Harald Søndergaard

Professor Harald Søndergaard
School of Computing
and Information Systems
Faculty of Engineering and IT
The University of Melbourne
Victoria 3010, Australia
Email: NAME@ADDRESS where
NAME = harald
ADDRESS = unimelb.edu.au
I am a Professorial Fellow in the School of Computing and Information Systems at The University of Melbourne.
My research areas include:
- Software reliability and security
- Program analysis
- Software verification
- Program transformation and compilation
- Programming languages and their semantics
- Logic and functional programming
- Logic in computer science
- Computer science education
I co-chair the 34th Int. Symp. Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR 2024). Join us in Milan, Italy, 9-11 September 2024.For details of scholarly history and activity, click here.
My publication list is provided through BibBase. This allows for search by year, author, paper type, and keywords. Most papers are freely downloadable, however, in many cases, they are pre-print versions.
Projects supported by external grants
- Australian Research Council 2014-2017: Effective software vulnerability detection for web services (LP140100437) (ARC Linkage Grant with Oracle Corporation Australia, P. J. Stuckey and P. Schachte).
- Australian Research Council 2014-2016: Analysing computer arithmetic to improve software reliability (DP140102194) (ARC Discovery Grant with P. J. Stuckey, P. Schachte, and M. Codish).
- Australian Research Council 2011-2013: Automatic software verification: Harnessing constraint technologies (DP110102579) (ARC Discovery Grant with P. J. Stuckey, P. Schachte, and A. King).
- Australian Research Council 2003-2005: Improving the integrity of complex software systems (DP0342703) (ARC Discovery Grant with P. J. Stuckey, M. Garcia de la Banda, K. Marriott, Z. Somogyi, P. Schachte and M. Sulzmann). Relinquished to the ARC Centre for Perceptive and Intelligent Machines in Complex Environments (PIMCE), 2003-2007.
- Australian Research Council 2001-2003: Constraint-based program analysis (A00103778) (Large ARC Grant with P. Schachte, P. J. Stuckey, M. Sulzmann, S. Peyton Jones and T. Jensen).
- Australian Research Council 1996-1998: Optimisation of pure logic programs by program transformation and parallelisation (A49601340) (Large ARC Grant with Z. Somogyi).
- Australian Research Council 1995-1997: Constraint programming languages: Design and implementation (A49531431) (Large ARC Grant with P. J. Stuckey and K. Marriott).
- Department of Industry, Technology and Commerce, Australia, Bilateral Science and Technology Collaboration Program, 1994-1995: Implementation of constraint logic programs (with P. J. Stuckey and K. Marriott).
- Australian Research Council 1992-1994: Efficient reasoning with very large knowledge bases: Project MIP (A49130842) (Large ARC Grant with K. Ramamohanarao, L. Naish, Z. Somogyi and P. J. Stuckey).
- Australian Research Council 1991-1992: Dataflow analysis and transformation of logic programs (A49030261) (Large ARC Grant).
- Danish Research Academy ("Forskerakademiet") 1988-1989: Analysis tools for logic programming.
Projects supported by university administered grants
- The University of Melbourne 2015: Engaged learning of algorithms and complexity through online quizzes (Learning and Teaching Initiatives Grant, with A. Mendoza).
- The University of Melbourne 2008: Use of e-portfolios to address development of graduate attributes in engineering (Teaching Initiatives Fund, with R. Hadgraft, K. Prpic and D. Shallcross).
- The University of Melbourne 2006: Engineering Teaching and Learning Support (Learning and Teaching Performance Fund, with J. Evans, G. Moore, D. Shallcross, and D. Smith).
- The University of Melbourne 2006: University Experience and Generic Skills (Learning and Teaching Performance Fund, with P. Pattison, B. Hammond, K.-L. Harris, R. James, S. James, M. Livett and G. Moore).
- The University of Melbourne, Faculty of Engineering 2003: Online tutorials with AudioGraph (Multimedia Development Grant, with A. Moffat).
- The University of Melbourne 2002: Storage area network infrastructure (Major Equipment Item Grant, with R. Kotagiri, J. Bailey, S. Bird, A. Harwood, A. Moffat and L. Stern).
- Australian Research Council 2000: Constraint-based analysis of functional programs (Small ARC Grant, with P. J. Stuckey).
- Australian Research Council 2000: Making high-level programming practical (Small ARC Grant, with Z. Somogyi and P. J. Stuckey).
- Australian Research Council 1999: Optimization and parallelization of Mercury (Small ARC Grant, with Z. Somogyi).
- The University of Melbourne 1998: Web-based animation tools for efficient learning of algorithms (Multimedia and Educational Technologies Project Grant, with L. Naish and L. Stern).
- Australian Research Council 1995: Mercury: A new approach to declarative programming (Small ARC Grant, with Z. Somogyi).
I no longer take on new PhD or MPhil research students.
Completed PhD and Research Masters Students
- Mak Nazecic-Andrlon: Solving Floating Point Arithmetic with Satisfiability Modulo Theories; PhD 2023; co-supervised with P. Schachte, P. J. Stuckey and G. Gange
- Eman Alatawi: Dynamic Symbolic Execution with Descriptive and Prescriptive Relations; PhD 2019; co-supervised with T. Miller
- Yude Lin: Compositional and Stratified Symbolic Execution; PhD 2017; co-supervised with T. Miller and T. Murray
- Toby Davies: Learning from Conflict in Multi-Agent, Classical, and Temporal Planning; PhD 2017, winner of 2018 John Melvin Memorial Scholarship for the Best PhD Thesis in Engineering at the University of Melbourne; co-supervised with A. Pearce, P. J. Stuckey and N. Lipovetzky
- Kathryn Francis: Optimisation Modelling for Software Developers; PhD 2017; co-supervised with P. J. Stuckey
- Wenxi Wang: A Bit-Vector Solver Based on Word-Level Propagation; MPhil 2016; co-supervised with P. J. Stuckey
- Matt Davis: Automatic Memory Management Techniques for the Go Programming Language; PhD 2016; co-supervised with P. Schachte and Z. Somogyi
- Trevor Hansen: A Constraint Solver and Its Application to Machine Code Test Generation; PhD 2012; co-supervised with P. Schachte
- Brian Herlihy: Calculating Fixed Points of Boolean Functions with Recursive Decision Diagrams; MCS 2008; co-supervised with P. Schachte
- Bernie Pope: A Declarative Debugger for Haskell; PhD 2006, winner of the 2007 CORE Australasian Distinguished Doctoral Dissertation Award; co-supervised with L. Naish
- Peter Schachte: Precise and Efficient Static Analysis of Logic Programs; PhD 1999; co-supervised with P. J. Stuckey
- Michael Winikoff: Logic Programming with Linear Logic; PhD 1997; co-supervised with J. Harland
- Naomi Baker: Definiteness Analysis for CLP(R); MSc 1993