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Publications of year 1992
  1. G. E. Mints. A short introduction to modal logic, CSLI lecture notes ; no. 30.. Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford, CA, 1992.
    Note: 92002924 Grigori Mints. Includes bibliographical references.
    Keywords: modal logic, proof theory, model theory, honours reading.
    author = "G. E. Mints",
    title = "A short introduction to modal logic",
    publisher = "Center for the Study of Language and Information",
    address = "Stanford, CA",
    series = "CSLI lecture notes ; no. 30.",
    note = "92002924 Grigori Mints. Includes bibliographical references.",
    keywords = "modal logic, proof theory, model theory, honours reading",
    year = "1992",

Journal Articles and Chapters
  1. Stephen Muggleton and C. Feng. Efficient Induction in Logic Programs. In Stephen Muggleton, editor,Inductive Logic Programming, pages 281--298. Academic Press, 1992.
    Keywords: inductive logic programming, honours reading.
    author = "Stephen Muggleton and C. Feng",
    title = "Efficient Induction in Logic Programs",
    booktitle = "Inductive Logic Programming",
    editor = "Stephen Muggleton",
    publisher = "Academic Press",
    pages = "281--298",
    keywords = "inductive logic programming, honours reading",
    year = "1992",

  2. Stephen Muggleton. Inductive Logic Programming. In Stephen Muggleton, editor,Inductive Logic Programming, volume 38 of The APIC Series, pages 1--27. Academic Press, 1992.
    Keywords: inductive logic programming, honours reading.
    author = "Stephen Muggleton",
    title = "Inductive Logic Programming",
    booktitle = "Inductive Logic Programming",
    editor = "Stephen Muggleton",
    series = "The APIC Series",
    publisher = "Academic Press",
    volume = "38",
    pages = "1--27",
    keywords = "inductive logic programming, honours reading",
    year = "1992",

  3. M. E. Bratman. Shared Cooperative Activity. Philosophical Review, 101(2):327--340, 1992.
    Keywords: BDI, agent communication languages, agent programming languages, honours reading, philosophy. [download paper ]
    author = "M. E. Bratman",
    title = "Shared Cooperative Activity",
    journal = "Philosophical Review",
    volume = "101",
    number = "2",
    pages = "327--340",
    URL = "://A1992JA62400003",
    keywords = "BDI, agent communication languages, agent programming languages, honours reading, philosophy",
    year = "1992",

  4. Joseph Y. Halpern and Yoram Moses. A guide to completeness and complexity for modal logics of knowledge and belief. Artificial Intelligence, 54(3):319--379, 1992.
    Keywords: computational complexity, model theory, modal logic, honours reading.

    Abstract: "We review and re-examine possible-worlds semantics for propositional logics of knowledge and belief with three particular points of emphasis: (1) we show how general techniques for finding decision procedures and complete axiomatizations apply to models for knowledge and belief, (2) we show how sensitive the difficulty of the decision procedure is to such issues as the choice of modal operators and the axiom system, and (3) we discuss how notions of common knowledge and distributed knowledge among a group of agents fit into the possible-worlds framework, As far as complexity is concerned, we show, among other results, that while the problem of deciding satisfiability of an S5 formula with one agent is NP-complete, the problem for many agents is PSPACE-complete. Adding a distributed knowledge operator does not change the complexity, but once a common knowledge operator is added to the language, the problem becomes complete for exponential time."

    author = "Joseph Y. Halpern and Yoram Moses",
    title = "A guide to completeness and complexity for modal logics of knowledge and belief",
    journal = "Artificial Intelligence",
    volume = "54",
    number = "3",
    pages = "319--379",
    abstract = "We review and re-examine possible-worlds semantics for propositional logics of knowledge and belief with three particular points of emphasis: (1) we show how general techniques for finding decision procedures and complete axiomatizations apply to models for knowledge and belief, (2) we show how sensitive the difficulty of the decision procedure is to such issues as the choice of modal operators and the axiom system, and (3) we discuss how notions of common knowledge and distributed knowledge among a group of agents fit into the possible-worlds framework, As far as complexity is concerned, we show, among other results, that while the problem of deciding satisfiability of an S5 formula with one agent is NP-complete, the problem for many agents is PSPACE-complete. Adding a distributed knowledge operator does not change the complexity, but once a common knowledge operator is added to the language, the problem becomes complete for exponential time.",
    keywords = "computational complexity, model theory, modal logic, honours reading",
    year = "1992",

  5. Antonis C. Kakas, Robert A. Kowalski, and Francesca Toni. Abductive Logic Programming. Journal of Logic and Computation, 2(6):719--770, 1992.
    Keywords: abductive logic programming, honours reading.
    author = "Antonis C. Kakas and Robert A. Kowalski and Francesca Toni",
    title = "Abductive Logic Programming",
    journal = "Journal of Logic and Computation",
    volume = "2",
    number = "6",
    pages = "719--770",
    keywords = "abductive logic programming, honours reading",
    year = "1992",

Tehnical Reports
  1. Adrian Pearce. A survey of uncertainty calculi for pattern recognition using machine learning. Technical Report 1992, Department of Computer Science, Melbourne University, May 1992.
    Keywords: Bayesian theory, agentlab.
    author = "Adrian Pearce",
    title = "A survey of uncertainty calculi for pattern recognition using machine learning",
    institution = "Department of Computer Science, Melbourne University",
    number = "1992",
    type = "Technical Report",
    month = may,
    keywords = "Bayesian theory, agentlab",
    year = "1992",

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