2016 Lecture Schedule, Semester 2, 2016):
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Perspective & Polygonal Geometry (basis of Blender & Unity)
Lecture 3: The rendering pipeline I; the CG shader language & the GPU
Lecture 4: 2D transformations (Matrix geometry and homogeneous coordinates)
Lecture 5: 3D transformations (Quaternion geometry)
Lecture 6: Virtual Environments and Game AI - Invited Lecture (Michael Papasimeon)
Lecture 7: Lighting - Illumination models
Lecture 8: Lighting - Surface rendering and shading
Lecture 9: Rasterization and barycentric coordinates - (CG shader lanaguge)
Lecture 10: Colour, Texture & Bump mapping: Colour slides & Textre and other Mappings (Angel, Chapter 7, from CMU).
Lecture 11: Interpolation & parametric equations (piecewise, linear, polynomial & splines) & A coder's guide to spline-based procedural geometry, Unite 2015, Boston (Youtube).
Lecture 12: Ray tracing & shadow volumes & Shadow Volumes toolkit (Unity) & Practical Techniques for Ray Tracing (tutorial)
Lecture 13: Input (Interaction, Picking in 3D & Accelerometers)
Lecture 14: Project 2 - examples & group formation
Lecture 15: Radiosity & Global illumination
Lecture 16: Mid-Semester Test
Lecture 17: Particle systems & Geometry shaders (in Unity)
Lecture 18: Movement & kinematics (in Unity)
Lecture 19: Dedicated to working on project 2
Lecture 20: Dedicated to working on project 2
Lecture 21: Lecture 21: Inverse Kinematics
Lecture 22: Augmented Reality (Hololens)

Wk Begins Lectures & Tutorials Reading Labs/Tutorials Projects/Assignments
1 25 Jul Lecture 1: Introduction

Lecture 2: Perspective & Polygonal Geometry (basis of Blender & Unity)
  No lab/tute in first week Installation of Unity
Installation of Blender
Installation of Visual Studio
Microsoft DramSpark program
2 1 Aug Lecture 3: The rendering pipeline I; the CG shader language & the GPU

Lecture 4: 2D transformations (Matrix geometry and homogeneous coordinates)

Download lab material at http://tinyurl.com/graphics2016  
3 8 Aug Lecture 5: 3D transformations (Quaternion geometry)

Lecture 6: Virtual Environments and Game AI - Invited Lecture (Michael Papasimeon)

4 15 Aug Lecture 7: Lighting - Illumination models

Lecture 8: Lighting - Surface rendering and shading

  Project 1 released
5 22 Aug Lecture 9: Rasterization and barycentric coordinates - (CG shader lanaguge)

Lecture 10: Colour, Texture & Bump mapping: Colour slides & Texture and other Mappings (Angel, Chapter 7).
Wikipedi'ata: Diamond-square algorithm

6 29 Aug Lecture 11: Interpolation & parametric equations (piecewise, linear, polynomial & splines) & A coder's guide to spline-based procedural geometry, Unite 2015, Boston (Youtube).

Lecture 12: Ray tracing & shadow volumes & Shadow Volumes toolkit (Unity)
Wikipedi'ata: Bicubic Interpolation   Slides from Interactive Computer Graphics Course (Imperial College): Spline curves lecture & Spline surfaces lecture

Practical Techniques for Ray Tracing (tutorial)
Slides from Interactive Computer Graphics Course (Imperial College): Ray Tracing (I) & Ray Tracing (II)
7 5 Sep Lecture 13: Input (Interaction, Picking in 3D & Accelerometers)

Lecture 14: Project 2 - examples & group formation
COMP30019 Apps from previous years

Animation slides (Stanford University) - see slides on Cel Shading
  Project 2 released

Project 1 due
8 12 Sep Lecture 15: Radiosity & Global illumination

Lecture 16: Mid Semester Test (in the normal lecture location)
Radiosity (Angel text, Section 11.5)

Radiosity (Foley text, Section 11.5)

Radiosity (Principles) (Lectures slides from IMP)

Radiosity (Computational Issues) (Lecture slides frim IMP)

What is examinable in the Mid Semester Test

An Example Mid-Semester test is available. , together with Solutions for example Mid-Semester test
  Mid Semester Test Results
9 19 Sep Lecture 17: Particle systems & Geometry shaders (in Unity)

Lecture 18: Movement & kinematics (in Unity)

Setting up Unity for Windows Universal App Deployment - Instructions  
  26 Sep Non-teaching period   No tute  
10 3 Oct Lecture 19: Dedicated to working on project 2

Lecture 20: Dedicated to working on project 2

  Project 1 Marks (Excel format)

Project 1 Marks (CSV format)
11 10 Oct Lecture 21: Lecture 21: Inverse Kinematics

Lecture 22: Augmented Reality (Hololens)
Kinematics slides - from slide 13 onwards (Imperial College)

12 17 Oct Project demos

Project demos
  What is examinable in the Exam?

Sample exam questions (collated from previous years exams)

Sample exam questions solutions (suggested solutions)
  Initial electronic submission (Monday 8am)

Final electronic submission (Friday 4pm)