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Publications of Clinton Heinze
Journal Articles and Chapters
  1. Clint Heinze, Martin Cross, Simon Goss, Torgny Josefsson, Ian Lloyd, Graeme Murray, Michael Papasimeon, and Michael Turner.. Agents of change: The impact of intelligent agent technology on the analysis of air operations. In L. Jain, N. Ichalkaranje, and G. Tonfoni, editors,Advances in Intelligent Systems for Defence, volume 2 of Series on Innovative Intelligence, pages 229--264. World Scientific, River Edge, New Jersey, USA, 1 edition edition, 2002.
    Keywords: agentlab, agent-oriented software engineering, multi-agent simulation. [bibtex-entry]

  2. C. Heinze, S. Goss, T. Josefsson, K. Bennett, S. Waugh, I. Lloyd, G Murray, and J. Oldfield. Interchanging agents and humans in military simulation. AI Magazine, 23(2):37--47, 2002.
    Keywords: agent-oriented software engineering, simulation, agents, agentlab, logistics. [bibtex-entry]

  3. Gil Tidhar, Clinton Heinze, and Mario C. Selvestrel. Flying Together: Modelling Air Mission Teams. Applied Intelligence, 8:195--218, 1998.
    Keywords: agentlab. [bibtex-entry]

Conference Proceedings
  1. Simon Goss, Clinton Heinze, Michael Papasimeon, Adrian Pearce, and Leon Sterling. Towards reuse in agent oriented information systems: the importance of being purposive. In International workshop on Agent-Oriented Information systems (AOIS-2003) held in conjunction with AAMAS 2003, appears in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 3030., Melbourne, Australia, pages 111--126, 2004. Springer-Verlag.
    Keywords: agentlab, agent-oriented software engineering, agent programming languages, logistics, multi-agent simulation. [bibtex-entry]

  2. Clint Heinze, Dino Appla, Simon Goss, Mauro Iob, Torgny Josefsson, Ian Lloyd, David McIlroy, and Graeme Murray. Scalability and Complexity in Air Operations Analysis. In Proceedings of 5th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, ICIAM 2003, Sydney Australia, 2003.
    Keywords: agentlab, agent-oriented software engineering, multi-agent simulation. [bibtex-entry]

  3. Clint Heinze, Michael Papasimeon, and Simon Goss. Issues in Modelling Sensor Fusion in Agent Based Simulation of Air Operations. In Proceedings of the sixth international conference on information fusion (FUSION03), Cairns, Australia, 2003.
    Keywords: agentlab, agent-oriented software engineering, multi-agent simulation. [bibtex-entry]

  4. Nick Howden, Jamie Curmi, Clinton Heinze, Simon Goss, and Grant Murphy. Operational Knowledge Representation: Behaviour Capture, Modelling and Verification. In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Simulation Technology and Training (SimTecT '03), Adelaide Australia, 2003.
    Keywords: agentlab, agent-oriented software engineering. [bibtex-entry]

  5. T. Menzies, A. Pearce, C. Heinze, and S. Goss. What is an agent and why should I care?. In Second Goddard Workshop on Formal Approaches to Agent-Based Systems (FAABS II) appears in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2699, Greenbelt, MD, USA, pages 1--14, 2003. Springer Verlag.
    Keywords: agentlab, agent-oriented software engineering. [bibtex-entry]

  6. Clinton Heinze and Leon Sterling. Using the UML to model knowledge in agent systems. In Proceedings of the First International Joint Conference on Autonomous agents and multi-agent systems (AAMAS 2002), Bologna, Italy, pages 441--42, 2002.
    Keywords: agent-oriented software engineering, agents, agentlab. [bibtex-entry]

  7. G. Au, S. Goss, C. Heinze, and A. R. Pearce. RescueModel: A Multi-Agent Simulation of Bushfire Disaster Management. In Peter Stone, editor, Proc. RoboCup2000, RoboCup IV in Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence vol. 2019, volume 2019, Melbourne, pages 285--290, 2001.
    Keywords: agentlab, agent-oriented software engineering, RoboCup. [bibtex-entry]

  8. Clinton Heinze, Simon Goss, Torgny Josefsson, Kerry Bennett, Sam Waugh, Ian J. Lloyd, Graeme Murray, and Johnathan Oldfield. Interchanging agents and humans in military simulation. In Proceedings of the Innovative applications of artificial intelligence conference (IAAI2001) - held in conjunction with the American Association for Artificial Intelligence conference (AAAI) ., Seattle, pages 27--34, 2001.
    Keywords: agent-oriented software engineering, agents, simulation, agentlab. [bibtex-entry]

  9. Michael Papasimeon and Clint Heinze. Extending the UML for Designing Jack Agents.. In Proceedings of the 13th Australian Software Engineering Conference (ASWEC'01), Canberra, Australia, 2001.
    Keywords: agent-oriented software engineering, agents, agentlab, multi-agent simulation. [bibtex-entry]

