Girish Nair's Webpage ARC Future Fellow IEEE Fellow (2018) Email: gnair at unimelb dot edu dot au (page under renovation)
Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters
- G.N. Nair, “Structural routability of n-pairs information networks”, Information and Control in Networks (eds. G. Como, B. Bernhardsson & A. Rantzer), Springer, pp. 215 - 240, 2014. (26 pages, invited)
- R.J. Evans, V. Krishnamurthy & G.
Nair, "Sensor adaptive target tracking over
variable bandwidth networks'', Model Identification and
Adaptive Control (ed. G.C. Goodwin),
Springer, pp.115 - 124, 2000. (10 pages, invited)
Peer-Reviewed Journal
- T. Alpcan, E. Nekouei, G.N. Nair, R.J. Evans, "An information analysis of iterative algorithms for network utility maximization and strategic games", IEEE Trans. Control of Network Systems, conditionally accepted, Oct. 2017
- E.
Nekouei, T. Alpcan, G.N. Nair, R.J. Evans, "Convergence analysis of
quantized primal-dual algorithms in network utility maximization
problems", IEEE Trans. Control of Network Systems (accepted Aug. 2016). arxiv
- E. Nekouei, G.N.Nair, T. Alpcan, "Performance analysis of gradient-based Nash seeking algorithms under quantization", IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, USA (accepted as full Paper Jan. 2016, 12 pages)
- A.S.
Leong, S. Dey, G.N. Nair, "Quantized filtering schemes for multi-sensor
linear state estimation: stability and performance under high rate
quantization", IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, USA, vol. 61, no. 15, pp. 3852 - 65, 2013 (full Paper, 14 pages)
- R. Hagihara, G.N. Nair, "Two extensions of topological feedback entropy", Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems,
special issue on Control, Communication and Complexity, Springer,
Germany, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 473 - 90, 2013. (full Paper, 18 pages)
- G.N. Nair, "A nonstochastic information theory for communication and state estimation", IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, USA, vol. 58, no. 6, pp. 1497 – 510, 2013. (full Paper, 14 pages) [IEEE CSS Axelby Award 2014]
- F. Colonius, C. Kawan, G. Nair, "A note on topological feedback entropy and invariance entropy", Systems & Control Letters, Elsevier, The Netherlands, vol. 62, no. 5, pp. 377 – 81, 2013.
- A.R. Mesquita, J.P. Hespanha, G. Nair, "Redundant data transmission in control/estimation over lossy networks", Automatica, Elsevier, UK, vol. 48, no. 8, pp. 1612 – 20, 2012. (full Paper, 9 pages)
- A.S. Leong, S. Dey, G.N. Nair, P. Sharma,
"Power allocation for outage minimization in state
estimation over fading channels", IEEE Trans. Signal
Processing, vol. 59, no. 7, pp. 3382 - 97, July 2011 (full Paper, 16 pages)
- M. Huang, S. Dey, G. Nair, J.H. Manton,
"Stochastic consensus over noisy networks
with Markovian and arbitrary switches", Automatica,
Elsevier UK, vol. 46, no. 10, pp.
1571-83, 2010 (full Paper, 12 pages)
- A. Gurt & G. N. Nair, "Internal stability of
dynamic quantised control for stochastic
linear plants", Automatica, Elsevier UK, vol.
45, no. 6, pp. 1387 - 96, June 2009. (full
Paper, 10 Pages)
- P. Minero, M.
Franceschetti, S. Dey & G.N. Nair, "Data rate
theorem for stabilization over time-varying
feedback channels", IEEE Trans.
Automat. Contr., USA,
vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 243-55, Feb. 2009.
(full Paper, 13 pages)
G. N. Nair, F. Fagnani,
S. Zampieri, R. J. Evans, "Feedback control
under data rate constraints: an overview",
Proceedings of the IEEE, USA, special
issue on Technology of Networked Control
Systems, vol. 95, no. 1, pp. 108-37, Jan.
