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Publications of year 1989
  1. Daniel Dennett. The Intetional Stance. MIT Press, 1989.
    Keywords: honours reading, intentionality, belief desires intentions, BDI.
    author = "Daniel Dennett",
    title = "The Intetional Stance",
    publisher = "MIT Press",
    keywords = "honours reading, intentionality, belief desires intentions, BDI",
    year = "1989",

  2. Andre Thayse. From modal logic to deductive databases. John Wiley & Sons, 1989.
    Keywords: modal logic, databases, honours reading.
    author = "Andre Thayse",
    title = "From modal logic to deductive databases",
    publisher = "John Wiley \& Sons",
    keywords = "modal logic, databases, honours reading",
    year = "1989",

  3. Lincoln A. Wallen. Automated Deduction in Nonclassical Logics: efficient matrix proof methods for modal and intuionistic logics. The MIT Press, 1989.
    Keywords: modal logic, proof theory, model theory, honours reading.

    Abstract: "This book develops and demonstrates efficient matrix proof methods for automated deduction within an important and comprehensive class of first order and intuitionistic logics. Traditional techniques for the design of efficient proof systems are abstracted from their original setting which allows their application to a wider class of mathematical logic. The logics discussed are used throughout computer science and artificial intelligence. Contents: Introduction I. Automated Deduction in Classical Logic. Proof search in classical sequent calculi. A matrix characterization of classical validity. II. Automated Proof Deduction in Modal Logics. The semantics and proof theory of modal logics. Proof search in modal sequent calculi. Matrix characterizations of modal validity. Alternative proof methods for modal logics. Matrix based proof search. III. Automated Deduction in Intuitionistic Logic. A Matrix proof method. Conclusions. Lincoln A. Wallen is a B.P. Venture Research Fellow at the University of Texas at Austin Automated Deduction in Nonclassical Logics is included in the Artificial Intelligence series, edited by Patrick Winston Michael Brady, and Daniel Bobrow."

    author = "Lincoln A. Wallen",
    title = "Automated Deduction in Nonclassical Logics: efficient matrix proof methods for modal and intuionistic logics",
    publisher = "The MIT Press",
    abstract = "This book develops and demonstrates efficient matrix proof methods for automated deduction within an important and comprehensive class of first order and intuitionistic logics. Traditional techniques for the design of efficient proof systems are abstracted from their original setting which allows their application to a wider class of mathematical logic. The logics discussed are used throughout computer science and artificial intelligence. Contents: Introduction I. Automated Deduction in Classical Logic. Proof search in classical sequent calculi. A matrix characterization of classical validity. II. Automated Proof Deduction in Modal Logics. The semantics and proof theory of modal logics. Proof search in modal sequent calculi. Matrix characterizations of modal validity. Alternative proof methods for modal logics. Matrix based proof search. III. Automated Deduction in Intuitionistic Logic. A Matrix proof method. Conclusions. Lincoln A. Wallen is a B.P. Venture Research Fellow at the University of Texas at Austin Automated Deduction in Nonclassical Logics is included in the Artificial Intelligence series, edited by Patrick Winston Michael Brady, and Daniel Bobrow.",
    keywords = "modal logic, proof theory, model theory, honours reading",
    year = "1989",

Journal Articles and Chapters
  1. Edmund H. Durfee, Victor R. Lesser, and Daniel D. Corkill. Trends in Cooperative Distributed Problem Solving. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 1(1):63--83, 1989.
    Keywords: coordination, honours reading.
    author = "Edmund H. Durfee and Victor R. Lesser and Daniel D. Corkill",
    title = "Trends in Cooperative Distributed Problem Solving",
    journal = "IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering",
    volume = "1",
    number = "1",
    pages = "63--83",
    keywords = "coordination, honours reading",
    year = "1989",

  2. Nicholas S. Flann and Thomas G. Dietterich. A Study of Explanation-Based Methods for Inductive Learning. Machine Learning, 4(2):187--226, 1989.
    Keywords: explanation-based learning, machine learning, honours reading.
    author = "Nicholas S. Flann and Thomas G. Dietterich",
    title = "A Study of Explanation-Based Methods for Inductive Learning",
    journal = "Machine Learning",
    volume = "4",
    number = "2",
    pages = "187--226",
    keywords = "explanation-based learning, machine learning, honours reading",
    year = "1989",

  3. David Poole. Explanation and Prediction: An Architecture for Default and Abductive Reasoning. Computational Intelligence, 5(2):97--110, 1989.
    Keywords: explanation-based learning, machine learning, honours reading.
    author = "David Poole",
    title = "Explanation and Prediction: An Architecture for Default and Abductive Reasoning",
    journal = "Computational Intelligence",
    volume = "5",
    number = "2",
    pages = "97--110",
    keywords = "explanation-based learning, machine learning, honours reading",
    year = "1989",

  1. L. Cavedon. On the completeness of SLDNF-resolution. Masters, The University of Melbourne, 1989.
    Keywords: agentlab, models of interaction and context aware applications.
    author = "L. Cavedon",
    title = "On the completeness of {SLDNF}-resolution",
    school = "The University of Melbourne",
    type = "Masters",
    keywords = "agentlab, models of interaction and context aware applications",
    year = "1989",

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