SIGIR'98 demonstrations: SIM: the Structured Information Manager

SIM: the Structured Information Manager

Ron Sacks-Davis
Department of Computer Science, RMIT University, Carlton 3053, Australia.

Alan Kent
Department of Computer Science, RMIT University, Carlton 3053, Australia.


SIM, the Structured Information Manager, is an information retrieval system which is designed to manage multi-gigabyte collections of documents containing text, images, and other forms of data, storing them natively in SGML, MARC, RTF, and ASCII formats. It is a fully-fledged system that provides integrated support for efficient ranked full text, boolean, and structural querying via a robust database server capable of practically managing multi-gigabyte document collections.

SIM can and has been used for a variety of applications, including bibliographic and full-text retrieval, legal statute management, and intra-net document delivery. SIM represents the concrete implementation of numerous advanced information retrieval research issues, including text indexing and querying techniques, storage and querying of structured documents, automatic document markup, and the management and versioning of legal documents.

24-28 August 1998
Melbourne, Australia.