Information for Prospective Students


Visitors are very welcome but will need to fully cover their own costs, including accommodation. We have had numerous visitors funded from the China Scholarship Council.

If you wish to visit, please send an email containing the following:

  • What research areas interest you
  • Why you want to visit us
  • What you hope to achieve during your visit
  • Anticipated arrival and departure dates
  • Confirmation you will cover your own costs (perhaps with a scholarship from your institution or government).


If you wish to intern with us, please send an email containing the following:

  • Why you want to visit us
  • What you hope to achieve during your visit
  • Anticipated arrival and departure dates
  • Confirmation you will cover your own costs (perhaps with support from your institution).

Unfortunately there are no funds for interns, not even for accommodation.

Graduate Studies

There are several options for being admitted to graduate studies.

  1. Local students (Australian or New Zealand citizens or permanent residents) can obtain a scholarship based on their past degree marks.
  2. International co-tutelle students (joint PhD degrees) may receive funding from their primary institution.
  3. International students may obtain funding from their home government (e.g., China Scholarship Council).
  4. In exceptional cases, MantonLab may sponsor an international student.
  5. Industry-funded Ph.Ds are possible.
  6. Enrol at another institution that we collaborate with.

If you wish to apply for graduate studies, please send an email containing all of the following:

  • Confirmation you have received first-class honours at a well-recognised university
  • Your academic transcripts (undergraduate and, if applicable, Masters)
  • Your expected source of funding
    • If you are an international student requesting support from MantonLab, include a paragraph highlighting why you are an exceptionally good fit for MantonLab and what the mutual benefits will be
    • Unless advertised on this website, students interested in an industry-funded Ph.D. will need to find the industry partner themselves, before applying
  • Why you are interested in pursuing graduate studies specifically with MantonLab
    • Generic emails not specifically mentioning MantonLab will go unanswered
  • What you hope to do after you graduate.
Ingenium Scholarship Program
The very best local students may wish to apply for the Ingenium Scholarship Program.

Information Directory