2007. (invited, full Paper, 30 pages)
R. Evans, V.
Krishnamurthy, G. Nair, L. Sciacca, "Networked sensor
management and data rate control for
tracking maneuvering targets", IEEE
Transactions on Signal Processing, USA, vol. 53, no.
6, pp. 1979-91, June 2005. (full Paper, 13 pages)
Mareels, E. Weyer,
S. K. Ooi, M.
Cantoni, Y. Li, G.
Nair, “Systems
engineering for
irrigation systems:
successes and
challenges”, Annual
Reviews in Control, Elsevier,
UK, vol.29, no.2,
pp. 191-204,
2005. (full
G. N.
Nair, R. J. Evans,
I. M. Y. Mareels
& W. Moran, "Topological
feedback entropy
and nonlinear
Transactions on
Automatic Control,
USA, special issue
on Networked Control
Systems, vol. 49,
no. 9, pp. 1585-97,
Sep. 2004. (full Paper, 13 pages)
G. N. Nair
& R. J. Evans, "Stabilizability of stochastic linear systems with
finite feedback
data rates", SIAM
Journal on Control
and Optimization,
Society for
Industrial &
Applied Mathematics,
USA, vol. 43, no. 2,
pp. 413-36, July 2,
2004. (full Paper, 24 pages) [SIAM
Outstanding Paper
Prize 2006]
G. N. Nair
& R. J. Evans, "Exponential stabilisability of finite-dimensional
linear systems
with limited data
rates'', Automatica,
Elsevier, UK, vol.
39, pp. 585-93, Apr.
2003. (full Paper, 9 Pages)
G. N. Nair
& R. J. Evans, "Stabilization with data-rate-limited feedback:
attainable bounds",
& Control
Elsevier, UK, vol.
41, no. 1, pp.
49-56, Sep. 2000.
Conference Papers
- E. Nekouei, T. Alpcan, G.N. Nair, "Nash
equilibrium approximation under communication and computation
constraints in large-scale non-cooperative games", Asian Control
Conf., Gold Coast, Australia, Dec. 2017 (to appear)
- S.
Maya, P. Pierpaoli, G. Nair, and M. Egerstedt, "Collisions as
information sources in densely packed multi-robot systems under
mean-field approximations", Proc. Robotics: Science and Systems, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, July 2017
- F. Farokhi, G.N. Nair, "Privacy-constrained communication", Proc. 6th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems (NecSys), Tokyo, Japan, Sep. 2016
- E.
Nekouei, T. Alpcan, G.N. Nair, R.J. Evans, "Lower bounds on the
best-case complexity of solving a class of non-cooperative games", Proc. 6th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems (NecSys), Tokyo, Japan, Sep. 2016
- G.N.Nair, “Nonstochastic information concepts for estimation and control”, Proc. 54th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control (CDC), Osaka, Japan, pp. 45 - 56, 2015. (invited tutorial paper, 12 pages)
- K. You, E. Weyer, G.N. Nair, “Identification of a gain system with binary input and output measurements”, Proc. 54th IEEE CDC, pp. 1 – 6, Osaka, Japan, pp. 2453 - 2458, 2015
- E.
Nekouei, G.N. Nair, T. Alpcan, “Convergence analysis of quantized
primal-dual algorithm in quadratic network utility maximization
problems”, Proc. 54th IEEE CDC, pp. 2655 - 2660, Osaka, Japan, 2015
- A.S. Leong, G.N. Nair, "Filter design for decentralized state estimation in sensor networks", Proc. Australian Control Conf., Gold Coast, Australia, pp. 1 – 5, Nov. 2015
- M. Nourian and G.N. Nair, "Linear-quadratic-Gaussian mean field games under high rate quantization", Proc. 52nd IEEE CDC, Florence, Italy, pp.1898 - 1903, 2013.
- A.
Leong, S. Dey, G.N. Nair, "A quantized filtering scheme for
multisensory linear state estimation with non-detectability at the
sensors and fusion center feedback", Proc. 52nd IEEE CDC, Florence, Italy, pp. 5294 - 5330, 2013.
