sacks-Davis.
Information Processing & Management, 30(6):733-744, November 1994.
"Textual Image Compression: Two-Stage
Lossy/Lossless Encoding of Textual Images",
Witten, Bell, Emberson, Inglis, Moffat.
Proceedings of the IEEE, 82(6):878-888, June 1994.
"Semantic and generative models for lossy text compression",
Witten, Bell, Moffat, Nevill-Manning, Smith, Thimbleby.
The Computer Journal, 37(2):83-87, 1 April 1994.
"Compression and Fast Indexing for Multi-Gigabyte Text
Moffat, Zobel.
Australian Computer Journal, 26(1):1-9, February 1994.
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Email: ammoffat /,
Postal: School of Computing and Information Systems,
The University of Melbourne, Australia 3010.
Last updated:
January 24, 2025.