  10. Clinton Heinze, Michael Papasimeon, and Simon Goss. Specifying Agent Behaviour with Use Cases. In Pacific Rim International Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (PRIMA 2000), pages 128--142, 2000.
    Keywords: agent-oriented software engineering, ontologies, agentlab, multi-agent simulation. [bibtex-entry]

  11. C. Heinze, A. Pearce, L. Sterling, and S. Goss. Designing Perception Modules to Shape Information for BDI Agents. In Proceedings of the Pacific Rim Conference on Intelligent Information Agents, (PRIIA 2000), Melbourne, pages 100--112, 2000.
    Keywords: agentlab, agent-oriented software engineering, belief desires intentions, BDI. [bibtex-entry]

  12. Emma Norling and Clint Heinze. Naturalistic Decision Making and Agent-Oriented Cognitive Modelling: A Preliminary Study (extended abstract). In 5th Conference of the Australasian Cognitive Science Society, Melbourne, 2000.
    Keywords: agentlab, context-aware applications. [bibtex-entry]

  13. A. R. Pearce, C. A. Heinze, and S. Goss. Enabling perception for plan recognition in multi-agent air-mission simulations. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on MultiAgent Systems (ICMASS2000), Boston, pages 427--8, 2000.
    Keywords: agentlab, agent programming languages. [bibtex-entry]

  14. S. Goss, C. A. Heinze, and A. Pearce. Recognising User Intentions in a Virtual Environment. In Proceedings of the Simulation Technology and Training Conference (SimTecT), Melbourne, pages 247--254, 1999.
    Keywords: agentlab, agent programming languages. [bibtex-entry]

  15. Clinton Heinze, Simon Goss, and Adrian Pearce. Plan Recognition in Military Simulation: Incorporating Machine Learning with Intelligent Agents. In Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Workshop on Team Behaviour and Plan Recognition, Stockholm, Sweden, pages 53--63, 1999.
    Keywords: agents, procedural reasoning, agentlab, agent programming languages, agent-oriented software engineering. [bibtex-entry]

  16. Gil Tidhar, Clinton Heinze, Simon Goss, Graeme Murray, Dino Appla, and Ian Lloyd. Using Intelligent Agents in Military Simulations or Using Agents Intelligently. In Proceedings of the Eleventh Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference, American Association of Artificial ntelligence (AAAI), Deployed Applications paper, pages 829--836, 1999.
    Keywords: simulation, agents, teamwork, agentlab, agent-oriented software engineering, models of interaction and context aware applications. [bibtex-entry]

  17. Clinton Heinze, Bradley Smith, and Martin Cross. Thinking Quickly: Agents for Modeling Air Warfare.. In Proceedings of the Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 1998, pages 47--58, 1998.
    Keywords: agentlab. [bibtex-entry]

  18. D. McIlroy, B. Smith, C. Heinze, and M. Turner. Air defence operational analysis using the SWARMM Model. In Asia Pacific Operations Research Symposium, 1997.
    Keywords: agentlab, agent-oriented software engineering. [bibtex-entry]

  19. Gil Tidhar, Mario C. Selvestrel, and Clinton Heinze. Modelling Teams and Team Tactics in Whole Air Mission Modelling. In Proceedings of IEA/AIE 1995, pages 373--381, 1995.
    Keywords: agentlab. [bibtex-entry]

  1. Clinton Heinze. Modelling Intention Recognition for Intelligent Agent Systems. PhD, 2003.
    Keywords: agentlab, agent-oriented software engineering, multi-agent simulation. [bibtex-entry]

Tehnical Reports
  1. Michael Papasimeon and Clinton Heinze. Specifying Requirements in a Multi-Agent System with Use Cases. Technical report February, Defence Science and Technology Organisation, 2003.
    Keywords: agent-oriented software engineering, agentlab, multi-agent simulation. [abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  2. Leon Sterling, Adrian Pearce, Simon Goss, Michael Papasimeon, and Clinton Heinze. Investigations into modelling purposive socio-technical systems using agents. Contract report for Defence Science and Technology Organisation Februrary, 2003, Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, The University of Melbourne, 2003.
    Keywords: agentlab, agent programming languages, agent-oriented software engineering, logistics, multi-agent simulation. [bibtex-entry]

  3. Clinton Heinze. Study capability specification - the virtual airshow. Study capability specification 1.0, DSTO, 1999.
    Keywords: simulation agents, agentlab, agent-oriented software engineering. [bibtex-entry]

  4. Adrian Pearce, Simon Goss, Graeme Murray, Clinton Heinze, and Ian Lloyd. Studies in learning the intentional structures of belief, desire-intentions software agents in simulations. Technical report BO 15/3, Aeronautical and Maritime Research Laboratories, DSTO, 1999.
    Keywords: agent-oriented software engineering, belief desires intentions, BDI, agentlab. [bibtex-entry]

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