- T. Alpcan, I. Shames, M. Cantoni, G. Nair, "Learning and information for dual control", Proc. Asian Control Conf. (AsCC), Istanbul, pp. 1 - 6, June 2013.
- G.N. Nair, "A nonstochastic information theory for feedback", Proc. 51st IEEE CDC, Maui, USA, pp. 1343 – 1348, 2012.
- A. Leong, S. Dey, G. Nair, “Multi-sensor linear state estimation under high rate quantization”, Proc. 3rd IFAC Worksh. Estimation & Control in Networked Systems (NeCSys), Santa Barbara, USA, pp. 115 – 120, 2012.
- A.S. Leong, S. Dey, G.N. Nair, “On multi-sensor linear state estimation under high rate quantization”, Proc. 5th Int. Symp. Communications, Control & Signal Processing (ISCCSP), Rome, Italy, pp. 1 – 6, May 2012.
- G.N. Nair, " A non-stochastic information theory
for communication and state estimation over
erroneous channels", Proc. 9th IEEE Int.
Conf. Control & Automation, Santiago,
Chile, pp. 159-64, 2011.
- G.N.Nair, "When is n-pairs information a
multicommodity flow?", IEEE Int. Symp.
Information Theory Proc., St.
Petersburg, Russia, pp. 169-73, July 2011.
- G.N. Nair, A. Mesquita, J.P.
Hespanha, "Optimal redundant transmission for
state estimation with packet drops", 2nd IFAC Worksh.
Distributed Estimation and Control in
Networked Systems, Annecy, France,
Sep. 2010.
Nair, K. Venkat, "Stabilising stochastic linear
plants via erroneous channels", 19th Int. Symp.
Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems
(MTNS10), Budapest, Hungary, July
- A.S. Leong, S. Dey, G.N. Nair,
“Outage minimization for state estimation
using multiple sensors”, 1st IFAC Worksh.
on Estimation & Control of Networked
Systems, Venice, Italy, pp. 216
- 21, Sep. 2009.
A. Mesquita, J.P. Hespanha, G.N.
Nair, “Redundant data transmission in
control/estimation over wireless networks”, Proc. American
Control Conf., St. Louis, USA, IEEE,
pp. 3378 - 83, June 2009.
Rotkowitz, G. Nair, “An LP for stabilization over
networks with rate constraints”, Proc. 18th Int.
Symp. Mathematical Theory of Networks and
Systems (MTNS08), Blacksburg, USA,
2008, pp. 1 – 3.
- A. Gurt, G. Nair, “Internal
stability of dynamically quantised control for
stochastic scalar plants”, Proc. 17th IFAC
World Congress, Int. Fed. Automatic
Control, pp. 5197 - 202, July 2008
P. Minero, M. Franceschetti , S. Dey & G.
Nair, "Data rate
theorem for stabilization over fading channels",
Proc. 45th
Annual Allerton Conf. Communications, Control
and Computing, pp. 182-9, Uni. Illinois
Urbana-Champaign, USA, Sep. 2007.
Gurt & G. N. Nair, “Performance analysis
of bit-rate-limited stochastic control
systems”, Proc.
15th Mediterranean Conf. Control &
Automation (MED'07), IEEE, Athens,
Greece, June 27-29, 2007 (6 pages. ISBN
G. N. Nair & R. J.
Evans, “Cooperative
networked stabilisability of linear systems
with measurement noise”, Proc. 15th
Mediterranean Conf. Control & Automation,
IEEE, Athens, Greece, June 27-29, 2007 (6
pages. ISBN 978-960-254-664-2)
G. N. Nair & J. Baillieul, “Time to failure
of quantized control via a binary symmetric
channel”, Proc.
45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
(CDC'06), pp. 2883 - 8, San Diego, USA,
N. Nair, M. Huang & R. J. Evans, "Optimal infinite
horizon control under a low data rate", Proc. 14th IFAC
Symp. Modelling, Identification and Signal
Processing (SYSID 2006), Newcastle,
Mar. 2006. (6 pages)
G. Z. Zhang, G. N.
Nair, R. J. Evans, B. Wittenmark, "A
data-rate-limited view of adaptive control", Proc. 14th IFAC Symp. Modelling,
Identification and Signal Processing, Newcastle,
Mar. 2006. (6 pages)
M. Huang, G. N. Nair
& R. J. Evans, "Finite horizon LQ optimal
control and computation with data rate
constraints", Proc.
44th IEEE Conf. Decision & Control, Sevilla,
Spain, pp. 179-84, Dec. 2005.
M. Huang & G.
N. Nair, "Detection of
random targets in sensor networks with
applications", Proc.
16th World
Congress Int. Fed. Automatic Control (IFAC),
Praha, Czech Republic, July 2005.
(6 pages)
N. Nair, R.J. Evans & P.E. Caines,
“Stabilising decentralised linear systems
under data rate constraints”, Proc. 43rd IEEE Conf.
Decision & Control, pp. 3992-7, Nassau,
Bahamas, 2004.
G. N. Nair, R. J.
Evans, I. M. Y. Mareels & W. Moran,
"Topological feedback entropy for nonlinear
stabilization", Proc. 6th IFAC Symp. Nonlinear
Control Systems, Stuttgart,
Germany, pp. 1283-8, Vol.3, Sep. 2004.
N. Nair, S. Dey & R. J. Evans, ``Infimum
data rates for stabilising Markov jump linear
systems", Proc.
42nd IEEE Conf. Decision & Control, pp.
1176-81, Maui, USA, Dec. 2003.
N. Nair, R. J. Evans, I. M. Y. Mareels &
W. Moran, "Feedback
data rates for nonlinear systems", Proc. European Control
Conference, European Control Association,
pp. 731-6, Cambridge Uni., UK, Sep. 2003.
N. Nair & R. J. Evans,``Mean square
stabilisability of stochastic linear systems
with data rate constraints", Proc. 41st IEEE Conf.
Dec. Contr., pp. 1632-7, Las Vegas,
USA, 2002.
G. N.
Nair, S. Dey & R. J. Evans, "Communication-limited
stabilisability of jump Markov linear
systems", Proc. 15th Int. Symp.
Mathematical Theory of Networks & Systems, Uni.
Notre Dame, Indiana, USA, Aug. 2002. (10
G. N.
Nair & R. J. Evans,``Exponential
stabilisability of multidimensional linear
systems with finite data rates'', Proc. 15th World
Congress IFAC, Barcelona, Spain, July
2002. (6 pages)
N. Nair & R. J. Evans, "Optimal control
under a data rate constraint'', Proc. UKACC Int. Conf.
Control, IEE ZZ057, Cambridge Uni.,
UK, 2000 (6 pages) [Best
Theory Paper Prize]
- G.
N. Nair & R. J. Evans,
``Communication-limited stabilization of
linear systems'', Proc. 39th IEEE Conf.
Dec. Contr., Sydney, Australia, pp.
1005-10, 2000.
N. Nair & R. J. Evans, ``A finite-dimensional
coder-estimator for rate- constrained state
estimation'', Proc. 14th World Congress
IFAC, Beijing, China, vol. I, pp.
19-24, July 1999.
G. N. Nair & R. J.
Evans, "Structural
results for finite bit-rate state
estimation'', Proc. Information,
Decision & Control,
Adelaide, Australia, IEEE, pp. 47-51, Feb.
G. N. Nair & R. J.
Evans, "State estimation under bit-rate
constraints'', Proc.
37th IEEE Conf. Dec. Contr.,
Tampa, USA, pp. 251-6, 1998.
N. Nair & R. J. Evans, "State estimation
via a capacity-limited communication
channel'', Proc.
36th IEEE Conf. Dec. Contr., San
Diego, USA, pp. 866-71, 1997.
Selected Invited
- Tutorial lecture, 54th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, Osaka, Japan, Dec. 2015.
- DISC Summer School on Control for Cyber-Physical Systems, Zandvoort, The Netherlands, June 2015.
- Invited lecture, Workshop Control Theory: A Mathematical Perspective on Cyber-Physical Systems, Mathematics Inst. Oberwolfach (MFO), Germany, Feb. 2015.
- Plenary lecture, Australian Control Conference, Canberra, Nov. 2014
- Australian School of Information Theory, Adelaide, Nov. 2014.
- Plenary lecture, IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Hobart, Nov. 2014
- Workshop in
Information and Control in Networks,
LCCC, Lund, Sweden, Oct. 17-19, 2012
- Keynote lectures, DFG SPP Workshop: Information Theory
for Control, Augsburg, Germany, June 6-7,
- Plenary panel, 9th IEEE Int. Conf. Control &
Automation, Santiago, Chile, Dec. 20,
- Keynote lecture, 1st IFAC Workshop on Estimation
& Control of Networked Systems,
Venice, Italy, 25 Sep, 2009
- Workshop Control Theory: On the Way to
New Application Fields, Mathematics Inst.
Oberwolfach (MFO), Germany, Feb. 2009.
- Keynote lectures, DFG SPP Workshop: Information and
Control, Augsburg, Germany, Feb.18-19,
- Global CoE Workshop on Networked
Control, Kyoto Uni., Japan, March 2008
- Plenary lecture, NEWCOM-ACoRN Joint Workshop,
Vienna, Austria, 2006
- Keynote lecture, 5th Australian Communication Theory
Workshop, Newcastle, 2004.
Grants (Australian Research Council)
- FT140100527, G.N. Nair, Nonstochastic Information Flows in Networked Dynamical Systems, 2015 - 9.
- DP140100819, T. Alpcan, G.N. Nair, R. Evans, The Role of Information in Game-Theoretic Decisions on
Distributed Systems, 2014 - 6 - DP120101122,
S. Dey, G.N. Nair, E. Weyer, Networked System Identification,
Estimation and Control: Performance Optimization under Communication
and Resource Constraints, 2012-4.
- DP110102401, G.N. Nair, F. Colonius, R.J. Evans,
Feedback Entropy in Dynamic Systems, 2011-3.
- DP0985397 S. Dey, G.N. Nair, A.S. Leong
(APD), Resource-Aware Signal Processing and
Control Algorithms for Networked Sensor Systems,
- DP0664317 S. Dey, J.S. Evans, G.N. Nair,
Distributed Estimation and Control under
Communication Constraints, 2006-8
- LP0349134 E. Weyer, I.M. Mareels, M.W.
Cantoni, G.N. Nair, Control and Safety
Monitoring Systems for Large Scale Irrigation
Networks, 2003-8
- DP0345044 G.N. Nair, R.J. Evans, S.
Dey, Towards an Information Theory for
Communication-Limited Control Systems, 2003-5
- DP0210197 R. Evans, V.
Krishnamurthy, I.M.Y. Mareels, M.W.
Cantoni, D.A. Thomas, G. Nair, Design of
Large-Scale Interconnected Dynamical Systems,
- ELEN90030 Information Theory (2015)
- ELEN90054 Probability and
Random Models (2011-4)
- ELEN90057
Communication Systems (2011-2, 2014)
- 431-327
Communication Systems
(part 1 of 2, 2002-4; whole subject 2005-10)
- 431-325
Stochastic Signals & Systems ( part 2 of 2,
2003-4 & 2009; whole subject in 2010)
- 431-222 Electronic Circuit
Design, part 1 of 2 (2006-7)
- 431-658 Advanced Linear Systems & Control,
part 2 of 3 (graduate course) (2003-4)
- 431-460 Digital Communications, part 1 of 2
- 431-102
Digital Systems 1 (2002)
- 431-330
Design Laboratory supervision (2001-9)
- 431-400
Project Work supervision (2001-7)
- Ph.D., Dept.
Electrical & Electronic Eng.,
University of Melbourne, 2000.
- B.Sc.,
University of Melbourne, 1995. Majors in
mathematics & physics.
- B.E.
(Elec)(1st Class Hons), University of Melbourne,
- 2000: Best
Theory Paper Prize, UKACC International Conference on
Control, Cambridge Uni., UK.
- 1996-9: Overseas
Postgraduate Research & Melbourne University
Malaysia Alumni Scholarships
- (1996: Cambridge
Commonwealth Trust (Blue Circle) & St. John's
College Scholarship offers -
- 1994: L.R. East Medal
for Best Performance in Final Year Engineering
- 1994-5:
Summer Vacation Scholarship, Division of
Radiophysics, Commonwealth
Scientific & Industrial Research
Organisation (CSIRO), Sydney,
- 1994: Dixson
Prize in Electrical Engineering
- 1994: Dean's
Honour List in Electrical Engineering - 4th Year
- 1994: Dean's
Honour List in Science - 2nd Year
- 1992: Siemens
Prize in Electrical Engineering - 2nd Year
- 1992: Dixson
Prize in Applied Mathematics - 2nd Year
- 1992: Dixson
Prize in Pure Mathematics - 2nd Year
- 1991:
Exhibition Prize in Engineering Mathematics -
1st Year
- 1991: Dixson
Prize in Applied Mathematics - 1st Year
- 1991: Dixson
Prize in Pure Mathematics - 1st Year
- 1991-5: Australian
Government Merit Scholarship
- 1990:
Individual 2nd
Prize, National Mathematics Competition, Malaysian
Mathematical Society
Career History
- Feb. 2015 - 2019: Australian Research Council Future Fellow, Dept. Electrical & Electronic Eng., Uni. Melbourne.
- From 2014 on: Professor (continuing), Dept. Electrical & Electronic Eng., Uni. Melbourne.
- Sep. 2013 - Jan. 2014: Visiting professor, Swiss Federal Inst. Technology (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland
- 2008 - 13: Associate
Professor (continuing), Dept. Elec. & Electr.
Eng., Uni. Melb.
- 2003
- 7: Senior
Lecturer (continuing), Dept. Elec. &
Electr. Eng., Uni. Melb.
- May - July 2005: Visiting
scholar, Boston Uni., USA.
- Feb. - May 2005:
Academic exchange, University of Padova, Italy.
- 2002-3:
Senior Lecturer (contract), Dept. Elec. &
Electr. Eng., Uni Melb.
- Aug. 1999-2001: Lecturer
(contract), Dept. Elec. & Electr. Eng., Uni.
- 1995-8: Residential
Tutor (Engin.), International
House, Uni. Melb
- Summer 1994: Vacation
scholar, Dept. Mathematics &
Statistics, Uni. Melb.
- Finance Chair, 56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Melbourne, Dec. 2017
- Vice Program Chair, 6th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control of Networked Systems (NecSys), Tokyo, Japan, Sep. 2016
- Best Student Paper Prize Panel member, NecSys 2016 Tokyo; NecSys 2015, Philadelphia, USA; NecSys 2012, Santa Barbara, USA
- Program Committee member, IEEE 2016 Conf. Norbert Wiener in the 21st Century, Melbourne.
- Associate
Editor, IEEE Transactions on Automatic
Control, USA, 2011-5.
- Associate
Editor, SIAM
Journal on Control and Optimization, USA,
- Editorial
Board member, IET
Control Theory & Applications, UK,
- Program Committee member, IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control (MSC), 2015
- Program Committee member, 17th Int. Conf. Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC 2014), Berlin,
Germany, 2014. - International Program Committee member, 19th – 21st International Symposia on the Mathematical Theory of
Networks and Systems (MTNS): Budapest, Hungary, 2010; Melbourne, 2012; Groningen, The Netherlands, 2014. - Technical Program Committee member, 1st & 2nd IFAC NecSys: Venice, Italy, 2009 and Annecy, France, 2010.
- International Program Committee member, 1st - 6th Australian Control Conferences (AuCC): Melbourne,
2011; Sydney, 2012; Perth, 2013; Canberra, 2014; Gold Coast, 2015; Newcastle, 2016. - Member, IFAC Technical Committee on Networked Systems, since 2005.
This page, its contents and style, are the
responsibility of the author and do not
necessarily represent the views, policies or
opinions of the University of Melbourne.
: 10th September, 1997
Modified : 1/7/14
by: Girish Nair